Mercurial > dottes
comparison abc2xml/ @ 484:4fab69a1027d build-default-207
Add MusicXML conversion to tune pages.
Might help someone.
author | Jim Hague <> |
date | Tue, 17 Jun 2014 09:11:38 +0100 (2014-06-17) |
parents | |
children | b1dbb76f4eb9 |
483:681274f40615 | 484:4fab69a1027d |
1 # coding=latin-1 | |
2 ''' | |
3 Copyright (C) 2012: Willem G. Vree | |
4 Contributions: Nils Liberg, Nicolas Froment, Norman Schmidt, Reinier Maliepaard, Martin Tarenskeen | |
5 | |
6 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the | |
7 GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of | |
8 the License, or (at your option) any later version. | |
9 | |
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; | |
11 without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. | |
12 See the GNU General Public License for more details. <>. | |
13 ''' | |
14 | |
15 from pyparsing import Word, OneOrMore, Optional, Literal, NotAny, MatchFirst | |
16 from pyparsing import Group, oneOf, Suppress, ZeroOrMore, Combine, FollowedBy | |
17 from pyparsing import srange, CharsNotIn, StringEnd, LineEnd, White, Regex | |
18 from pyparsing import nums, alphas, alphanums, ParseException, Forward | |
19 try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as E | |
20 except: import xml.etree.ElementTree as E | |
21 import types, sys, os, re, datetime | |
22 | |
23 VERSION = 58 | |
24 | |
25 def info (s, warn=1): | |
26 x = (warn and '-- ' or '') + s | |
27 try: sys.stderr.write (x + '\n') | |
28 except: sys.stderr.write (repr (x) + '\n') | |
29 | |
30 def abc_grammar (): # header, voice and lyrics grammar for ABC | |
31 b1 = Word (u"-,'<>\u2019#", exact=1) # catch misplaced chars in chords | |
32 | |
33 #----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
34 # ABC header (fld_text elements are matched later with reg. epr's) | |
35 #----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
36 | |
37 number = Word (nums).setParseAction (lambda t: int (t[0])) | |
38 field_str = Regex (r'(?:\\.|[^]\\])*') # match anything until end of field, skip escaped \] | |
39 field_str.setParseAction (lambda t: t[0].strip ()) # and strip spacing | |
40 | |
41 userdef_symbol = Word (srange ('[H-Wh-w~]'), exact=1) | |
42 fieldId = oneOf ('K L M Q P I T C O A Z N G H R B D F S E r') # info fields | |
43 X_field = Literal ('X') + Suppress (':') + number + field_str | |
44 U_field = Literal ('U') + Suppress (':') + userdef_symbol + Suppress ('=') + field_str | |
45 V_field = Literal ('V') + Suppress (':') + Word (alphanums + '_') + field_str | |
46 inf_fld = fieldId + Suppress (':') + field_str | |
47 ifield = Suppress ('[') + (X_field | U_field | V_field | inf_fld) + Suppress (']') | |
48 abc_header = OneOrMore (ifield) + StringEnd () | |
49 | |
50 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
51 # I:score with recursive part groups and {* grand staff marker | |
52 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
53 | |
54 voiceId = Suppress (Optional ('*')) + Word (alphanums + '_') | |
55 voice_gr = Suppress ('(') + OneOrMore (voiceId | Suppress ('|')) + Suppress (')') | |
56 simple_part = voiceId | voice_gr | Suppress ('|') | |
57 grand_staff = oneOf ('{* {') + OneOrMore (simple_part) + Suppress ('}') | |
58 part = Forward () | |
59 part_seq = OneOrMore (part | Suppress ('|')) | |
60 brace_gr = Suppress ('{') + part_seq + Suppress ('}') | |
61 bracket_gr = Suppress ('[') + part_seq + Suppress ('\]') # closing brackets are escaped by splitHeaderVoices | |
62 part << MatchFirst (simple_part | grand_staff | brace_gr | bracket_gr | Suppress ('|')) | |
63 abc_scoredef = Suppress (oneOf ('staves score')) + OneOrMore (part) | |
64 | |
65 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
66 # ABC voice (not white space sensitive, beams detected in note/rest parse actions) | |
67 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
68 | |
69 inline_field = Suppress ('[') + (inf_fld | U_field | V_field) + Suppress (']') | |
70 | |
71 note_length = Optional (number, 1) + Group (ZeroOrMore ('/')) + Optional (number, 2) | |
72 octaveHigh = OneOrMore ("'").setParseAction (lambda t: len(t)) | |
73 octaveLow = OneOrMore (',').setParseAction (lambda t: -len(t)) | |
74 octave = octaveHigh | octaveLow | |
75 | |
76 basenote = oneOf ('C D E F G A B c d e f g a b y') # includes spacer for parse efficiency | |
77 accidental = oneOf ('^^ __ ^ _ =') | |
78 rest_sym = oneOf ('x X z Z') | |
79 slur_beg = oneOf ('( .(') + ~Word (nums) # no tuplet_start | |
80 slur_ends = OneOrMore (oneOf (') .)')) | |
81 | |
82 long_decoration = Combine (oneOf ('! +') + CharsNotIn ('!+ \n') + oneOf ('! +')) | |
83 staccato = Literal ('.') + ~Literal ('|') # avoid dotted barline | |
84 decoration = staccato | userdef_symbol | long_decoration | slur_beg | |
85 decorations = OneOrMore (decoration) | |
86 staff_decos = decorations + ~oneOf (': | [|] []') | |
87 | |
88 tie = oneOf ('.- -') | |
89 rest = Optional (accidental) + rest_sym + note_length | |
90 pitch = Optional (accidental) + basenote + Optional (octave, 0) | |
91 note = pitch + note_length + Optional (tie) + Optional (slur_ends) | |
92 chord_note = Optional (decorations) + pitch + note_length + Optional (tie) + Optional (slur_ends) | |
93 chord_notes = OneOrMore (chord_note | rest | b1) | |
94 grace_notes = Forward () | |
95 chord = Suppress ('[') + OneOrMore (chord_notes | grace_notes) + Suppress (']') + note_length + Optional (tie) + Optional (slur_ends) | |
96 stem = note | chord | rest | |
97 | |
98 broken = Combine (OneOrMore ('<') | OneOrMore ('>')) | |
99 | |
100 tuplet_num = Suppress ('(') + number | |
101 tuplet_into = Suppress (':') + Optional (number, 0) | |
102 tuplet_notes = Suppress (':') + Optional (number, 0) | |
103 tuplet_start = tuplet_num + Optional (tuplet_into + Optional (tuplet_notes)) | |
104 | |
105 acciaccatura = Literal ('/') | |
106 grace_stem = Optional (decorations) + stem | |
107 grace_notes << Group (Suppress ('{') + Optional (acciaccatura) + OneOrMore (grace_stem) + Suppress ('}')) | |
108 | |
109 text_expression = Optional (oneOf ('^ _ < > @'), '^') + Optional (CharsNotIn ('"'), "") | |
110 chord_accidental = oneOf ('# b =') | |
111 triad = oneOf ('ma Maj maj M mi min m aug dim o + -') | |
112 seventh = oneOf ('7 ma7 Maj7 M7 maj7 mi7 m7 dim7 o7 -7 aug7 +7 m7b5 mi7b5') | |
113 sixth = oneOf ('6 ma6 M6 m6 mi6') | |
114 ninth = oneOf ('9 ma9 M9 maj9 Maj9 mi9 m9') | |
115 elevn = oneOf ('11 ma11 M11 maj11 Maj11 mi m11') | |
116 suspended = oneOf ('sus sus2 sus4') | |
117 chord_degree = Combine (Optional (chord_accidental) + oneOf ('2 4 5 6 7 9 11 13')) | |
118 chord_kind = Optional (seventh | sixth | ninth | elevn | triad, '_') + Optional (suspended) | |
119 chord_root = oneOf ('C D E F G A B') + Optional (chord_accidental) | |
120 chord_bass = oneOf ('C D E F G A B') + Optional (chord_accidental) # needs a different parse action | |
121 chordsym = chord_root + chord_kind + ZeroOrMore (chord_degree) + Optional (Suppress ('/') + chord_bass) | |
122 chord_sym = chordsym + Optional (Literal ('(') + CharsNotIn (')') + Literal (')')).suppress () | |
123 chord_or_text = Suppress ('"') + (chord_sym ^ text_expression) + Suppress ('"') | |
124 | |
125 volta_nums = Optional ('[').suppress () + Combine (Word (nums) + ZeroOrMore (oneOf (', -') + Word (nums))) | |
126 volta_text = Literal ('[').suppress () + Regex (r'"[^"]+"') | |
127 volta = volta_nums | volta_text | |
128 invisible_barline = oneOf ('[|] []') | |
129 dashed_barline = oneOf (': .|') | |
130 double_rep = Literal (':') + FollowedBy (':') # otherwise ambiguity with dashed barline | |
131 voice_overlay = Combine (OneOrMore ('&')) | |
132 bare_volta = FollowedBy (Literal ('[') + Word (nums)) # no barline, but volta follows (volta is parsed in next measure) | |
133 bar_left = (oneOf ('[|: |: [: :') + Optional (volta)) | Optional ('|').suppress () + volta | oneOf ('| [|') | |
134 bars = ZeroOrMore (':') + ZeroOrMore ('[') + OneOrMore (oneOf ('| ]')) | |
135 bar_right = Optional (decorations) + (invisible_barline | double_rep | Combine (bars) | dashed_barline | voice_overlay | bare_volta) | |
136 | |
137 errors = ~bar_right + Optional (Word (' \n')) + CharsNotIn (':&|', exact=1) | |
138 linebreak = Literal ('$') | ~decorations + Literal ('!') # no need for I:linebreak !!! | |
139 element = inline_field | broken | staff_decos | stem | chord_or_text | grace_notes | tuplet_start | linebreak | errors | |
140 measure = Group (ZeroOrMore (inline_field) + Optional (bar_left) + ZeroOrMore (element) + bar_right + Optional (linebreak)) | |
141 noBarMeasure = Group (ZeroOrMore (inline_field) + Optional (bar_left) + OneOrMore (element) + Optional (linebreak)) | |
142 abc_voice = ZeroOrMore (measure) + Optional (noBarMeasure | Group (bar_left)) + ZeroOrMore (inline_field).suppress () + StringEnd () | |
143 | |
144 #---------------------------------------- | |
145 # ABC lyric lines (white space sensitive) | |
146 #---------------------------------------- | |
147 | |
148 skip_note = oneOf ('* - ~') | |
149 extend_note = Literal ('_') | |
150 measure_end = Literal ('|') | |
151 syl_chars = CharsNotIn ('*~-_| \t\n') | |
152 white = Word (' \t') | |
153 syllable = Combine (Optional ('~') + syl_chars + ZeroOrMore (Literal ('~') + syl_chars)) + Optional ('-') | |
154 lyr_elem = (syllable | skip_note | extend_note | measure_end) + Optional (white).suppress () | |
155 lyr_head = (Literal ('w:') + Optional (white)).suppress () | |
156 lyr_line = Group (lyr_head + ZeroOrMore (lyr_elem) + LineEnd ().suppress ()) | |
157 | |
158 #---------------------------------------------------------------- | |
159 # Parse actions to convert all relevant results into an abstract | |
160 # syntax tree where all tree nodes are instances of pObj | |
161 #---------------------------------------------------------------- | |
162 | |
163 ifield.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('field', t)) | |
164 grand_staff.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('grand', t, 1)) # 1 = keep ordered list of results | |
165 brace_gr.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('bracegr', t, 1)) | |
166 bracket_gr.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('bracketgr', t, 1)) | |
167 voice_gr.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('voicegr', t, 1)) | |
168 voiceId.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('vid', t, 1)) | |
169 abc_scoredef.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('score', t, 1)) | |
170 note_length.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('dur', (t[0], (t[2] << len (t[1])) >> 1))) | |
171 chordsym.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('chordsym', t)) | |
172 chord_root.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('root', t)) | |
173 chord_kind.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('kind', t)) | |
174 chord_degree.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('degree', t)) | |
175 chord_bass.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('bass', t)) | |
176 text_expression.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('text', t)) | |
177 inline_field.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('inline', t)) | |
178 grace_notes.setParseAction (doGrace) # (lambda t: pObj ('grace', t)) | |
179 acciaccatura.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('accia', t)) | |
180 note.setParseAction (noteActn) | |
181 chord_note.setParseAction (noteActn) | |
182 rest.setParseAction (restActn) | |
183 decorations.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('deco', t)) | |
184 slur_ends.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('slurs', t)) | |
185 chord.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('chord', t)) | |
186 tie.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('tie', t)) | |
187 pitch.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('pitch', t)) | |
188 bare_volta.setParseAction (lambda t: ['|']) # return barline that user forgot | |
189 dashed_barline.setParseAction (lambda t: ['.|']) | |
190 bar_right.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('rbar', t)) | |
191 bar_left.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('lbar', t)) | |
192 broken.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('broken', t)) | |
193 tuplet_start.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('tup', t)) | |
194 linebreak.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('linebrk', t)) | |
195 measure.setParseAction (doMaat) | |
196 noBarMeasure.setParseAction (doMaat) | |
197 syllable.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('syl', t)) | |
198 skip_note.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('skip', t)) | |
199 extend_note.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('ext', t)) | |
200 measure_end.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('sbar', t)) | |
201 b1.setParseAction (errorWarn) | |
202 errors.setParseAction (errorWarn) | |
203 lyr_block = OneOrMore (lyr_line).leaveWhitespace () # after leaveWhiteSpace no more parse actions can be set!! | |
204 | |
205 return abc_header, abc_voice, lyr_block, abc_scoredef | |
206 | |
207 class pObj (object): # every relevant parse result is converted into a pObj | |
208 def __init__ (s, name, t, seq=0): # t = list of nested parse results | |
209 = name # name uniqueliy identifies this pObj | |
210 rest = [] # collect parse results that are not a pObj | |
211 attrs = {} # new attributes | |
212 for x in t: # nested pObj's become attributes of this pObj | |
213 if type (x) == pObj: | |
214 attrs [] = attrs.get (, []) + [x] | |
215 else: | |
216 rest.append (x) # collect non-pObj's (mostly literals) | |
217 for name, xs in attrs.items (): | |
218 if len (xs) == 1: xs = xs[0] # only list if more then one pObj | |
219 setattr (s, name, xs) # create the new attributes | |
220 s.t = rest # all nested non-pObj's (mostly literals) | |
221 s.objs = seq and t or [] # for nested ordered (lyric) pObj's | |
222 | |
223 def __repr__ (s): # make a nice string representation of a pObj | |
224 r = [] | |
225 for nm in dir (s): | |
226 if nm.startswith ('_'): continue # skip build in attributes | |
227 elif nm == 'name': continue # redundant | |
228 else: | |
229 x = getattr (s, nm) | |
230 if not x: continue # s.t may be empty (list of non-pObj's) | |
231 if type (x) == types.ListType: r.extend (x) | |
232 else: r.append (x) | |
233 xs = [] | |
234 for x in r: # recursively call __repr__ and convert all strings to latin-1 | |
235 if isinstance (x, types.StringTypes): | |
236 try: xs.append (x.encode ('latin-1')) | |
237 except: xs.append (repr (x)) # string -> no recursion | |
238 else: xs.append (repr (x)) # pObj -> recursive call | |
239 return '(' + + ' ' +','.join (xs) + ')' | |
240 | |
241 global prevloc # global to remember previous match position of a note/rest | |
242 prevloc = 0 | |
243 def detectBeamBreak (line, loc, t): | |
244 global prevloc # location in string 'line' of previous note match | |
245 xs = line[prevloc:loc+1] # string between previous and current note match | |
246 xs = xs.lstrip () # first note match starts on a space! | |
247 prevloc = loc # location in string 'line' of current note match | |
248 b = pObj ('bbrk', [' ' in xs]) # space somewhere between two notes -> beambreak | |
249 t.insert (0, b) # insert beambreak as a nested parse result | |
250 | |
251 def noteActn (line, loc, t): # detect beambreak between previous and current note/rest | |
252 if 'y' in t[0].t: return [] # discard spacer | |
253 detectBeamBreak (line, loc, t) # adds beambreak to parse result t as side effect | |
254 return pObj ('note', t) | |
255 | |
256 def restActn (line, loc, t): # detect beambreak between previous and current note/rest | |
257 detectBeamBreak (line, loc, t) # adds beambreak to parse result t as side effect | |
258 return pObj ('rest', t) | |
259 | |
260 def errorWarn (line, loc, t): # warning for misplaced symbols and skip them | |
261 info ('**misplaced symbol: %s' % t[0], warn=0) | |
262 lineCopy = line [:] | |
263 if loc > 40: | |
264 lineCopy = line [loc - 40: loc + 40] | |
265 loc = 40 | |
266 info (lineCopy.replace ('\n', ' '), warn=0) | |
267 info (loc * '-' + '^', warn=0) | |
268 return [] | |
269 | |
270 #------------------------------------------------------------- | |
271 # transformations of a measure (called by parse action doMaat) | |
272 #------------------------------------------------------------- | |
273 | |
274 def simplify (a, b): # divide a and b by their greatest common divisor | |
275 x, y = a, b | |
276 while b: a, b = b, a % b | |
277 return x / a, y / a | |
278 | |
279 def doBroken (prev, brk, x): | |
280 if not prev: info ('error in broken rhythm: %s' % x); return # no changes | |
281 nom1, den1 = prev.dur.t # duration of first note/chord | |
282 nom2, den2 = x.dur.t # duration of second note/chord | |
283 if brk == '>': | |
284 nom1, den1 = simplify (3 * nom1, 2 * den1) | |
285 nom2, den2 = simplify (1 * nom2, 2 * den2) | |
286 elif brk == '<': | |
287 nom1, den1 = simplify (1 * nom1, 2 * den1) | |
288 nom2, den2 = simplify (3 * nom2, 2 * den2) | |
289 elif brk == '>>': | |
290 nom1, den1 = simplify (7 * nom1, 4 * den1) | |
291 nom2, den2 = simplify (1 * nom2, 4 * den2) | |
292 elif brk == '<<': | |
293 nom1, den1 = simplify (1 * nom1, 4 * den1) | |
294 nom2, den2 = simplify (7 * nom2, 4 * den2) | |
295 else: return # give up | |
296 prev.dur.t = nom1, den1 # change duration of previous note/chord | |
297 x.dur.t = nom2, den2 # and current note/chord | |
298 | |
299 def convertBroken (t): # convert broken rhythms to normal note durations | |
300 prev = None # the last note/chord before the broken symbol | |
301 brk = '' # the broken symbol | |
302 remove = [] # indexes to broken symbols (to be deleted) in measure | |
303 for i, x in enumerate (t): # scan all elements in measure | |
304 if == 'note' or == 'chord' or == 'rest': | |
305 if brk: # a broken symbol was encountered before | |
306 doBroken (prev, brk, x) # change duration previous note/chord/rest and current one | |
307 brk = '' | |
308 else: | |
309 prev = x # remember the last note/chord/rest | |
310 elif == 'broken': | |
311 brk = x.t[0] # remember the broken symbol (=string) | |
312 remove.insert (0, i) # and its index, highest index first | |
313 for i in remove: del t[i] # delete broken symbols from high to low | |
314 | |
315 def convertChord (t): # convert chord to sequence of notes in musicXml-style | |
316 ins = [] | |
317 for i, x in enumerate (t): | |
318 if == 'chord': | |
319 if hasattr (x, 'rest') and not hasattr (x, 'note'): # chords containing only rests | |
320 if type ( == types.ListType: =[0] # more rests == one rest | |
321 ins.insert (0, (i, [])) # just output a single rest, no chord | |
322 continue | |
323 num1, den1 = x.dur.t # chord duration | |
324 tie = getattr (x, 'tie', None) # chord tie | |
325 slurs = getattr (x, 'slurs', []) # slur endings | |
326 deco = getattr (x, 'deco', []) # chord decorations | |
327 if type (x.note) != types.ListType: x.note = [x.note] # when chord has only one note ... | |
328 for j, nt in enumerate (x.note): # all notes of the chord | |
329 num2, den2 = nt.dur.t # note duration * chord duration | |
330 nt.dur.t = simplify (num1 * num2, den1 * den2) | |
331 if tie: nt.tie = tie # tie on all chord notes | |
332 if j == 0 and deco: nt.deco = deco # decorations only on first chord note | |
333 if j == 0 and slurs: nt.slurs = slurs # slur endings only on first chord note | |
334 if j > 0: nt.chord = pObj ('chord', [1]) # label all but first as chord notes | |
335 else: # remember all pitches of the chord in the first note | |
336 pitches = [n.pitch for n in x.note] # to implement conversion of erroneous ties to slurs | |
337 nt.pitches = pObj ('pitches', pitches) | |
338 ins.insert (0, (i, x.note)) # high index first | |
339 for i, notes in ins: # insert from high to low | |
340 for nt in reversed (notes): | |
341 t.insert (i+1, nt) # insert chord notes after chord | |
342 del t[i] # remove chord itself | |
343 | |
344 def doMaat (t): # t is a Group() result -> the measure is in t[0] | |
345 convertBroken (t[0]) # remove all broken rhythms and convert to normal durations | |
346 convertChord (t[0]) # replace chords by note sequences in musicXML style | |
347 | |
348 def doGrace (t): # t is a Group() result -> the grace sequence is in t[0] | |
349 convertChord (t[0]) # a grace sequence may have chords | |
350 for nt in t[0]: # flag all notes within the grace sequence | |
351 if == 'note': nt.grace = 1 # set grace attribute | |
352 return t[0] # ungroup the parse result | |
353 #-------------------- | |
354 # musicXML generation | |
355 #---------------------------------- | |
356 | |
357 def compChordTab (): # avoid some typing work: returns mapping constant {ABC chordsyms -> musicXML kind} | |
358 maj, min, aug, dim, dom, ch7, ch6, ch9, ch11, hd = 'major minor augmented diminished dominant -seventh -sixth -ninth -11th half-diminished'.split () | |
359 triad = zip ('ma Maj maj M mi min m aug dim o + -'.split (), [maj, maj, maj, maj, min, min, min, aug, dim, dim, aug, min]) | |
360 seventh = zip ('7 ma7 Maj7 M7 maj7 mi7 m7 dim7 o7 -7 aug7 +7 m7b5 mi7b5'.split (), | |
361 [dom, maj+ch7, maj+ch7, maj+ch7, maj+ch7, min+ch7, min+ch7, dim+ch7, dim+ch7, min+ch7, aug+ch7, aug+ch7, hd, hd]) | |
362 sixth = zip ('6 ma6 M6 mi6 m6'.split (), [maj+ch6, maj+ch6, maj+ch6, min+ch6, min+ch6]) | |
363 ninth = zip ('9 ma9 M9 maj9 Maj9 mi9 m9'.split (), [dom+ch9, maj+ch9, maj+ch9, maj+ch9, maj+ch9, min+ch9, min+ch9]) | |
364 elevn = zip ('11 ma11 M11 maj11 Maj11 mi11 m11'.split (), [dom+ch11, maj+ch11, maj+ch11, maj+ch11, maj+ch11, min+ch11, min+ch11]) | |
365 return dict (triad + seventh + sixth + ninth + elevn) | |
366 | |
367 def addElem (parent, child, level): | |
368 indent = 2 | |
369 chldrn = parent.getchildren () | |
370 if chldrn: | |
371 chldrn[-1].tail += indent * ' ' | |
372 else: | |
373 parent.text = '\n' + level * indent * ' ' | |
374 parent.append (child) | |
375 child.tail = '\n' + (level-1) * indent * ' ' | |
376 | |
377 def addElemT (parent, tag, text, level): | |
378 e = E.Element (tag) | |
379 e.text = text | |
380 addElem (parent, e, level) | |
381 | |
382 def mkTmod (tmnum, tmden, lev): | |
383 tmod = E.Element ('time-modification') | |
384 addElemT (tmod, 'actual-notes', str (tmnum), lev + 1) | |
385 addElemT (tmod, 'normal-notes', str (tmden), lev + 1) | |
386 return tmod | |
387 | |
388 def addDirection (parent, elem, lev, gstaff, subelms=[], placement='below', cue_on=0): | |
389 dir = E.Element ('direction', placement=placement) | |
390 addElem (parent, dir, lev) | |
391 typ = E.Element ('direction-type') | |
392 addElem (dir, typ, lev + 1) | |
393 addElem (typ, elem, lev + 2) | |
394 for subel in subelms: addElem (elem, subel, lev + 3) | |
395 if cue_on: addElem (dir, E.Element ('level', size='cue'), lev + 1) | |
396 if gstaff: addElemT (dir, 'staff', str (gstaff), lev + 1) | |
397 return dir | |
398 | |
399 def removeElems (root_elem, parent_str, elem_str): | |
400 for p in root_elem.findall (parent_str): | |
401 e = p.find (elem_str) | |
402 if e != None: p.remove (e) | |
403 | |
404 def alignLyr (vce, lyrs): | |
405 empty_el = pObj ('leeg', '*') | |
406 for k, lyr in enumerate (lyrs): # lyr = one full line of lyrics | |
407 i = 0 # syl counter | |
408 for msre in vce: # reiterate the voice block for each lyrics line | |
409 for elem in msre: | |
410 if == 'note' and not (hasattr (elem, 'chord') or hasattr (elem, 'grace')): | |
411 if i >= len (lyr): lr = empty_el | |
412 else: lr = lyr [i] | |
413 elem.objs.append (lr) | |
414 if != 'sbar': i += 1 | |
415 if i < len (lyr) and lyr[i].name == 'sbar': i += 1 | |
416 return vce | |
417 | |
418 slur_move = re.compile (r'(?<![!+])([}><][<>]?)(\)+)') # (?<!...) means: not preceeded by ... | |
419 mm_rest = re.compile (r'([XZ])(\d+)') | |
420 bar_space = re.compile (r'([:|][ |\[\]]+[:|])') # barlines with spaces | |
421 def fixSlurs (x): # repair slurs when after broken sign or grace-close | |
422 def f (mo): # replace a multi-measure rest by single measure rests | |
423 n = int ( (2)) | |
424 return (n * ( (1) + '|')) [:-1] | |
425 def g (mo): # squash spaces in barline expressions | |
426 return (1).replace (' ','') | |
427 x = mm_rest.sub (f, x) | |
428 x = bar_space.sub (g, x) | |
429 return slur_move.sub (r'\2\1', x) | |
430 | |
431 def splitHeaderVoices (abctext): | |
432 r1 = re.compile (r'%.*$') # comments | |
433 r2 = re.compile (r'^[A-Z]:.*$') # information field | |
434 r3 = re.compile (r'^%%(?=[^%])') # directive: ^%% folowed by not a % | |
435 xs, nx = [], 0 | |
436 for x in abctext.splitlines (): | |
437 x = x.strip () | |
438 if not x and nx == 1: break # end of tune | |
439 x = r3.sub ('I:', x) # replace %% -> I: | |
440 x2 = r1.sub ('', x) # remove comment | |
441 while x2.endswith ('*'): x2 = x2[:-1] # remove old syntax for right adjusting | |
442 if not x2: continue # empty line | |
443 if x2[:2] == 'W:': continue # skip W: lyrics | |
444 if x2[:2] == 'w:' and xs[-1][-1] == '\\': | |
445 xs[-1] = xs[-1][:-1] # ignore line continuation before lyrics line | |
446 ro = r2.match (x2) | |
447 if ro: # field -> inline_field, escape all ']' | |
448 if x2[-1] == '\\': x2 = x2[:-1] # ignore continuation after field line | |
449 x2 = '[' + x2.replace (']',r'\]') + ']' | |
450 if x2[:2] == '+:': # new style continuation | |
451 xs[-1] += x2[2:] | |
452 elif xs and xs[-1][-1] == '\\': # old style continuation | |
453 xs[-1] = xs[-1][:-1] + x2 | |
454 else: # skip lines (except I:) until first X: | |
455 if x.startswith ('X:'): | |
456 if nx == 1: break # second tune starts without an empty line !! | |
457 nx = 1 # start of first tune | |
458 if nx == 1 or x.startswith ('I:'): | |
459 xs.append (x2) | |
460 if xs and xs[-1][-1] == '\\': # nothing left to continue with, remove last continuation | |
461 xs[-1] = xs[-1][:-1] | |
462 | |
463 r1 = re.compile (r'\[[A-Z]:(\\.|[^]\\])*\]') # inline field with escaped ']' | |
464 r2 = re.compile (r'\[K:') # start of K: field | |
465 r3 = re.compile (r'\[V:|\[I:MIDI') # start of V: field or midi field | |
466 fields, voices, b = [], [], 0 | |
467 for i, x in enumerate (xs): | |
468 n = len (r1.sub ('', x)) # remove all inline fields | |
469 if n > 0: b = 1; break # real abc present -> end of header | |
470 if (x): # start of K: field | |
471 fields.append (x) | |
472 i += 1; b = 1 | |
473 break # first K: field -> end of header | |
474 if (x): # start of V: field | |
475 voices.append (x) | |
476 else: | |
477 fields.append (x) | |
478 if b: voices += xs[i:] | |
479 else: voices += [] # tune has only header fields | |
480 header = '\n'.join (fields) | |
481 abctext = '\n'.join (voices) | |
482 | |
483 xs = abctext.split ('[V:') | |
484 if len (xs) == 1: abctext = '[V:1]' + abctext # abc has no voice defs at all | |
485 elif r1.sub ('', xs[0]).strip (): # remove inline fields from starting text, if any | |
486 abctext = '[V:1]' + abctext # abc with voices has no V: at start | |
487 | |
488 r1 = re.compile (r'\[V:\s*(\S*)[ \]]') # get voice id from V: field (skip spaces betwee V: and ID) | |
489 vmap = {} # {voice id -> [voice abc string]} | |
490 vorder = {} # mark document order of voices | |
491 xs = re.split (r'(\[V:[^]]*\])', abctext) # split on every V-field (V-fields included in split result list) | |
492 if len (xs) == 1: raise (Exception ('bugs ...')) | |
493 else: | |
494 header += xs[0] # xs[0] = text between K: and first V:, normally empty, but we put it in the header | |
495 i = 1 | |
496 while i < len (xs): # xs = ['', V-field, voice abc, V-field, voice abc, ...] | |
497 vce, abc = xs[i:i+2] | |
498 id = (vce).group (1) # get voice ID from V-field | |
499 vmap[id] = vmap.get (id, []) + [vce, abc] # collect abc-text for each voice id (include V-fields) | |
500 if id not in vorder: vorder [id] = i # store document order of first occurrence of voice id | |
501 i += 2 | |
502 voices = [] | |
503 ixs = sorted ([(i, id) for id, i in vorder.items ()]) # restore document order of voices | |
504 for i, id in ixs: | |
505 voice = ''.join (vmap [id]) # all abc of one voice | |
506 xs = re.split (r'((?:\nw:[^\n]*)+)', voice) # split voice into voice-lyrics blocks | |
507 if len (xs) == 1: # no lyrics | |
508 voice = fixSlurs (xs[0]) # put slurs right after the notes | |
509 vce_lyr = [[voice, '']] | |
510 else: | |
511 if xs[-1].strip () != '': xs.append ('w:') # last block had no lyrics | |
512 vce_lyr = [] # [[voice, lyrics],[],...] list of voice-lyrics blocks | |
513 for k in range (0, len (xs) - 1, 2): | |
514 voice, lyrics = xs [k:k+2] | |
515 voice = fixSlurs (voice) # put slurs right after the notes | |
516 vce_lyr.append ((voice, lyrics)) | |
517 voices.append ((id, vce_lyr)) | |
518 return header, voices | |
519 | |
520 def mergeMeasure (m1, m2, slur_offset, voice_offset, is_grand=0): | |
521 slurs = m2.findall ('note/notations/slur') | |
522 for slr in slurs: | |
523 slrnum = int (slr.get ('number')) + slur_offset | |
524 slr.set ('number', str (slrnum)) # make unique slurnums in m2 | |
525 vs = m2.findall ('note/voice') # set all voice number elements in m2 | |
526 for v in vs: v.text = str (voice_offset + int (v.text)) | |
527 ls = m1.findall ('note/lyric') # all lyric elements in m1 | |
528 lnum_max = max ([int (l.get ('number')) for l in ls] + [0]) # highest lyric number in m1 | |
529 ls = m2.findall ('note/lyric') # update lyric elements in m2 | |
530 for el in ls: | |
531 n = int (el.get ('number')) | |
532 el.set ('number', str (n + lnum_max)) | |
533 ns = m1.findall ('note') # determine the total duration of m1, subtract all backups | |
534 dur1 = sum (int (n.find ('duration').text) for n in ns | |
535 if n.find ('grace') == None and n.find ('chord') == None) | |
536 dur1 -= sum (int (b.text) for b in m1.findall ('backup/duration')) | |
537 nns, es = 0, [] # nns = number of real notes in m2 | |
538 for e in m2.getchildren (): # scan all elements of m2 | |
539 if e.tag == 'attributes': | |
540 if not is_grand: continue # no attribute merging for normal voices | |
541 else: nns += 1 # but we do merge (clef) attributes for a grand staff | |
542 if e.tag == 'print': continue | |
543 if e.tag == 'note' and (mxm.gmwr or e.find ('rest') == None): nns += 1 | |
544 es.append (e) # buffer elements to be merged | |
545 if nns > 0: # only merge if m2 contains any real notes | |
546 if dur1 > 0: # only insert backup if duration of m1 > 0 | |
547 b = E.Element ('backup') | |
548 addElem (m1, b, level=3) | |
549 addElemT (b, 'duration', str (dur1), level=4) | |
550 for e in es: addElem (m1, e, level=3) # merge buffered elements of m2 | |
551 | |
552 def mergePartList (parts, is_grand=0): # merge parts, make grand staff when is_grand true | |
553 | |
554 def delAttrs (part): # for the time being we only keep clef attributes | |
555 xs = [(m, e) for m in part.findall ('measure') for e in m.findall ('attributes')] | |
556 for m, e in xs: | |
557 for c in e.getchildren (): | |
558 if c.tag == 'clef': continue # keep clef attribute | |
559 e.remove (c) # delete all other attrinutes for higher staff numbers | |
560 if len (e.getchildren ()) == 0: m.remove (e) # remove empty attributes element | |
561 | |
562 p1 = parts[0] | |
563 for p2 in parts[1:]: | |
564 if is_grand: delAttrs (p2) # delete all attributes except clef | |
565 for i in range (len (p1) + 1, len (p2) + 1): # second part longer than first one | |
566 maat = E.Element ('measure', number = str(i)) # append empty measures | |
567 addElem (p1, maat, 2) | |
568 slurs = p1.findall ('measure/note/notations/slur') # find highest slur num in first part | |
569 slur_max = max ([int (slr.get ('number')) for slr in slurs] + [0]) | |
570 vs = p1.findall ('measure/note/voice') # all voice number elements in first part | |
571 vnum_max = max ([int (v.text) for v in vs] + [0]) # highest voice number in first part | |
572 for im, m2 in enumerate (p2.findall ('measure')): # merge all measures of p2 into p1 | |
573 mergeMeasure (p1[im], m2, slur_max, vnum_max, is_grand) # may change slur numbers in p1 | |
574 return p1 | |
575 | |
576 def mergeParts (parts, vids, staves, is_grand=0): | |
577 if not staves: return parts, vids # no voice mapping | |
578 partsnew, vidsnew = [], [] | |
579 for voice_ids in staves: | |
580 pixs = [] | |
581 for vid in voice_ids: | |
582 if vid in vids: pixs.append (vids.index (vid)) | |
583 else: info ('score partname %s does not exist' % vid) | |
584 if pixs: | |
585 xparts = [parts[pix] for pix in pixs] | |
586 if len (xparts) > 1: mergedpart = mergePartList (xparts, is_grand) | |
587 else: mergedpart = xparts [0] | |
588 partsnew.append (mergedpart) | |
589 vidsnew.append (vids [pixs[0]]) | |
590 return partsnew, vidsnew | |
591 | |
592 def mergePartMeasure (part, msre, ovrlaynum): # merge msre into last measure of part, only for overlays | |
593 slurs = part.findall ('measure/note/notations/slur') # find highest slur num in part | |
594 slur_max = max ([int (slr.get ('number')) for slr in slurs] + [0]) | |
595 last_msre = part.getchildren ()[-1] # last measure in part | |
596 mergeMeasure (last_msre, msre, slur_max, ovrlaynum) # voice offset = s.overlayVNum | |
597 | |
598 def setFristVoiceNameFromGroup (vids, vdefs): # vids = [vid], vdef = {vid -> (name, subname, voicedef)} | |
599 vids = [v for v in vids if v in vdefs] # only consider defined voices | |
600 if not vids: return vdefs | |
601 vid0 = vids [0] # first vid of the group | |
602 _, _, vdef0 = vdefs [vid0] # keep de voice definition (vdef0) when renaming vid0 | |
603 for vid in vids: | |
604 nm, snm, vdef = vdefs [vid] | |
605 if nm: # first non empty name encountered will become | |
606 vdefs [vid0] = nm, snm, vdef0 # name of merged group == name of first voice in group (vid0) | |
607 break | |
608 return vdefs | |
609 | |
610 def mkGrand (p, vdefs): # transform parse subtree into list needed for s.grands | |
611 xs = [] | |
612 for i, x in enumerate (p.objs): # changing p.objs [i] alters the tree. changing x has no effect on the tree. | |
613 if type (x) == pObj: | |
614 us = mkGrand (x, vdefs) # first get transformation results of current pObj | |
615 if == 'grand': # x.objs contains ordered list of nested parse results within x | |
616 vids = [y.objs[0] for y in x.objs[1:]] # the voice ids in the grand staff | |
617 nms = [vdefs [u][0] for u in vids if u in vdefs] # the names of those voices | |
618 accept = sum ([1 for nm in nms if nm]) == 1 # accept as grand staff when only one of the voices has a name | |
619 if accept or us[0] == '{*': | |
620 xs.append (us[1:]) # append voice ids as a list (discard first item '{' or '{*') | |
621 vdefs = setFristVoiceNameFromGroup (vids, vdefs) | |
622 p.objs [i] = x.objs[1] # replace voices by first one in the grand group (this modifies the parse tree) | |
623 else: | |
624 xs.extend (us[1:]) # extend current result with all voice ids of rejected grand staff | |
625 else: xs.extend (us) # extend current result with transformed pObj | |
626 else: xs.append (p.t[0]) # append the non pObj (== voice id string) | |
627 return xs | |
628 | |
629 def mkStaves (p, vdefs): # transform parse tree into list needed for s.staves | |
630 xs = [] | |
631 for i, x in enumerate (p.objs): # structure and comments identical to mkGrand | |
632 if type (x) == pObj: | |
633 us = mkStaves (x, vdefs) | |
634 if == 'voicegr': | |
635 xs.append (us) | |
636 vids = [y.objs[0] for y in x.objs] | |
637 vdefs = setFristVoiceNameFromGroup (vids, vdefs) | |
638 p.objs [i] = x.objs[0] | |
639 else: | |
640 xs.extend (us) | |
641 else: | |
642 if p.t[0] not in '{*': xs.append (p.t[0]) | |
643 return xs | |
644 | |
645 def mkGroups (p): # transform parse tree into list needed for s.groups | |
646 xs = [] | |
647 for x in p.objs: | |
648 if type (x) == pObj: | |
649 if == 'vid': xs.extend (mkGroups (x)) | |
650 elif == 'bracketgr': xs.extend (['['] + mkGroups (x) + [']']) | |
651 elif == 'bracegr': xs.extend (['{'] + mkGroups (x) + ['}']) | |
652 else: xs.extend (mkGroups (x) + ['}']) # == 'grand' == rejected grand staff | |
653 else: | |
654 xs.append (p.t[0]) | |
655 return xs | |
656 | |
657 class MusicXml: | |
658 typeMap = {1:'long', 2:'breve', 4:'whole', 8:'half', 16:'quarter', 32:'eighth', 64:'16th', 128:'32nd', 256:'64th'} | |
659 dynaMap = {'p':1,'pp':1,'ppp':1,'f':1,'ff':1,'fff':1,'mp':1,'mf':1,'sfz':1} | |
660 wedgeMap = {'>(':1, '>)':1, '<(':1,'<)':1,'crescendo(':1,'crescendo)':1,'diminuendo(':1,'diminuendo)':1} | |
661 artMap = {'.':'staccato','>':'accent','accent':'accent','wedge':'staccatissimo','tenuto':'tenuto'} | |
662 ornMap = {'trill':'trill-mark','T':'trill-mark','turn':'turn','uppermordent':'inverted-mordent','lowermordent':'mordent', | |
663 'pralltriller':'inverted-mordent','mordent':'mordent','turn':'turn','invertedturn':'inverted-turn'} | |
664 tecMap = {'upbow':'up-bow', 'downbow':'down-bow'} | |
665 capoMap = {'fine':('Fine','fine','yes'), 'D.S.':('D.S.','dalsegno','segno'), 'D.C.':('D.C.','dacapo','yes'),'dacapo':('D.C.','dacapo','yes'), | |
666 'dacoda':('To Coda','tocoda','coda'), 'coda':('coda','coda','coda'), 'segno':('segno','segno','segno')} | |
667 sharpness = ['Fb', 'Cb','Gb','Db','Ab','Eb','Bb','F','C','G','D','A', 'E', 'B', 'F#','C#','G#','D#','A#','E#','B#'] | |
668 offTab = {'maj':8, 'm':11, 'min':11, 'mix':9, 'dor':10, 'phr':12, 'lyd':7, 'loc':13} | |
669 modTab = {'maj':'major', 'm':'minor', 'min':'minor', 'mix':'mixolydian', 'dor':'dorian', 'phr':'phrygian', 'lyd':'lydian', 'loc':'locrian'} | |
670 clefMap = { 'alto1':('C','1'), 'alto2':('C','2'), 'alto':('C','3'), 'alto4':('C','4'), 'tenor':('C','4'), | |
671 'bass3':('F','3'), 'bass':('F','4'), 'treble':('G','2'), 'perc':('percussion',''), 'none':('','')} | |
672 clefLineMap = {'B':'treble', 'G':'alto1', 'E':'alto2', 'C':'alto', 'A':'tenor', 'F':'bass3', 'D':'bass'} | |
673 alterTab = {'=':'0', '_':'-1', '__':'-2', '^':'1', '^^':'2'} | |
674 accTab = {'=':'natural', '_':'flat', '__':'flat-flat', '^':'sharp', '^^':'sharp-sharp'} | |
675 chordTab = compChordTab () | |
676 uSyms = {'~':'roll', 'H':'fermata','L':'>','M':'lowermordent','O':'coda', | |
677 'P':'uppermordent','S':'segno','T':'trill','u':'upbow','v':'downbow'} | |
678 pageFmtDef = [1.764,297,210,10,10,10,10] # the MuseScore page formatting defaults for A4 | |
679 creditTab = {'O':'origin', 'A':'area', 'Z':'transcription', 'N':'notes', 'G':'group', 'H':'history', 'R':'rhythm', | |
680 'B':'book', 'D':'discography', 'F':'fileurl', 'S':'source'} | |
681 | |
682 def __init__ (s): | |
683 s.pageFmtCmd = [] # set by command line option -p | |
684 s.gmwr = 0 # set by command line option -r | |
685 s.reset () | |
686 def reset (s): | |
687 s.divisions = 120 # xml duration of 1/4 note | |
688 s.ties = {} # {abc pitch tuple -> alteration} for all open ties | |
689 s.slurstack = [] # stack of open slur numbers | |
690 s.slurbeg = 0 # number of slurs to start (when slurs are detected at element-level) | |
691 s.tmnum = 0 # time modification, numerator | |
692 s.tmden = 0 # time modification, denominator | |
693 s.ntup = 0 # number of tuplet notes remaining | |
694 s.tupnts = [] # all tuplet modifiers with corresp. durations: [(duration, modifier), ...] | |
695 s.irrtup = 0 # 1 if an irregular tuplet | |
696 s.ntype = '' # the normal-type of a tuplet (== duration type of a normal tuplet note) | |
697 s.unitL = (1, 8) # default unit length | |
698 s.unitLcur = (1, 8) # unit length of current voice | |
699 s.keyAlts = {} # alterations implied by key | |
700 s.msreAlts = {} # temporarily alterations | |
701 s.curVolta = '' # open volta bracket | |
702 s.slurstack = [] # stack of open slur numbers | |
703 s.title = '' # title of music | |
704 s.creator = {} # {creator-type -> creator string} | |
705 s.credits = {} # {credit-type -> string} | |
706 s.lyrdash = {} # {lyric number -> 1 if dash between syllables} | |
707 s.usrSyms = s.uSyms # user defined symbols | |
708 s.prevNote = None # xml element of previous beamed note to correct beams (start, continue) | |
709 s.grcbbrk = False # remember any bbrk in a grace sequence | |
710 s.linebrk = 0 # 1 if next measure should start with a line break | |
711 s.bardecos = [] # barline decorations (coda, segno) that go into the next measure (MuseScore deficiency!) | |
712 s.nextdecos = [] # decorations for the next note | |
713 s.prevmsre = None # the previous measure | |
714 s.supports_tag = 0 # issue supports-tag in xml file when abc uses explicit linebreaks | |
715 s.staveDefs = [] # collected %%staves or %%score instructions from score | |
716 s.staves = [] # staves = [[voice names to be merged into one stave]] | |
717 s.groups = [] # list of merged part names with interspersed {[ and }] | |
718 s.grands = [] # [[vid1, vid2, ..], ...] voiceIds to be merged in a grand staff | |
719 s.gStaffNums = {} # map each voice id in a grand staff to a staff number | |
720 s.gNstaves = {} # map each voice id in a grand staff to total number of staves | |
721 s.pageFmtAbc = [] # formatting from abc directives | |
722 s.mdur = (4,4) # duration of one measure | |
723 s.gtrans = 0 # octave transposition (by clef) | |
724 s.midprg = ['', ''] # MIDI channel nr, program nr for the current part | |
725 s.vid = '' # abc voice id for the current part | |
726 s.gcue_on = 0 # insert <cue/> tag in each note | |
727 | |
728 def mkPitch (s, acc, note, oct, lev): | |
729 nUp = note.upper () | |
730 octnum = (4 if nUp == note else 5) + int (oct) + s.gtrans | |
731 pitch = E.Element ('pitch') | |
732 addElemT (pitch, 'step', nUp, lev + 1) | |
733 alter = '' | |
734 if (note, oct) in s.ties: | |
735 tied_alter, _, vnum = s.ties [(note,oct)] # vnum = overlay voice number when tie started | |
736 if vnum == s.overlayVnum: alter = tied_alter # tied note in the same overlay -> same alteration | |
737 elif acc: | |
738 s.msreAlts [(nUp, octnum)] = s.alterTab [acc] | |
739 alter = s.alterTab [acc] # explicit notated alteration | |
740 elif (nUp, octnum) in s.msreAlts: alter = s.msreAlts [(nUp, octnum)] # temporary alteration | |
741 elif nUp in s.keyAlts: alter = s.keyAlts [nUp] # alteration implied by the key | |
742 if alter: addElemT (pitch, 'alter', alter, lev + 1) | |
743 addElemT (pitch, 'octave', str (octnum), lev + 1) | |
744 return pitch, alter | |
745 | |
746 def mkNote (s, n, lev): | |
747 nnum, nden = n.dur.t # abc dutation of note | |
748 if nden == 0: nden = 1 # occurs with illegal ABC like: "A2 1". Now interpreted as A2/1 | |
749 num, den = simplify (nnum * s.unitLcur[0], nden * s.unitLcur[1]) # normalised with unit length | |
750 if den > 64: # limit denominator to 64 | |
751 num = int (round (64 * float (num) / den)) # scale note to num/64 | |
752 num, den = simplify (max ([num, 1]), 64) # smallest num == 1 | |
753 info ('duration too small: rounded to %d/%d' % (num, den)) | |
754 if == 'rest' and ('Z' in n.t or 'X' in n.t): | |
755 num, den = s.mdur # duration of one measure | |
756 dvs = (4 * s.divisions * num) / den # divisions is xml-duration of 1/4 | |
757 rdvs = dvs # real duration (will be 0 for chord/grace) | |
758 num, den = simplify (num, den * 4) # scale by 1/4 for s.typeMap | |
759 ndot = 0 | |
760 if num == 3: ndot = 1; den = den / 2 # look for dotted notes | |
761 if num == 7: ndot = 2; den = den / 4 | |
762 nt = E.Element ('note') | |
763 if getattr (n, 'grace', ''): # a grace note (and possibly a chord note) | |
764 grace = E.Element ('grace') | |
765 if s.acciatura: grace.set ('slash', 'yes'); s.acciatura = 0 | |
766 addElem (nt, grace, lev + 1) | |
767 dvs = rdvs = 0 # no (real) duration for a grace note | |
768 if den <= 16: den = 32 # not longer than 1/8 for a grace note | |
769 if s.gcue_on: # insert cue tag | |
770 cue = E.Element ('cue') | |
771 addElem (nt, cue, lev + 1) | |
772 if getattr (n, 'chord', ''): # a chord note | |
773 chord = E.Element ('chord') | |
774 addElem (nt, chord, lev + 1) | |
775 rdvs = 0 # chord notes no real duration | |
776 if rdvs and s.ntup >= 0: s.ntup -= 1 # count tuplet notes only on non-chord, non grace notes (rdvs > 0) | |
777 if den not in s.typeMap: # take the nearest smaller legal duration | |
778 info ('illegal duration %d/%d' % (nnum, nden)) | |
779 den = min (x for x in s.typeMap.keys () if x > den) | |
780 xmltype = str (s.typeMap [den]) # xml needs the note type in addition to duration | |
781 acc, step, oct = '', 'C', '0' # abc-notated pitch elements (accidental, pitch step, octave) | |
782 alter = '' # xml alteration | |
783 if == 'rest': | |
784 if 'x' in n.t or 'X' in n.t: nt.set ('print-object', 'no') | |
785 rest = E.Element ('rest') | |
786 addElem (nt, rest, lev + 1) | |
787 else: | |
788 p = n.pitch.t # get pitch elements from parsed tokens | |
789 if len (p) == 3: acc, step, oct = p | |
790 else: step, oct = p | |
791 pitch, alter = s.mkPitch (acc, step, oct, lev + 1) | |
792 addElem (nt, pitch, lev + 1) | |
793 if s.ntup >= 0: # modify duration for tuplet notes | |
794 dvs = dvs * s.tmden / s.tmnum | |
795 if dvs: addElemT (nt, 'duration', str (dvs), lev + 1) # skip when dvs == 0, requirement of musicXML | |
796 inst = E.Element ('instrument', id='I-'+s.vid) # instrument id for midi | |
797 if s.midprg != ['', '']: addElem (nt, inst, lev + 1) # only add when %%midi was present | |
798 addElemT (nt, 'voice', '1', lev + 1) # default voice, for merging later | |
799 addElemT (nt, 'type', xmltype, lev + 1) # add note type | |
800 for i in range (ndot): # add dots | |
801 dot = E.Element ('dot') | |
802 addElem (nt, dot, lev + 1) | |
803 ptup = (step, oct) # pitch tuple without alteration to check for ties | |
804 tstop = ptup in s.ties and s.ties[ptup][2] == s.overlayVnum # open tie on this pitch tuple in this overlay | |
805 if acc and not tstop: addElemT (nt, 'accidental', s.accTab [acc], lev + 1) # only add accidental if note not tied | |
806 tupnotation = '' # start/stop notation element for tuplets | |
807 if s.ntup >= 0: # add time modification element for tuplet notes | |
808 tmod = mkTmod (s.tmnum, s.tmden, lev + 1) | |
809 addElem (nt, tmod, lev + 1) | |
810 if s.ntup > 0 and not s.tupnts: tupnotation = 'start' | |
811 s.tupnts.append ((rdvs, tmod)) # remember all tuplet modifiers with corresp. durations | |
812 if s.ntup == 0: # last tuplet note (and possible chord notes there after) | |
813 if rdvs: tupnotation = 'stop' # only insert notation in the real note (rdvs > 0) | |
814 s.cmpNormType (rdvs, lev + 1) # compute and/or add normal-type elements (-> s.ntype) | |
815 gstaff = s.gStaffNums.get (s.vid, 0) # staff number of the current voice | |
816 if gstaff: addElemT (nt, 'staff', str (gstaff), lev + 1) | |
817 s.doBeams (n, nt, den, lev + 1) | |
818 s.doNotations (n, ptup, alter, tupnotation, tstop, nt, lev + 1) | |
819 if n.objs: s.doLyr (n, nt, lev + 1) | |
820 return nt | |
821 | |
822 def cmpNormType (s, rdvs, lev): # compute the normal-type of a tuplet (only needed for Finale) | |
823 if rdvs: # the last real tuplet note (chord notes can still follow afterwards with rdvs == 0) | |
824 durs = [dur for dur, tmod in s.tupnts if dur > 0] | |
825 ndur = sum (durs) / s.tmnum # duration of the normal type | |
826 s.irrtup = any ((dur != ndur) for dur in durs) # irregular tuplet | |
827 tix = 16 * s.divisions / ndur # index in typeMap of normal-type duration | |
828 if tix in s.typeMap: | |
829 s.ntype = str (s.typeMap [tix]) # the normal-type | |
830 else: s.irrtup = 0 # give up, no normal type possible | |
831 if s.irrtup: # only add normal-type for irregular tuplets | |
832 for dur, tmod in s.tupnts: # add normal-type to all modifiers | |
833 addElemT (tmod, 'normal-type', s.ntype, lev + 1) | |
834 s.tupnts = [] # reset the tuplet buffer | |
835 | |
836 def doNotations (s, n, ptup, alter, tupnotation, tstop, nt, lev): | |
837 slurs = getattr (n, 'slurs', 0) # slur ends | |
838 pts = getattr (n, 'pitches', []) # all chord notes available in the first note | |
839 if pts: # make list of pitches in chord: [(pitch, octave), ..] | |
840 if type (pts.pitch) == pObj: pts = [pts.pitch] # chord with one note | |
841 else: pts = [tuple (p.t[-2:]) for p in pts.pitch] # normal chord | |
842 for pt, (tie_alter, nts, vnum) in s.ties.items (): # scan all open ties and delete illegal ones | |
843 if vnum != s.overlayVnum: continue # tie belongs to different overlay | |
844 if pts and pt in pts: continue # pitch tuple of tie exists in chord | |
845 if getattr (n, 'chord', 0): continue # skip chord notes | |
846 if pt == ptup: continue # skip correct single note tie | |
847 if getattr (n, 'grace', 0): continue # skip grace notes | |
848 info ('tie between different pitches: %s%s converted to slur' % pt) | |
849 del s.ties [pt] # remove the note from pending ties | |
850 e = [t for t in nts.findall ('tied') if t.get ('type') == 'start'][0] # get the tie start element | |
851 e.tag = 'slur' # convert tie into slur | |
852 slurnum = len (s.slurstack) + 1 | |
853 s.slurstack.append (slurnum) | |
854 e.set ('number', str (slurnum)) | |
855 if slurs: slurs.t.append (')') # close slur on this note | |
856 else: slurs = pObj ('slurs', [')']) | |
857 tstart = getattr (n, 'tie', 0) # start a new tie | |
858 decos = s.nextdecos # decorations encountered so far | |
859 ndeco = getattr (n, 'deco', 0) # possible decorations of notes of a chord | |
860 if ndeco: # add decorations, translate used defined symbols | |
861 decos += [s.usrSyms.get (d, d).strip ('!+') for d in ndeco.t] | |
862 s.nextdecos = [] | |
863 if not (tstop or tstart or decos or slurs or s.slurbeg or tupnotation): return nt | |
864 nots = E.Element ('notations') # notation element needed | |
865 if tupnotation: # add tuplet type | |
866 tup = E.Element ('tuplet', type=tupnotation) | |
867 if tupnotation == 'start': tup.set ('bracket', 'yes') | |
868 addElem (nots, tup, lev + 1) | |
869 if tstop: # stop tie | |
870 del s.ties[ptup] # remove flag | |
871 tie = E.Element ('tied', type='stop') | |
872 addElem (nots, tie, lev + 1) | |
873 if tstart: # start a tie | |
874 s.ties[ptup] = (alter, nots, s.overlayVnum) # remember pitch tuple to stop tie and apply same alteration | |
875 tie = E.Element ('tied', type='start') | |
876 addElem (nots, tie, lev + 1) | |
877 if decos: # look for slurs and decorations | |
878 arts = [] # collect articulations | |
879 for d in decos: # do all slurs and decos | |
880 if d == '(': s.slurbeg += 1; continue # slurs made in while loop at the end | |
881 elif d == 'fermata' or d == 'H': | |
882 ntn = E.Element ('fermata', type='upright') | |
883 elif d == 'arpeggio': | |
884 ntn = E.Element ('arpeggiate', number='1') | |
885 else: arts.append (d); continue | |
886 addElem (nots, ntn, lev + 1) | |
887 if arts: # do only note articulations and collect staff annotations in xmldecos | |
888 rest = s.doArticulations (nots, arts, lev + 1) | |
889 if rest: info ('unhandled note decorations: %s' % rest) | |
890 while s.slurbeg > 0: | |
891 s.slurbeg -= 1 | |
892 slurnum = len (s.slurstack) + 1 | |
893 s.slurstack.append (slurnum) | |
894 ntn = E.Element ('slur', number='%d' % slurnum, type='start') | |
895 addElem (nots, ntn, lev + 1) | |
896 if slurs: # these are only slur endings | |
897 for d in slurs.t: | |
898 if not s.slurstack: break # no more open slurs | |
899 slurnum = s.slurstack.pop () | |
900 slur = E.Element ('slur', number='%d' % slurnum, type='stop') | |
901 addElem (nots, slur, lev + 1) | |
902 if nots.getchildren() != []: # only add notations if not empty | |
903 addElem (nt, nots, lev) | |
904 | |
905 def doArticulations (s, nots, arts, lev): | |
906 decos = [] | |
907 for a in arts: | |
908 if a in s.artMap: | |
909 art = E.Element ('articulations') | |
910 addElem (nots, art, lev) | |
911 addElem (art, E.Element (s.artMap[a]), lev + 1) | |
912 elif a in s.ornMap: | |
913 orn = E.Element ('ornaments') | |
914 addElem (nots, orn, lev) | |
915 addElem (orn, E.Element (s.ornMap[a]), lev + 1) | |
916 elif a in s.tecMap: | |
917 tec = E.Element ('technical') | |
918 addElem (nots, tec, lev) | |
919 addElem (tec, E.Element (s.tecMap[a]), lev + 1) | |
920 else: decos.append (a) # return staff annotations | |
921 return decos | |
922 | |
923 def doLyr (s, n, nt, lev): | |
924 for i, lyrobj in enumerate (n.objs): | |
925 if != 'syl': continue | |
926 dash = len (lyrobj.t) == 2 | |
927 if dash: | |
928 if i in s.lyrdash: type = 'middle' | |
929 else: type = 'begin'; s.lyrdash [i] = 1 | |
930 else: | |
931 if i in s.lyrdash: type = 'end'; del s.lyrdash [i] | |
932 else: type = 'single' | |
933 lyrel = E.Element ('lyric', number = str (i + 1)) | |
934 addElem (nt, lyrel, lev) | |
935 addElemT (lyrel, 'syllabic', type, lev + 1) | |
936 addElemT (lyrel, 'text', lyrobj.t[0].replace ('~',' '), lev + 1) | |
937 | |
938 def doBeams (s, n, nt, den, lev): | |
939 if hasattr (n, 'chord') or hasattr (n, 'grace'): | |
940 s.grcbbrk = s.grcbbrk or n.bbrk.t[0] # remember if there was any bbrk in or before a grace sequence | |
941 return | |
942 bbrk = s.grcbbrk or n.bbrk.t[0] or den < 32 | |
943 s.grcbbrk = False | |
944 if not s.prevNote: pbm = None | |
945 else: pbm = s.prevNote.find ('beam') | |
946 bm = E.Element ('beam', number='1') | |
947 bm.text = 'begin' | |
948 if pbm != None: | |
949 if bbrk: | |
950 if pbm.text == 'begin': | |
951 s.prevNote.remove (pbm) | |
952 elif pbm.text == 'continue': | |
953 pbm.text = 'end' | |
954 s.prevNote = None | |
955 else: bm.text = 'continue' | |
956 if den >= 32 and != 'rest': | |
957 addElem (nt, bm, lev) | |
958 s.prevNote = nt | |
959 | |
960 def stopBeams (s): | |
961 if not s.prevNote: return | |
962 pbm = s.prevNote.find ('beam') | |
963 if pbm != None: | |
964 if pbm.text == 'begin': | |
965 s.prevNote.remove (pbm) | |
966 elif pbm.text == 'continue': | |
967 pbm.text = 'end' | |
968 s.prevNote = None | |
969 | |
970 def staffDecos (s, decos, maat, lev, bardecos=0): | |
971 gstaff = s.gStaffNums.get (s.vid, 0) # staff number of the current voice | |
972 for d in decos: | |
973 d = s.usrSyms.get (d, d).strip ('!+') # try to replace user defined symbol | |
974 if d in s.dynaMap: | |
975 dynel = E.Element ('dynamics') | |
976 addDirection (maat, dynel, lev, gstaff, [E.Element (d)], 'below', s.gcue_on) | |
977 elif d in s.wedgeMap: # wedge | |
978 if ')' in d: type = 'stop' | |
979 else: type = 'crescendo' if '<' in d or 'crescendo' in d else 'diminuendo' | |
980 addDirection (maat, E.Element ('wedge', type=type), lev, gstaff) | |
981 elif d in ['coda', 'segno']: | |
982 if bardecos: s.bardecos.append (d) # postpone to begin next measure | |
983 else: | |
984 text, attr, val = s.capoMap [d] | |
985 dir = addDirection (maat, E.Element (text), lev, gstaff, placement='above') | |
986 sound = E.Element ('sound'); sound.set (attr, val) | |
987 addElem (dir, sound, lev + 1) | |
988 elif d in s.capoMap: | |
989 text, attr, val = s.capoMap [d] | |
990 words = E.Element ('words'); words.text = text | |
991 dir = addDirection (maat, words, lev, gstaff, placement='above') | |
992 sound = E.Element ('sound'); sound.set (attr, val) | |
993 addElem (dir, sound, lev + 1) | |
994 elif d == '(': s.slurbeg += 1 # start slur on next note | |
995 else: s.nextdecos.append (d) # keep annotation for the next note | |
996 | |
997 def doFields (s, maat, fieldmap, lev): | |
998 def doClef (): | |
999 clef, gtrans = 0, 0 | |
1000 clefn = (r'alto1|alto2|alto4|alto|tenor|bass3|bass|treble|perc|none', field) | |
1001 clefm = (r"(?:^m=| m=|middle=)([A-Ga-g])([,']*)", field) | |
1002 trans_oct2 = (r'octave=([-+]\d)', field) | |
1003 trans = (r'(?:^t=| t=|transpose=)(-?[\d]+)', field) | |
1004 trans_oct = (r'([+-^_])(8|15)', field) | |
1005 cue_onoff = (r'cue=(on|off)', field) | |
1006 if clefn: | |
1007 clef = () | |
1008 if clefm: | |
1009 note, octstr = clefm.groups () | |
1010 nUp = note.upper () | |
1011 octnum = (4 if nUp == note else 5) + (len (octstr) if "'" in octstr else -len (octstr)) | |
1012 gtrans = (3 if nUp in 'AFD' else 4) - octnum | |
1013 if clef not in ['perc', 'none']: clef = s.clefLineMap [nUp] | |
1014 if clef: | |
1015 s.gtrans = gtrans # only change global tranposition when a clef is really defined | |
1016 sign, line = s.clefMap [clef] | |
1017 if not sign: return | |
1018 c = E.Element ('clef') | |
1019 gstaff = s.gStaffNums.get (s.vid, 0) # the current staff number | |
1020 if gstaff: c.set ('number', str (gstaff)) # only add staff number when defined | |
1021 addElemT (c, 'sign', sign, lev + 2) | |
1022 if line: addElemT (c, 'line', line, lev + 2) | |
1023 if trans_oct: | |
1024 n = (1) in '-_' and -1 or 1 | |
1025 if (2) == '15': n *= 2 # 8 => 1 octave, 15 => 2 octaves | |
1026 addElemT (c, 'clef-octave-change', str (n), lev + 2) # transpose print out | |
1027 if (1) in '+-': s.gtrans += n # also transpose all pitches with one octave | |
1028 if trans_oct2: | |
1029 n = int ( (1)) | |
1030 s.gtrans += n | |
1031 atts.append ((7, c)) | |
1032 if trans != None: # add transposition in semitones | |
1033 e = E.Element ('transpose') | |
1034 addElemT (e, 'chromatic', str ( (1)), lev + 3) | |
1035 atts.append ((9, e)) | |
1036 if cue_onoff: s.gcue_on = (1) == 'on' | |
1037 atts = [] # collect xml attribute elements [(order-number, xml-element), ..] | |
1038 for ftype, field in fieldmap.items (): | |
1039 if not field: # skip empty fields | |
1040 continue | |
1041 if ftype == 'Div': # not an abc field, but handled as if | |
1042 d = E.Element ('divisions') | |
1043 d.text = field | |
1044 atts.append ((1, d)) | |
1045 elif ftype == 'gstaff': # make grand staff | |
1046 e = E.Element ('staves') | |
1047 e.text = str (field) | |
1048 atts.append ((4, e)) | |
1049 elif ftype == 'M': | |
1050 if field == 'none': continue | |
1051 if field == 'C': field = '4/4' | |
1052 elif field == 'C|': field = '2/2' | |
1053 t = E.Element ('time') | |
1054 if '/' not in field: | |
1055 info ('M:%s not recognized, 4/4 assumed' % field) | |
1056 field = '4/4' | |
1057 beats, btype = field.split ('/')[:2] | |
1058 try: s.mdur = simplify (eval (beats), int (btype)) # measure duration for Z and X rests (eval allows M:2+3/4) | |
1059 except: | |
1060 info ('error in M:%s, 4/4 assumed' % field) | |
1061 s.mdur = (4,4) | |
1062 beats, btype = '4','4' | |
1063 addElemT (t, 'beats', beats, lev + 2) | |
1064 addElemT (t, 'beat-type', btype, lev + 2) | |
1065 atts.append ((3, t)) | |
1066 elif ftype == 'K': | |
1067 accs = ['F','C','G','D','A','E','B'] # == s.sharpness [7:14] | |
1068 mode = '' | |
1069 key = re.match (r'\s*([A-G][#b]?)\s*([a-zA-Z]*)', field) | |
1070 alts = (r'\s((\s?[=^_][A-Ga-g])+)', ' ' + field) # avoid matching middle=G and m=G | |
1071 if key: | |
1072 key, mode = key.groups () | |
1073 mode = mode.lower ()[:3] # only first three chars, no case | |
1074 if mode not in s.offTab: mode = 'maj' | |
1075 fifths = s.sharpness.index (key) - s.offTab [mode] | |
1076 if fifths >= 0: s.keyAlts = dict (zip (accs[:fifths], fifths * ['1'])) | |
1077 else: s.keyAlts = dict (zip (accs[fifths:], -fifths * ['-1'])) | |
1078 elif field.startswith ('none') or field == '': # the default key | |
1079 fifths = 0 | |
1080 mode = 'maj' | |
1081 if alts: | |
1082 alts = re.findall (r'[=^_][A-Ga-g]', # list of explicit alterations | |
1083 alts = [(x[1], s.alterTab [x[0]]) for x in alts] # [step, alter] | |
1084 for step, alter in alts: # correct permanent alterations for this key | |
1085 s.keyAlts [step.upper ()] = alter | |
1086 k = E.Element ('key') | |
1087 koctave = [] | |
1088 lowerCaseSteps = [step.upper () for step, alter in alts if step.islower ()] | |
1089 for step, alter in s.keyAlts.items (): | |
1090 if alter == '0': # skip neutrals | |
1091 del s.keyAlts [step.upper ()] # otherwise you get neutral signs on normal notes | |
1092 continue | |
1093 addElemT (k, 'key-step', step.upper (), lev + 2) | |
1094 addElemT (k, 'key-alter', alter, lev + 2) | |
1095 koctave.append ('5' if step in lowerCaseSteps else '4') | |
1096 if koctave: # only key signature if not empty | |
1097 for oct in koctave: | |
1098 e = E.Element ('key-octave', number=oct) | |
1099 addElem (k, e, lev + 2) | |
1100 atts.append ((2, k)) | |
1101 elif mode: | |
1102 k = E.Element ('key') | |
1103 addElemT (k, 'fifths', str (fifths), lev + 2) | |
1104 addElemT (k, 'mode', s.modTab [mode], lev + 2) | |
1105 atts.append ((2, k)) | |
1106 doClef () | |
1107 elif ftype == 'L': | |
1108 s.unitLcur = map (int, field.split ('/')) | |
1109 if len (s.unitLcur) == 1 or s.unitLcur[1] not in s.typeMap: | |
1110 info ('L:%s is not allowed, 1/8 assumed' % field) | |
1111 s.unitLcur = 1,8 | |
1112 elif ftype == 'V': | |
1113 doClef () | |
1114 elif ftype == 'I': | |
1115 xs = s.doField_I (ftype, field) | |
1116 if xs and len (xs) == 1: # when "%%MIDI transpose" matched insert 'attribute/transpose/chromatic' | |
1117 e = E.Element ('transpose') | |
1118 addElemT (e, 'chromatic', xs[0], lev + 2) # xs[0] == signed number string given after transpose | |
1119 atts.append ((9, e)) | |
1120 if xs and len (xs) == 2: # repeated occurrence of [I:MIDI] -> instrument change | |
1121 midchan, midprog = xs | |
1122 snd = E.Element ('sound') | |
1123 mi = E.Element ('midi-instrument', id='I-' + s.vid) | |
1124 addElem (maat, snd, lev) | |
1125 addElem (snd, mi, lev + 1) | |
1126 if midchan: addElemT (mi, 'midi-channel', midchan, lev + 2) | |
1127 if midprog: addElemT (mi, 'midi-program', str (int (midprog) + 1), lev + 2) # compatible with abc2midi | |
1128 | |
1129 elif ftype == 'Q': | |
1130 s.doTempo (maat, field, lev) | |
1131 elif ftype in 'TCOAZNGHRBDFSU': | |
1132 info ('**illegal header field in body: %s, content: %s' % (ftype, field)) | |
1133 else: | |
1134 info ('unhandled field: %s, content: %s' % (ftype, field)) | |
1135 | |
1136 if atts: | |
1137 att = E.Element ('attributes') # insert sub elements in the order required by musicXML | |
1138 addElem (maat, att, lev) | |
1139 for _, att_elem in sorted (atts): # ordering ! | |
1140 addElem (att, att_elem, lev + 1) | |
1141 | |
1142 def doTempo (s, maat, field, lev): | |
1143 gstaff = s.gStaffNums.get (s.vid, 0) # staff number of the current voice | |
1144 t = (r'(\d)/(\d\d?)\s*=\s*([.\d]+)|([.\d]+)', field) | |
1145 if not t: return | |
1146 try: | |
1147 if (4): | |
1148 num, den, upm = 1, s.unitLcur[1] , float ( (4)) | |
1149 else: | |
1150 num, den, upm = int ( (1)), int ( (2)), float ( (3)) | |
1151 except: return # float or int conversion failure | |
1152 if num != 1: info ('in Q: numerator > 1 in %d/%d not supported' % (num, den)) | |
1153 qpm = 4. * num * upm / den | |
1154 metro = E.Element ('metronome') | |
1155 u = E.Element ('beat-unit'); u.text = s.typeMap [4 * den] | |
1156 pm = E.Element ('per-minute'); pm.text = '%.2f' % upm | |
1157 dir = addDirection (maat, metro, lev, gstaff, [u, pm], placement='above') | |
1158 sound = E.Element ('sound'); sound.set ('tempo', '%.2f' % qpm) | |
1159 addElem (dir, sound, lev + 1) | |
1160 | |
1161 def mkBarline (s, maat, loc, lev, style='', dir='', ending=''): | |
1162 b = E.Element ('barline', location=loc) | |
1163 if style: | |
1164 addElemT (b, 'bar-style', style, lev + 1) | |
1165 if s.curVolta: # first stop a current volta | |
1166 end = E.Element ('ending', number=s.curVolta, type='stop') | |
1167 s.curVolta = '' | |
1168 if loc == 'left': # stop should always go to a right barline | |
1169 bp = E.Element ('barline', location='right') | |
1170 addElem (bp, end, lev + 1) | |
1171 addElem (s.prevmsre, bp, lev) # prevmsre has no right barline! (ending would have stopped there) | |
1172 else: | |
1173 addElem (b, end, lev + 1) | |
1174 if ending: | |
1175 ending = ending.replace ('-',',') # MusicXML only accepts comma's | |
1176 endtxt = '' | |
1177 if ending.startswith ('"'): # ending is a quoted string | |
1178 endtxt = ending.strip ('"') | |
1179 ending = '33' # any number that is not likely to occur elsewhere | |
1180 end = E.Element ('ending', number=ending, type='start') | |
1181 if endtxt: end.text = endtxt # text appears in score in stead of number attribute | |
1182 addElem (b, end, lev + 1) | |
1183 s.curVolta = ending | |
1184 if dir: | |
1185 r = E.Element ('repeat', direction=dir) | |
1186 addElem (b, r, lev + 1) | |
1187 addElem (maat, b, lev) | |
1188 | |
1189 def doChordSym (s, maat, sym, lev): | |
1190 alterMap = {'#':'1','=':'0','b':'-1'} | |
1191 rnt = sym.root.t | |
1192 chord = E.Element ('harmony') | |
1193 addElem (maat, chord, lev) | |
1194 root = E.Element ('root') | |
1195 addElem (chord, root, lev + 1) | |
1196 addElemT (root, 'root-step', rnt[0], lev + 2) | |
1197 if len (rnt) == 2: addElemT (root, 'root-alter', alterMap [rnt[1]], lev + 2) | |
1198 kind = s.chordTab.get (sym.kind.t[0], 'major') | |
1199 addElemT (chord, 'kind', kind, lev + 1) | |
1200 degs = getattr (sym, 'degree', '') | |
1201 if degs: | |
1202 if type (degs) != types.ListType: degs = [degs] | |
1203 for deg in degs: | |
1204 deg = deg.t[0] | |
1205 if deg[0] == '#': alter = '1'; deg = deg[1:] | |
1206 elif deg[0] == 'b': alter = '-1'; deg = deg[1:] | |
1207 else: alter = '0'; deg = deg | |
1208 degree = E.Element ('degree') | |
1209 addElem (chord, degree, lev + 1) | |
1210 addElemT (degree, 'degree-value', deg, lev + 2) | |
1211 addElemT (degree, 'degree-alter', alter, lev + 2) | |
1212 addElemT (degree, 'degree-type', 'add', lev + 2) | |
1213 | |
1214 def mkMeasure (s, i, t, lev, fieldmap={}): | |
1215 s.msreAlts = {} | |
1216 s.ntup = -1 | |
1217 s.acciatura = 0 # next grace element gets acciatura attribute | |
1218 overlay = 0 | |
1219 maat = E.Element ('measure', number = str(i)) | |
1220 if fieldmap: s.doFields (maat, fieldmap, lev + 1) | |
1221 if s.linebrk: # there was a line break in the previous measure | |
1222 e = E.Element ('print') | |
1223 e.set ('new-system', 'yes') | |
1224 addElem (maat, e, lev + 1) | |
1225 s.linebrk = 0 | |
1226 if s.bardecos: # output coda and segno attached to the previous right barline | |
1227 s.staffDecos (s.bardecos, maat, lev + 1) | |
1228 s.bardecos = [] | |
1229 for it, x in enumerate (t): | |
1230 if == 'note' or == 'rest': | |
1231 note = s.mkNote (x, lev + 1) | |
1232 addElem (maat, note, lev + 1) | |
1233 elif == 'lbar': | |
1234 bar = x.t[0] | |
1235 if bar == '|': pass # skip redundant bar | |
1236 elif ':' in bar: # forward repeat | |
1237 volta = x.t[1] if len (x.t) == 2 else '' | |
1238 s.mkBarline (maat, 'left', lev + 1, style='heavy-light', dir='forward', ending=volta) | |
1239 else: # bar must be a volta number | |
1240 s.mkBarline (maat, 'left', lev + 1, ending=bar) | |
1241 elif == 'rbar': | |
1242 if hasattr (x, 'deco'): # MuseScore does not support this -> emergency solution | |
1243 s.staffDecos (x.deco.t, maat, lev + 1, bardecos=1) # coda, segno -> next measure | |
1244 bar = x.t[0] | |
1245 if bar == '.|': | |
1246 s.mkBarline (maat, 'right', lev + 1, style='dotted') | |
1247 elif ':' in bar: # backward repeat | |
1248 s.mkBarline (maat, 'right', lev + 1, style='light-heavy', dir='backward') | |
1249 elif bar == '||': | |
1250 s.mkBarline (maat, 'right', lev + 1, style='light-light') | |
1251 elif bar == '[|]' or bar == '[]': | |
1252 s.mkBarline (maat, 'right', lev + 1, style='none') | |
1253 elif '[' in bar or ']' in bar: | |
1254 s.mkBarline (maat, 'right', lev + 1, style='light-heavy') | |
1255 elif bar[0] == '&': overlay = 1 | |
1256 elif == 'tup': | |
1257 if len (x.t) == 3: n, into, nts = x.t | |
1258 else: n, into, nts = x.t[0], 0, 0 | |
1259 if into == 0: into = 3 if n in [2,4,8] else 2 | |
1260 if nts == 0: nts = n | |
1261 s.tmnum, s.tmden, s.ntup = n, into, nts | |
1262 elif == 'deco': | |
1263 s.staffDecos (x.t, maat, lev + 1) # output staff decos, postpone note decos to next note | |
1264 elif == 'text': | |
1265 pos, text = x.t[:2] | |
1266 place = 'above' if pos == '^' else 'below' | |
1267 words = E.Element ('words') | |
1268 words.text = text | |
1269 gstaff = s.gStaffNums.get (s.vid, 0) # staff number of the current voice | |
1270 addDirection (maat, words, lev + 1, gstaff, placement=place) | |
1271 elif == 'inline': | |
1272 fieldtype, fieldval = x.t[:2] | |
1273 s.doFields (maat, {fieldtype:fieldval}, lev + 1) | |
1274 elif == 'accia': s.acciatura = 1 | |
1275 elif == 'linebrk': | |
1276 s.supports_tag = 1 | |
1277 if it > 0 and t[it -1].name == 'lbar': # we are at start of measure | |
1278 e = E.Element ('print') # output linebreak now | |
1279 e.set ('new-system', 'yes') | |
1280 addElem (maat, e, lev + 1) | |
1281 else: | |
1282 s.linebrk = 1 # output linebreak at start of next measure | |
1283 elif == 'chordsym': | |
1284 s.doChordSym (maat, x, lev + 1) | |
1285 s.stopBeams () | |
1286 s.prevmsre = maat | |
1287 return maat, overlay | |
1288 | |
1289 def mkPart (s, maten, id, lev, attrs, nstaves): | |
1290 s.slurstack = [] | |
1291 s.unitLcur = s.unitL # set the default unit length at begin of each voice | |
1292 s.curVolta = '' | |
1293 s.lyrdash = {} | |
1294 s.linebrk = 0 | |
1295 s.midprg = ['', ''] # MIDI channel nr, program nr for the current part | |
1296 s.gcue_on = 0 # reset cue note marker for each new voice | |
1297 s.gtrans = 0 # reset octave transposition (by clef) | |
1298 part = E.Element ('part', id=id) | |
1299 s.overlayVnum = 0 # overlay voice number to relate ties that extend from one overlayed measure to the next | |
1300 gstaff = s.gStaffNums.get (s.vid, 0) # staff number of the current voice | |
1301 attrs_cpy = attrs.copy () # don't change attrs itself in next line | |
1302 if gstaff == 1: attrs_cpy ['gstaff'] = nstaves # make a grand staff | |
1303 msre, overlay = s.mkMeasure (1, maten[0], lev + 1, attrs_cpy) | |
1304 addElem (part, msre, lev + 1) | |
1305 for i, maat in enumerate (maten[1:]): | |
1306 s.overlayVnum = s.overlayVnum + 1 if overlay else 0 | |
1307 msre, next_overlay = s.mkMeasure (i+2, maat, lev + 1) | |
1308 if overlay: mergePartMeasure (part, msre, s.overlayVnum) | |
1309 else: addElem (part, msre, lev + 1) | |
1310 overlay = next_overlay | |
1311 return part | |
1312 | |
1313 def mkScorePart (s, id, vids_p, partAttr, lev): | |
1314 naam, subnm, midprg = partAttr [id] | |
1315 sp = E.Element ('score-part', id='P'+id) | |
1316 nm = E.Element ('part-name') | |
1317 nm.text = naam | |
1318 addElem (sp, nm, lev + 1) | |
1319 snm = E.Element ('part-abbreviation') | |
1320 snm.text = subnm | |
1321 if subnm: addElem (sp, snm, lev + 1) # only add if subname was given | |
1322 if s.staves: instr_vids = [vids for vids in s.staves if vids[0] == id][0] | |
1323 else: instr_vids = [id] | |
1324 inst = [] | |
1325 for id in instr_vids: | |
1326 if id not in partAttr: continue # error in %%score -> instr_vids may have non existing id's | |
1327 naam, subnm, midprg = partAttr [id] | |
1328 midchan, midprog = midprg | |
1329 if not midchan and not midprog: continue # only add if program nr or channel was given | |
1330 si = E.Element ('score-instrument', id='I-'+id) | |
1331 addElemT (si, 'instrument-name', naam, lev + 2) | |
1332 mi = E.Element ('midi-instrument', id='I-'+id) | |
1333 if midchan: addElemT (mi, 'midi-channel', midchan, lev + 2) | |
1334 if midprog: addElemT (mi, 'midi-program', str (int (midprog) + 1), lev + 2) # compatible with abc2midi | |
1335 inst.append ((si, mi)) | |
1336 for si, mi in inst: addElem (sp, si, lev + 1) | |
1337 for si, mi in inst: addElem (sp, mi, lev + 1) | |
1338 return sp, len (inst) | |
1339 | |
1340 def mkPartlist (s, vids, partAttr, lev): | |
1341 def addPartGroup (sym, num): | |
1342 pg = E.Element ('part-group', number=str (num), type='start') | |
1343 addElem (partlist, pg, lev + 1) | |
1344 addElemT (pg, 'group-symbol', sym, lev + 2) | |
1345 addElemT (pg, 'group-barline', 'yes', lev + 2) | |
1346 partlist = E.Element ('part-list') | |
1347 g_num = 0 # xml group number | |
1348 nInstrs = [] # number of instruments in each part | |
1349 for g in (s.groups or vids): # brace/bracket or abc_voice_id | |
1350 if g == '[': g_num += 1; addPartGroup ('bracket', g_num) | |
1351 elif g == '{': g_num += 1; addPartGroup ('brace', g_num) | |
1352 elif g in '}]': | |
1353 pg = E.Element ('part-group', number=str (g_num), type='stop') | |
1354 addElem (partlist, pg, lev + 1) | |
1355 g_num -= 1 | |
1356 else: # g = abc_voice_id | |
1357 if g not in vids: continue # error in %%score | |
1358 sp, nInst = s.mkScorePart (g, vids, partAttr, lev + 1) | |
1359 addElem (partlist, sp, lev + 1) | |
1360 nInstrs.append (nInst) | |
1361 return partlist, nInstrs | |
1362 | |
1363 def doField_I (s, type, x): | |
1364 def readPfmt (x, n): # read ABC page formatting constant | |
1365 if not s.pageFmtAbc: s.pageFmtAbc = s.pageFmtDef # set the default values on first change | |
1366 ro = (r'[^.\d]*([\d.]+)\s*(cm|in|pt)?', x) # float followed by unit | |
1367 if ro: | |
1368 x, unit = ro.groups () # unit == None when not present | |
1369 u = {'cm':10., 'in':25.4, 'pt':25.4/72} [unit] if unit else 1. | |
1370 s.pageFmtAbc [n] = float (x) * u # convert ABC values to millimeters | |
1371 else: info ('error in page format: %s' % x) | |
1372 | |
1373 if x.startswith ('score') or x.startswith ('staves'): | |
1374 s.staveDefs += [x] # collect all voice mappings | |
1375 elif x.startswith ('staffwidth'): info ('skipped I-field: %s' % x) | |
1376 elif x.startswith ('staff'): # set new staff number of the current voice | |
1377 r1 = (r'staff *([+-]?)(\d)', x) | |
1378 if r1: | |
1379 sign = (1) | |
1380 num = int ( (2)) | |
1381 gstaff = s.gStaffNums.get (s.vid, 0) # staff number of the current voice | |
1382 if sign: # relative staff number | |
1383 num = (sign == '-') and gstaff - num or gstaff + num | |
1384 else: # absolute abc staff number | |
1385 try: vabc = s.staves [num - 1][0] # vid of (first voice of) abc-staff num | |
1386 except: vabc = 0; info ('abc staff %s does not exist' % num) | |
1387 num = s.gStaffNumsOrg.get (vabc, 0) # xml staff number of abc-staff num | |
1388 if gstaff and num > 0 and num <= s.gNstaves [s.vid]: | |
1389 s.gStaffNums [s.vid] = num | |
1390 else: info ('could not relocate to staff: %s' % ()) | |
1391 else: info ('not a valid staff redirection: %s' % x) | |
1392 elif x.startswith ('scale'): readPfmt (x, 0) | |
1393 elif x.startswith ('pageheight'): readPfmt (x, 1) | |
1394 elif x.startswith ('pagewidth'): readPfmt (x, 2) | |
1395 elif x.startswith ('leftmargin'): readPfmt (x, 3) | |
1396 elif x.startswith ('rightmargin'): readPfmt (x, 4) | |
1397 elif x.startswith ('topmargin'): readPfmt (x, 5) | |
1398 elif x.startswith ('botmargin'): readPfmt (x, 6) | |
1399 elif x.startswith ('MIDI'): | |
1400 r1 = (r'program *(\d*) +(\d+)', x) | |
1401 r2 = (r'channel\D*(\d+)', x) | |
1402 if r1: ch, prg = r1.groups () # channel nr or '', program nr | |
1403 if r2: ch, prg = (1), '' # channel nr only | |
1404 if r1 or r2: | |
1405 if s.midprg[1] == '': # no instrument defined yet | |
1406 s.midprg[1] = prg | |
1407 if ch: s.midprg[0] = ch | |
1408 elif ch and s.midprg[0] == '': # no channel defined yet | |
1409 s.midprg[0] = ch | |
1410 else: # repeated midi def -> insert instument change | |
1411 return [ch, prg] | |
1412 r = (r'transpose[^-\d]*(-?\d+)', x) | |
1413 if r: return [ (1)] | |
1414 else: info ('skipped I-field: %s' % x) | |
1415 | |
1416 def parseStaveDef (s, vdefs): | |
1417 if not s.staveDefs: return vdefs | |
1418 for x in s.staveDefs [1:]: info ('%%%%%s dropped, multiple stave mappings not supported' % x) | |
1419 x = s.staveDefs [0] # only the first %%score is honoured | |
1420 score = abc_scoredef.parseString (x) [0] | |
1421 f = lambda x: type (x) == types.UnicodeType and [x] or x | |
1422 s.staves = map (f, mkStaves (score, vdefs)) | |
1423 s.grands = map (f, mkGrand (score, vdefs)) | |
1424 s.groups = mkGroups (score) | |
1425 vce_groups = [vids for vids in s.staves if len (vids) > 1] # all voice groups | |
1426 d = {} # for each voice group: map first voice id -> all merged voice ids | |
1427 for vgr in vce_groups: d [vgr[0]] = vgr | |
1428 for gstaff in s.grands: # for all grand staves | |
1429 if len (gstaff) == 1: continue # skip single parts | |
1430 for v, stf_num in zip (gstaff, range (1, len (gstaff) + 1)): | |
1431 for vx in d.get (v, [v]): # allocate staff numbers | |
1432 s.gStaffNums [vx] = stf_num # to all constituant voices | |
1433 s.gNstaves [vx] = len (gstaff) # also remember total number of staves | |
1434 s.gStaffNumsOrg = s.gStaffNums.copy () # keep original allocation for abc -> xml staff map | |
1435 return vdefs | |
1436 | |
1437 def voiceNamesAndMaps (s, ps): # get voice names and mappings | |
1438 vdefs = {} | |
1439 for vid, vcedef, vce in ps: # vcedef == emtpy of first pObj == voice definition | |
1440 pname, psubnm = '', '' # part name and abbreviation | |
1441 if not vcedef: # simple abc without voice definitions | |
1442 vdefs [vid] = pname, psubnm, '' | |
1443 else: # abc with voice definitions | |
1444 if vid != vcedef.t[1]: info ('voice ids unequal: %s (reg-ex) != %s (grammar)' % (vid, vcedef.t[1])) | |
1445 rn = (r'(?:name|nm)="([^"]*)"', vcedef.t[2]) | |
1446 if rn: pname = (1) | |
1447 rn = (r'(?:subname|snm|sname)="([^"]*)"', vcedef.t[2]) | |
1448 if rn: psubnm = (1) | |
1449 vdefs [vid] = pname, psubnm, vcedef.t[2] | |
1450 xs = [pObj.t[1] for maat in vce for pObj in maat if == 'inline'] # all inline statements in vce | |
1451 s.staveDefs += [x for x in xs if x.startswith ('score') or x.startswith ('staves')] # filter %%score and %%staves | |
1452 return vdefs | |
1453 | |
1454 def doHeaderField (s, fld, attrmap): | |
1455 type, value = fld.t[:2] | |
1456 if not value: # skip empty field | |
1457 return | |
1458 if type == 'M': | |
1459 attrmap [type] = value | |
1460 elif type == 'L': | |
1461 try: s.unitL = map (int, fld.t[1].split ('/')) | |
1462 except: | |
1463 info ('illegal unit length:%s, 1/8 assumed' % fld.t[1]) | |
1464 s.unitL = 1,8 | |
1465 if len (s.unitL) == 1 or s.unitL[1] not in s.typeMap: | |
1466 info ('L:%s is not allowed, 1/8 assumed' % fld.t[1]) | |
1467 s.unitL = 1,8 | |
1468 elif type == 'K': | |
1469 attrmap[type] = value | |
1470 elif type == 'T': | |
1471 if s.title: s.title = s.title + '\n' + value | |
1472 else: s.title = value | |
1473 elif type == 'C': | |
1474 s.creator ['composer'] = s.creator.get ('composer', '') + value | |
1475 elif type == 'Z': | |
1476 s.creator ['lyricist'] = s.creator.get ('lyricist', '') + value | |
1477 elif type == 'U': | |
1478 sym = fld.t[2].strip ('!+') | |
1479 s.usrSyms [value] = sym | |
1480 elif type == 'I': | |
1481 s.doField_I (type, value) | |
1482 elif type == 'Q': | |
1483 attrmap[type] = value | |
1484 elif type in s.creditTab: s.credits [s.creditTab [type]] = value | |
1485 else: | |
1486 info ('skipped header: %s' % fld) | |
1487 | |
1488 def mkIdentification (s, score, lev): | |
1489 if s.title: | |
1490 addElemT (score, 'movement-title', s.title, lev + 1) | |
1491 ident = E.Element ('identification') | |
1492 addElem (score, ident, lev + 1) | |
1493 if s.creator: | |
1494 for ctype, cname in s.creator.items (): | |
1495 c = E.Element ('creator', type=ctype) | |
1496 c.text = cname | |
1497 addElem (ident, c, lev + 2) | |
1498 encoding = E.Element ('encoding') | |
1499 addElem (ident, encoding, lev + 2) | |
1500 encoder = E.Element ('encoder') | |
1501 encoder.text = 'abc2xml version %d' % VERSION | |
1502 addElem (encoding, encoder, lev + 3) | |
1503 if s.supports_tag: # avoids interference of auto-flowing and explicit linebreaks | |
1504 suports = E.Element ('supports', attribute="new-system", element="print", type="yes", value="yes") | |
1505 addElem (encoding, suports, lev + 3) | |
1506 encodingDate = E.Element ('encoding-date') | |
1507 encodingDate.text = str ( ()) | |
1508 addElem (encoding, encodingDate, lev + 3) | |
1509 | |
1510 def mkDefaults (s, score, lev): | |
1511 if s.pageFmtCmd: s.pageFmtAbc = s.pageFmtCmd | |
1512 if not s.pageFmtAbc: return # do not output the defaults if none is desired | |
1513 space, h, w, l, r, t, b = s.pageFmtAbc | |
1514 mils = 4 * space # staff height in millimeters | |
1515 scale = 40. / mils # tenth's per millimeter | |
1516 dflts = E.Element ('defaults') | |
1517 addElem (score, dflts, lev) | |
1518 scaling = E.Element ('scaling') | |
1519 addElem (dflts, scaling, lev + 1) | |
1520 addElemT (scaling, 'millimeters', '%g' % mils, lev + 2) | |
1521 addElemT (scaling, 'tenths', '40', lev + 2) | |
1522 layout = E.Element ('page-layout') | |
1523 addElem (dflts, layout, lev + 1) | |
1524 addElemT (layout, 'page-height', '%g' % (h * scale), lev + 2) | |
1525 addElemT (layout, 'page-width', '%g' % (w * scale), lev + 2) | |
1526 margins = E.Element ('page-margins', type='both') | |
1527 addElem (layout, margins, lev + 2) | |
1528 addElemT (margins, 'left-margin', '%g' % (l * scale), lev + 3) | |
1529 addElemT (margins, 'right-margin', '%g' % (r * scale), lev + 3) | |
1530 addElemT (margins, 'top-margin', '%g' % (t * scale), lev + 3) | |
1531 addElemT (margins, 'bottom-margin', '%g' % (b * scale), lev + 3) | |
1532 | |
1533 def mkCredits (s, score, lev): | |
1534 if not s.credits: return | |
1535 for ctype, ctext in s.credits.items (): | |
1536 credit = E.Element ('credit', page='1') | |
1537 addElemT (credit, 'credit-type', ctype, lev + 2) | |
1538 addElemT (credit, 'credit-words', ctext, lev + 2) | |
1539 addElem (score, credit, lev) | |
1540 | |
1541 def parse (s, abc_string): | |
1542 abctext = abc_string if type (abc_string) == types.UnicodeType else decodeInput (abc_string) | |
1543 abctext = abctext.replace ('[I:staff ','[I:staff') # avoid false beam breaks | |
1544 s.reset () | |
1545 header, voices = splitHeaderVoices (abctext) | |
1546 ps = [] | |
1547 try: | |
1548 hs = abc_header.parseString (header) if header else '' | |
1549 for id, vce_lyr in voices: # vce_lyr = [voice-block] where voice-block = (measures, corresponding lyric lines) | |
1550 vcelyr = [] # list of measures where measure = list of elements (see syntax) | |
1551 prevLeftBar = None # previous voice ended with a left-bar symbol (double repeat) | |
1552 for voice, lyr in vce_lyr: | |
1553 vce = abc_voice.parseString (voice).asList () | |
1554 if not vce: # empty voice, insert an inline field that will be rejected | |
1555 vce = [[pObj ('inline', ['I', 'empty voice'])]] | |
1556 if prevLeftBar: | |
1557 vce[0].insert (0, prevLeftBar) # insert at begin of first measure | |
1558 prevLeftBar = None | |
1559 if vce[-1] and vce[-1][-1].name == 'lbar': # last measure ends with an lbar | |
1560 prevLeftBar = vce[-1][-1] | |
1561 if len (vce) > 1: # vce should not become empty (-> exception when taking vcelyr [0][0]) | |
1562 del vce[-1] # lbar was the only element in measure vce[-1] | |
1563 lyr = lyr.strip () # strip leading \n (because we split on '\nw:...') | |
1564 if lyr: # no lyrics for this measures-lyrics block | |
1565 lyr = lyr_block.parseString (lyr).asList () | |
1566 xs = alignLyr (vce, lyr) # put all syllables into corresponding notes | |
1567 else: xs = vce | |
1568 vcelyr += xs | |
1569 elem1 = vcelyr [0][0] # the first element of the first measure | |
1570 if == 'inline'and elem1.t[0] == 'V': # is a voice definition | |
1571 voicedef = elem1 | |
1572 del vcelyr [0][0] # do not read voicedef twice | |
1573 else: | |
1574 voicedef = '' | |
1575 ps.append ((id, voicedef, vcelyr)) | |
1576 except ParseException, err: | |
1577 if err.loc > 40: # limit length of error message, compatible with markInputline | |
1578 err.pstr = err.pstr [err.loc - 40: err.loc + 40] | |
1579 err.loc = 40 | |
1580 xs = err.line[err.col-1:] | |
1581 try: info (err.line.encode ('utf-8'), warn=0) # err.line is a unicode string!! | |
1582 except: info (err.line.encode ('latin-1'), warn=0) | |
1583 info ((err.col-1) * '-' + '^', warn=0) | |
1584 if (r'\[U:[XYZxyz]', xs): | |
1585 info ('Error: illegal user defined symbol: %s' % xs[1:], warn=0) | |
1586 elif (r'\[[OAPZNGHRBDFSXTCIU]:', xs): | |
1587 info ('Error: header-only field %s appears after K:' % xs[1:], warn=0) | |
1588 else: | |
1589 info ('Syntax error at column %d' % err.col, warn=0) | |
1590 raise err | |
1591 | |
1592 s.unitL = (1, 8) | |
1593 s.title = '' | |
1594 s.creator = {} # {creator type -> name string} | |
1595 s.credits = {} # {credit type -> string} | |
1596 score = E.Element ('score-partwise') | |
1597 attrmap = {'Div': str (s.divisions), 'K':'C treble', 'M':'4/4'} | |
1598 for res in hs: | |
1599 if == 'field': | |
1600 s.doHeaderField (res, attrmap) | |
1601 else: | |
1602 info ('unexpected header item: %s' % res) | |
1603 | |
1604 vdefs = s.voiceNamesAndMaps (ps) | |
1605 vdefs = s.parseStaveDef (vdefs) | |
1606 | |
1607 lev = 0 | |
1608 vids, parts, partAttr = [], [], {} | |
1609 for vid, _, vce in ps: # voice id, voice parse tree | |
1610 pname, psubnm, voicedef = vdefs [vid] # part name | |
1611 attrmap ['V'] = voicedef # abc text of first voice definition (after V:vid) or empty | |
1612 pid = 'P%s' % vid # let part id start with an alpha | |
1613 s.vid = vid # avoid parameter passing, needed in mkNote for instrument id | |
1614 part = s.mkPart (vce, pid, lev + 1, attrmap, s.gNstaves.get (vid, 0)) | |
1615 if 'Q' in attrmap: del attrmap ['Q'] # header tempo only in first part | |
1616 parts.append (part) | |
1617 vids.append (vid) | |
1618 partAttr [vid] = (pname, psubnm, s.midprg) | |
1619 parts, vidsnew = mergeParts (parts, vids, s.staves) # merge parts into staves as indicated by %%score | |
1620 parts, _ = mergeParts (parts, vidsnew, s.grands, 1) # merge grand staves | |
1621 | |
1622 s.mkIdentification (score, lev) | |
1623 s.mkDefaults (score, lev + 1) | |
1624 s.mkCredits (score, lev) | |
1625 | |
1626 partlist, nInstrs = s.mkPartlist (vids, partAttr, lev + 1) | |
1627 addElem (score, partlist, lev + 1) | |
1628 for ip, part in enumerate (parts): | |
1629 if nInstrs [ip] < 2: # no instrument tag needed for one- or no-instrument parts | |
1630 removeElems (part, 'measure/note', 'instrument') | |
1631 addElem (score, part, lev + 1) | |
1632 | |
1633 return score | |
1634 | |
1635 def decodeInput (data_string): | |
1636 try: enc = 'utf-8'; unicode_string = data_string.decode (enc) | |
1637 except: | |
1638 try: enc = 'latin-1'; unicode_string = data_string.decode (enc) | |
1639 except: raise Exception ('data not encoded in utf-8 nor in latin-1') | |
1640 info ('decoded from %s' % enc) | |
1641 return unicode_string | |
1642 | |
1643 xmlVersion = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>" | |
1644 def fixDoctype (elem, enc): | |
1645 xs = E.tostring (elem, encoding=enc) | |
1646 ys = xs.split ('\n') | |
1647 if enc == 'utf-8': ys.insert (0, xmlVersion) # crooked logic of ElementTree lib | |
1648 ys.insert (1, '<!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC "-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 3.0 Partwise//EN" "">') | |
1649 return '\n'.join (ys) | |
1650 | |
1651 def xml2mxl (pad, fnm, data): # write xml data to compressed .mxl file | |
1652 from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED | |
1653 fnmext = fnm + '.xml' # file name with extension, relative to the root within the archive | |
1654 outfile = os.path.join (pad, fnm + '.mxl') | |
1655 meta = '%s\n<container><rootfiles>\n' % xmlVersion | |
1656 meta += '<rootfile full-path="%s" media-type="application/vnd.recordare.musicxml+xml"/>\n' % fnmext | |
1657 meta += '</rootfiles></container>' | |
1658 f = ZipFile (outfile, 'w', ZIP_DEFLATED) | |
1659 f.writestr ('META-INF/container.xml', meta) | |
1660 f.writestr (fnmext, data) | |
1661 f.close () | |
1662 info ('%s written' % outfile, warn=0) | |
1663 | |
1664 def convert (pad, fnm, abc_string, mxl): | |
1665 # these globals should be initialised (as in the __main__ secion) before calling convert | |
1666 global mxm # optimisation 1: keep instance of MusicXml | |
1667 global abc_header, abc_voice, lyr_block, abc_scoredef # optimisation 2: keep computed grammars | |
1668 score = mxm.parse (abc_string) | |
1669 if pad: | |
1670 data = fixDoctype (score, 'utf-8') | |
1671 if not mxl or mxl in ['a', 'add']: | |
1672 outfnm = os.path.join (pad, fnm + '.xml') | |
1673 outfile = file (outfnm, 'wb') | |
1674 outfile.write (data) | |
1675 outfile.close () | |
1676 info ('%s written' % outfnm, warn=0) | |
1677 if mxl: xml2mxl (pad, fnm, data) # also write a compressed version | |
1678 else: | |
1679 outfile = sys.stdout | |
1680 outfile.write (fixDoctype (score, 'utf-8')) | |
1681 outfile.write ('\n') | |
1682 | |
1683 #---------------- | |
1684 # Main Program | |
1685 #---------------- | |
1686 if __name__ == '__main__': | |
1687 from optparse import OptionParser | |
1688 from glob import glob | |
1689 import time | |
1690 global mxm # keep instance of MusicXml | |
1691 global abc_header, abc_voice, lyr_block, abc_scoredef # keep computed grammars | |
1692 mxm = MusicXml () | |
1693 | |
1694 parser = OptionParser (usage='%prog [-h] [-r] [-m SKIP NUM] [-o DIR] [-p PFMT] [-z MODE] <file1> [<file2> ...]', version='version %d' % VERSION) | |
1695 parser.add_option ("-o", action="store", help="store xml files in DIR", default='', metavar='DIR') | |
1696 parser.add_option ("-m", action="store", help="skip SKIP tunes, then read at most NUM tunes", nargs=2, type='int', default=(0,1), metavar='SKIP NUM') | |
1697 parser.add_option ("-p", action="store", help="page formatting in PFMT", default='', metavar='PFMT') | |
1698 parser.add_option ("-z", "--mxl", dest="mxl", help="store as compressed mxl, MODE = a(dd) or r(eplace)", default='', metavar='MODE') | |
1699 parser.add_option ("-r", action="store_true", help="show whole measure rests in merged staffs", default=False) | |
1700 options, args = parser.parse_args () | |
1701 if len (args) == 0: parser.error ('no input file given') | |
1702 pad = options.o | |
1703 if options.mxl and options.mxl not in ['a','add', 'r', 'replace']: | |
1704 parser.error ('MODE should be a(dd) or r(eplace), not: %s' % options.mxl) | |
1705 if pad: | |
1706 if not os.path.exists (pad): os.mkdir (pad) | |
1707 if not os.path.isdir (pad): parser.error ('%s is not a directory' % pad) | |
1708 if options.p: # set page formatting values | |
1709 try: # space, page-height, -width, margin-left, -right, -top, -bottom | |
1710 mxm.pageFmtCmd = map (float, options.p.split (',')) | |
1711 if len (mxm.pageFmtCmd) != 7: raise Exception ('-p needs 7 values') | |
1712 except Exception, err: parser.error (err) | |
1713 mxm.gmwr = options.r # ugly: needs to be globally accessable | |
1714 | |
1715 abc_header, abc_voice, lyr_block, abc_scoredef = abc_grammar () # compute grammar only once per file set | |
1716 fnmext_list = [] | |
1717 for i in args: fnmext_list += glob (i) | |
1718 if not fnmext_list: parser.error ('none of the input files exist') | |
1719 t_start = time.time () | |
1720 for X, fnmext in enumerate (fnmext_list): | |
1721 fnm, ext = os.path.splitext (fnmext) | |
1722 if ext.lower () not in ('.abc'): | |
1723 info ('skipped input file %s, it should have extension .abc' % fnmext) | |
1724 continue | |
1725 if os.path.isdir (fnmext): | |
1726 info ('skipped directory %s. Only files are accepted' % fnmext) | |
1727 continue | |
1728 | |
1729 fobj = open (fnmext, 'rb') | |
1730 encoded_data = () | |
1731 fobj.close () | |
1732 fragments = encoded_data.split ('X:') | |
1733 preamble = fragments [0] # tunes can be preceeded by formatting instructions | |
1734 tunes = fragments[1:] | |
1735 if not tunes and preamble: tunes, preamble = ['1\n' + preamble], '' # tune without X: | |
1736 skip, num = options.m # skip tunes, then read at most num tunes | |
1737 numtunes = min ([len (tunes), num]) # number of tunes to be converted | |
1738 for itune, tune in enumerate (tunes): | |
1739 if itune < skip: continue | |
1740 if itune >= skip + num: break | |
1741 tune = preamble + 'X:' + tune # restore preamble before each tune | |
1742 fnmNum = '%s%02d' % (fnm, itune + 1) if numtunes > 1 else fnm | |
1743 try: # convert string abctext -> file pad/fnmNum.xml | |
1744 convert (pad, fnmNum, tune, options.mxl) | |
1745 except ParseException, err: pass # output already printed | |
1746 except Exception, err: info ('an exception occurred.\n%s' % err) | |
1747 info ('done in %.2f secs' % (time.time () - t_start)) |