1 X:1
2 T:Lads-a-Bunchum
3 M:4/4
4 C:
5 S:Seabright \& Bruno
6 N:
7 A:Adderbury
8 O:English
9 R:Reel
10 P:A.(AB)6B
11 K:G
12 I:speed 400
13 P:A
14 |: A2 | B2 B2 Bcde | c2 A2 A2 \
15 w: * Oh dear moth-er, what a fool I've been,
16 w: * Five were blind_ and the other couldn't see,
17 Bc | d2 d2 dcBA | B2 G2 G2 :|
18 w: ** Six young mai-dens come a court-in' me.
19 w: ** oh dear moth-er, what a fool I've been!
20 P:B
21 |: gf | e2 d2 d2 GA | B2 B2 B2 gf | e2 d2 c2 B2 | A2 G2 G2 :|