view abc2xml/ @ 954:48386452b36a

Don't \cleardoublepage before mainmatter or backmatter.
author Jim Hague <>
date Tue, 06 Aug 2019 22:24:02 +0100
parents 4fab69a1027d
children b1dbb76f4eb9
line wrap: on
line source

# coding=latin-1
Copyright (C) 2012: Willem G. Vree
Contributions: Nils Liberg, Nicolas Froment, Norman Schmidt, Reinier Maliepaard, Martin Tarenskeen

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU General Public License for more details. <>.

from pyparsing import Word, OneOrMore, Optional, Literal, NotAny, MatchFirst
from pyparsing import Group, oneOf, Suppress, ZeroOrMore, Combine, FollowedBy
from pyparsing import srange, CharsNotIn, StringEnd, LineEnd, White, Regex
from pyparsing import nums, alphas, alphanums, ParseException, Forward
try:    import xml.etree.cElementTree as E
except: import xml.etree.ElementTree as E
import types, sys, os, re, datetime


def info (s, warn=1):
    x = (warn and '-- ' or '') + s
    try: sys.stderr.write (x + '\n')
    except: sys.stderr.write (repr (x) + '\n')

def abc_grammar ():     # header, voice and lyrics grammar for ABC
    b1 = Word (u"-,'<>\u2019#", exact=1)  # catch misplaced chars in chords

    # ABC header (fld_text elements are matched later with reg. epr's)

    number = Word (nums).setParseAction (lambda t: int (t[0]))
    field_str = Regex (r'(?:\\.|[^]\\])*')  # match anything until end of field, skip escaped \]
    field_str.setParseAction (lambda t: t[0].strip ())  # and strip spacing

    userdef_symbol  = Word (srange ('[H-Wh-w~]'), exact=1)
    fieldId = oneOf ('K L M Q P I T C O A Z N G H R B D F S E r') # info fields
    X_field = Literal ('X') + Suppress (':') + number + field_str
    U_field = Literal ('U') + Suppress (':') + userdef_symbol + Suppress ('=') + field_str
    V_field = Literal ('V') + Suppress (':') + Word (alphanums + '_') + field_str
    inf_fld = fieldId + Suppress (':') + field_str
    ifield = Suppress ('[') + (X_field | U_field | V_field | inf_fld) + Suppress (']')
    abc_header = OneOrMore (ifield) + StringEnd ()

    # I:score with recursive part groups and {* grand staff marker

    voiceId = Suppress (Optional ('*')) + Word (alphanums + '_')
    voice_gr = Suppress ('(') + OneOrMore (voiceId | Suppress ('|')) + Suppress (')')
    simple_part = voiceId | voice_gr | Suppress ('|')
    grand_staff = oneOf ('{* {') + OneOrMore (simple_part) + Suppress ('}')
    part = Forward ()
    part_seq = OneOrMore (part | Suppress ('|'))
    brace_gr = Suppress ('{') + part_seq + Suppress ('}')
    bracket_gr = Suppress ('[') + part_seq + Suppress ('\]')    # closing brackets are escaped by splitHeaderVoices
    part << MatchFirst (simple_part | grand_staff | brace_gr | bracket_gr | Suppress ('|'))
    abc_scoredef = Suppress (oneOf ('staves score')) + OneOrMore (part)

    # ABC voice (not white space sensitive, beams detected in note/rest parse actions)

    inline_field =  Suppress ('[') + (inf_fld | U_field | V_field) + Suppress (']')

    note_length = Optional (number, 1) + Group (ZeroOrMore ('/')) + Optional (number, 2)
    octaveHigh = OneOrMore ("'").setParseAction (lambda t: len(t))
    octaveLow = OneOrMore (',').setParseAction (lambda t: -len(t))
    octave  = octaveHigh | octaveLow

    basenote = oneOf ('C D E F G A B c d e f g a b y')  # includes spacer for parse efficiency
    accidental = oneOf ('^^ __ ^ _ =')
    rest_sym  = oneOf ('x X z Z')
    slur_beg = oneOf ('( .(') + ~Word (nums)    # no tuplet_start
    slur_ends = OneOrMore (oneOf (') .)'))

    long_decoration = Combine (oneOf ('! +') + CharsNotIn ('!+ \n') + oneOf ('! +'))
    staccato        = Literal ('.') + ~Literal ('|')    # avoid dotted barline
    decoration      = staccato | userdef_symbol | long_decoration | slur_beg
    decorations     = OneOrMore (decoration)
    staff_decos     = decorations + ~oneOf (': | [|] []')

    tie = oneOf ('.- -')
    rest = Optional (accidental) + rest_sym + note_length
    pitch = Optional (accidental) + basenote + Optional (octave, 0)
    note = pitch + note_length + Optional (tie) + Optional (slur_ends)
    chord_note = Optional (decorations) + pitch + note_length + Optional (tie) + Optional (slur_ends)
    chord_notes = OneOrMore (chord_note | rest | b1)
    grace_notes = Forward ()
    chord = Suppress ('[') + OneOrMore (chord_notes | grace_notes) + Suppress (']') + note_length + Optional (tie) + Optional (slur_ends)
    stem = note | chord | rest

    broken = Combine (OneOrMore ('<') | OneOrMore ('>'))

    tuplet_num   = Suppress ('(') + number
    tuplet_into  = Suppress (':') + Optional (number, 0)
    tuplet_notes = Suppress (':') + Optional (number, 0)
    tuplet_start = tuplet_num + Optional (tuplet_into + Optional (tuplet_notes))

    acciaccatura    = Literal ('/')
    grace_stem      = Optional (decorations) + stem
    grace_notes     << Group (Suppress ('{') + Optional (acciaccatura) + OneOrMore (grace_stem) + Suppress ('}'))

    text_expression  = Optional (oneOf ('^ _ < > @'), '^') + Optional (CharsNotIn ('"'), "")
    chord_accidental = oneOf ('# b =')
    triad            = oneOf ('ma Maj maj M mi min m aug dim o + -')
    seventh          = oneOf ('7 ma7 Maj7 M7 maj7 mi7 m7 dim7 o7 -7 aug7 +7 m7b5 mi7b5')
    sixth            = oneOf ('6 ma6 M6 m6 mi6')
    ninth            = oneOf ('9 ma9 M9 maj9 Maj9 mi9 m9')
    elevn            = oneOf ('11 ma11 M11 maj11 Maj11 mi m11')
    suspended        = oneOf ('sus sus2 sus4')
    chord_degree     = Combine (Optional (chord_accidental) + oneOf ('2 4 5 6 7 9 11 13'))
    chord_kind       = Optional (seventh | sixth | ninth | elevn | triad, '_') + Optional (suspended)
    chord_root       = oneOf ('C D E F G A B') + Optional (chord_accidental)
    chord_bass       = oneOf ('C D E F G A B') + Optional (chord_accidental) # needs a different parse action
    chordsym         = chord_root + chord_kind + ZeroOrMore (chord_degree) + Optional (Suppress ('/') + chord_bass)
    chord_sym        = chordsym + Optional (Literal ('(') + CharsNotIn (')') + Literal (')')).suppress ()
    chord_or_text    = Suppress ('"') + (chord_sym ^ text_expression) + Suppress ('"')

    volta_nums = Optional ('[').suppress () + Combine (Word (nums) + ZeroOrMore (oneOf (', -') + Word (nums)))
    volta_text = Literal ('[').suppress () + Regex (r'"[^"]+"')
    volta = volta_nums | volta_text
    invisible_barline = oneOf ('[|] []')
    dashed_barline = oneOf (': .|')
    double_rep = Literal (':') + FollowedBy (':')   # otherwise ambiguity with dashed barline
    voice_overlay = Combine (OneOrMore ('&'))
    bare_volta = FollowedBy (Literal ('[') + Word (nums))   # no barline, but volta follows (volta is parsed in next measure)
    bar_left = (oneOf ('[|: |: [: :') + Optional (volta)) | Optional ('|').suppress () + volta | oneOf ('| [|')
    bars = ZeroOrMore (':') + ZeroOrMore ('[') + OneOrMore (oneOf ('| ]'))
    bar_right = Optional (decorations) + (invisible_barline | double_rep | Combine (bars) | dashed_barline | voice_overlay | bare_volta)
    errors =  ~bar_right + Optional (Word (' \n')) + CharsNotIn (':&|', exact=1)
    linebreak = Literal ('$') | ~decorations + Literal ('!')    # no need for I:linebreak !!!
    element = inline_field | broken | staff_decos | stem | chord_or_text | grace_notes | tuplet_start | linebreak | errors
    measure      = Group (ZeroOrMore (inline_field) + Optional (bar_left) + ZeroOrMore (element) + bar_right + Optional (linebreak))
    noBarMeasure = Group (ZeroOrMore (inline_field) + Optional (bar_left) + OneOrMore (element) + Optional (linebreak))
    abc_voice = ZeroOrMore (measure) + Optional (noBarMeasure | Group (bar_left)) + ZeroOrMore (inline_field).suppress () + StringEnd ()

    # ABC lyric lines (white space sensitive)

    skip_note   = oneOf ('* - ~')
    extend_note = Literal ('_')
    measure_end = Literal ('|')
    syl_chars   = CharsNotIn ('*~-_| \t\n')
    white       = Word (' \t')
    syllable    = Combine (Optional ('~') + syl_chars + ZeroOrMore (Literal ('~') + syl_chars)) + Optional ('-')
    lyr_elem    = (syllable | skip_note | extend_note | measure_end) + Optional (white).suppress ()
    lyr_head    = (Literal ('w:') + Optional (white)).suppress ()
    lyr_line    = Group (lyr_head + ZeroOrMore (lyr_elem) + LineEnd ().suppress ())

    # Parse actions to convert all relevant results into an abstract
    # syntax tree where all tree nodes are instances of pObj

    ifield.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('field', t))
    grand_staff.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('grand', t, 1)) # 1 = keep ordered list of results
    brace_gr.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('bracegr', t, 1))
    bracket_gr.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('bracketgr', t, 1))
    voice_gr.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('voicegr', t, 1))
    voiceId.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('vid', t, 1))
    abc_scoredef.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('score', t, 1))
    note_length.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('dur', (t[0], (t[2] << len (t[1])) >> 1)))
    chordsym.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('chordsym', t))
    chord_root.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('root', t))
    chord_kind.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('kind', t))
    chord_degree.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('degree', t))
    chord_bass.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('bass', t))
    text_expression.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('text', t))
    inline_field.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('inline', t))
    grace_notes.setParseAction (doGrace) # (lambda t: pObj ('grace', t))
    acciaccatura.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('accia', t))
    note.setParseAction (noteActn)
    chord_note.setParseAction (noteActn)
    rest.setParseAction (restActn)
    decorations.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('deco', t))
    slur_ends.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('slurs', t))
    chord.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('chord', t))
    tie.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('tie', t))
    pitch.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('pitch', t))
    bare_volta.setParseAction (lambda t: ['|']) # return barline that user forgot
    dashed_barline.setParseAction (lambda t: ['.|'])
    bar_right.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('rbar', t))
    bar_left.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('lbar', t))
    broken.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('broken', t))
    tuplet_start.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('tup', t))
    linebreak.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('linebrk', t))
    measure.setParseAction (doMaat)
    noBarMeasure.setParseAction (doMaat)
    syllable.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('syl', t))
    skip_note.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('skip', t))
    extend_note.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('ext', t))
    measure_end.setParseAction (lambda t: pObj ('sbar', t))
    b1.setParseAction (errorWarn)
    errors.setParseAction (errorWarn)
    lyr_block   = OneOrMore (lyr_line).leaveWhitespace ()   # after leaveWhiteSpace no more parse actions can be set!!

    return abc_header, abc_voice, lyr_block, abc_scoredef

class pObj (object):    # every relevant parse result is converted into a pObj
    def __init__ (s, name, t, seq=0):   # t = list of nested parse results = name   # name uniqueliy identifies this pObj
        rest = []       # collect parse results that are not a pObj
        attrs = {}      # new attributes
        for x in t:     # nested pObj's become attributes of this pObj
            if type (x) == pObj:
                attrs [] = attrs.get (, []) + [x]
                rest.append (x)             # collect non-pObj's (mostly literals)
        for name, xs in attrs.items ():
            if len (xs) == 1: xs = xs[0]    # only list if more then one pObj
            setattr (s, name, xs)           # create the new attributes
        s.t = rest      # all nested non-pObj's (mostly literals)
        s.objs = seq and t or []            # for nested ordered (lyric) pObj's

    def __repr__ (s):   # make a nice string representation of a pObj
        r = []
        for nm in dir (s):
            if nm.startswith ('_'): continue # skip build in attributes
            elif nm == 'name': continue     # redundant
                x = getattr (s, nm)
                if not x: continue          # s.t may be empty (list of non-pObj's)
                if type (x) == types.ListType:  r.extend (x)
                else:                           r.append (x)
        xs = []
        for x in r:     # recursively call __repr__ and convert all strings to latin-1
            if isinstance (x, types.StringTypes):
                try:    xs.append (x.encode ('latin-1'))
                except: xs.append (repr (x))    # string -> no recursion
            else:       xs.append (repr (x))    # pObj -> recursive call
        return '(' + + ' ' +','.join (xs) + ')'

global prevloc                  # global to remember previous match position of a note/rest
prevloc = 0
def detectBeamBreak (line, loc, t):
    global prevloc              # location in string 'line' of previous note match
    xs = line[prevloc:loc+1]    # string between previous and current note match
    xs = xs.lstrip ()           # first note match starts on a space!
    prevloc = loc               # location in string 'line' of current note match
    b = pObj ('bbrk', [' ' in xs])      # space somewhere between two notes -> beambreak
    t.insert (0, b)             # insert beambreak as a nested parse result

def noteActn (line, loc, t):    # detect beambreak between previous and current note/rest
    if 'y' in t[0].t: return [] # discard spacer
    detectBeamBreak (line, loc, t)      # adds beambreak to parse result t as side effect
    return pObj ('note', t)

def restActn (line, loc, t):    # detect beambreak between previous and current note/rest
    detectBeamBreak (line, loc, t)  # adds beambreak to parse result t as side effect
    return pObj ('rest', t)

def errorWarn (line, loc, t):      # warning for misplaced symbols and skip them
    info ('**misplaced symbol: %s' % t[0], warn=0)
    lineCopy = line [:]
    if loc > 40:
        lineCopy = line [loc - 40: loc + 40]
        loc = 40
    info (lineCopy.replace ('\n', ' '), warn=0)
    info (loc * '-' + '^', warn=0)
    return []

# transformations of a measure (called by parse action doMaat)

def simplify (a, b):    # divide a and b by their greatest common divisor
    x, y = a, b
    while b: a, b = b, a % b
    return x / a, y / a

def doBroken (prev, brk, x):
    if not prev: info ('error in broken rhythm: %s' % x); return    # no changes
    nom1, den1 = prev.dur.t # duration of first note/chord
    nom2, den2 = x.dur.t    # duration of second note/chord
    if  brk == '>':
        nom1, den1  = simplify (3 * nom1, 2 * den1)
        nom2, den2  = simplify (1 * nom2, 2 * den2)
    elif brk == '<':
        nom1, den1  = simplify (1 * nom1, 2 * den1)
        nom2, den2  = simplify (3 * nom2, 2 * den2)
    elif brk == '>>':
        nom1, den1  = simplify (7 * nom1, 4 * den1)
        nom2, den2  = simplify (1 * nom2, 4 * den2)
    elif brk == '<<':
        nom1, den1  = simplify (1 * nom1, 4 * den1)
        nom2, den2  = simplify (7 * nom2, 4 * den2)
    else: return            # give up
    prev.dur.t = nom1, den1 # change duration of previous note/chord
    x.dur.t = nom2, den2    # and current note/chord

def convertBroken (t):  # convert broken rhythms to normal note durations
    prev = None # the last note/chord before the broken symbol
    brk = ''    # the broken symbol
    remove = [] # indexes to broken symbols (to be deleted) in measure
    for i, x in enumerate (t):  # scan all elements in measure
        if == 'note' or == 'chord' or == 'rest':
            if brk:                 # a broken symbol was encountered before
                doBroken (prev, brk, x) # change duration previous note/chord/rest and current one
                brk = ''
                prev = x            # remember the last note/chord/rest
        elif == 'broken':
            brk = x.t[0]            # remember the broken symbol (=string)
            remove.insert (0, i)    # and its index, highest index first
    for i in remove: del t[i]       # delete broken symbols from high to low

def convertChord (t):   # convert chord to sequence of notes in musicXml-style
    ins = []
    for i, x in enumerate (t):
        if == 'chord':
            if hasattr (x, 'rest') and not hasattr (x, 'note'): # chords containing only rests
                if type ( == types.ListType: =[0]  # more rests == one rest
                ins.insert (0, (i, []))   # just output a single rest, no chord
            num1, den1 = x.dur.t                # chord duration
            tie = getattr (x, 'tie', None)      # chord tie
            slurs = getattr (x, 'slurs', [])    # slur endings
            deco = getattr (x, 'deco', [])      # chord decorations
            if type (x.note) != types.ListType: x.note = [x.note]   # when chord has only one note ...
            for j, nt in enumerate (x.note):    # all notes of the chord
                num2, den2 = nt.dur.t           # note duration * chord duration
                nt.dur.t = simplify (num1 * num2, den1 * den2)
                if tie: nt.tie = tie            # tie on all chord notes
                if j == 0 and deco: nt.deco = deco      # decorations only on first chord note
                if j == 0 and slurs: nt.slurs = slurs   # slur endings only on first chord note
                if j > 0: nt.chord = pObj ('chord', [1]) # label all but first as chord notes
                else:                           # remember all pitches of the chord in the first note
                    pitches = [n.pitch for n in x.note] # to implement conversion of erroneous ties to slurs
                    nt.pitches = pObj ('pitches', pitches)
            ins.insert (0, (i, x.note))         # high index first
    for i, notes in ins:                        # insert from high to low
        for nt in reversed (notes):
            t.insert (i+1, nt)                  # insert chord notes after chord
        del t[i]                                # remove chord itself

def doMaat (t):             # t is a Group() result -> the measure is in t[0]
    convertBroken (t[0])    # remove all broken rhythms and convert to normal durations
    convertChord (t[0])     # replace chords by note sequences in musicXML style

def doGrace (t):        # t is a Group() result -> the grace sequence is in t[0]
    convertChord (t[0]) # a grace sequence may have chords
    for nt in t[0]:     # flag all notes within the grace sequence
        if == 'note': nt.grace = 1 # set grace attribute
    return t[0]         # ungroup the parse result
# musicXML generation

def compChordTab ():    # avoid some typing work: returns mapping constant {ABC chordsyms -> musicXML kind}
    maj, min, aug, dim, dom, ch7, ch6, ch9, ch11, hd = 'major minor augmented diminished dominant -seventh -sixth -ninth -11th half-diminished'.split ()
    triad   = zip ('ma Maj maj M mi min m aug dim o + -'.split (), [maj, maj, maj, maj, min, min, min, aug, dim, dim, aug, min])
    seventh = zip ('7 ma7 Maj7 M7 maj7 mi7 m7 dim7 o7 -7 aug7 +7 m7b5 mi7b5'.split (),
                   [dom, maj+ch7, maj+ch7, maj+ch7, maj+ch7, min+ch7, min+ch7, dim+ch7, dim+ch7, min+ch7, aug+ch7, aug+ch7, hd, hd])
    sixth   = zip ('6 ma6 M6 mi6 m6'.split (), [maj+ch6, maj+ch6, maj+ch6, min+ch6, min+ch6])
    ninth   = zip ('9 ma9 M9 maj9 Maj9 mi9 m9'.split (), [dom+ch9, maj+ch9, maj+ch9, maj+ch9, maj+ch9, min+ch9, min+ch9])
    elevn   = zip ('11 ma11 M11 maj11 Maj11 mi11 m11'.split (), [dom+ch11, maj+ch11, maj+ch11, maj+ch11, maj+ch11, min+ch11, min+ch11])
    return dict (triad + seventh + sixth + ninth + elevn)

def addElem (parent, child, level):
    indent = 2
    chldrn = parent.getchildren ()
    if chldrn:
        chldrn[-1].tail += indent * ' '
        parent.text = '\n' + level * indent * ' '
    parent.append (child)
    child.tail = '\n' + (level-1) * indent * ' '

def addElemT (parent, tag, text, level):
    e = E.Element (tag)
    e.text = text
    addElem (parent, e, level)
def mkTmod (tmnum, tmden, lev):
    tmod = E.Element ('time-modification')
    addElemT (tmod, 'actual-notes', str (tmnum), lev + 1)
    addElemT (tmod, 'normal-notes', str (tmden), lev + 1)
    return tmod

def addDirection (parent, elem, lev, gstaff, subelms=[], placement='below', cue_on=0):
    dir = E.Element ('direction', placement=placement)
    addElem (parent, dir, lev)
    typ = E.Element ('direction-type')
    addElem (dir, typ, lev + 1)
    addElem (typ, elem, lev + 2)
    for subel in subelms: addElem (elem, subel, lev + 3)
    if cue_on: addElem (dir, E.Element ('level', size='cue'), lev + 1)
    if gstaff: addElemT (dir, 'staff', str (gstaff), lev + 1)
    return dir

def removeElems (root_elem, parent_str, elem_str):
    for p in root_elem.findall (parent_str):
        e = p.find (elem_str)
        if e != None: p.remove (e)

def alignLyr (vce, lyrs):
    empty_el = pObj ('leeg', '*')
    for k, lyr in enumerate (lyrs): # lyr = one full line of lyrics
        i = 0               # syl counter
        for msre in vce:    # reiterate the voice block for each lyrics line
            for elem in msre:
                if == 'note' and not (hasattr (elem, 'chord') or hasattr (elem, 'grace')):
                    if i >= len (lyr): lr = empty_el
                    else: lr = lyr [i]
                    elem.objs.append (lr)
                    if != 'sbar': i += 1
            if i < len (lyr) and lyr[i].name == 'sbar': i += 1
    return vce

slur_move = re.compile (r'(?<![!+])([}><][<>]?)(\)+)')  # (?<!...) means: not preceeded by ...
mm_rest = re.compile (r'([XZ])(\d+)')
bar_space = re.compile (r'([:|][ |\[\]]+[:|])')         # barlines with spaces
def fixSlurs (x):   # repair slurs when after broken sign or grace-close
    def f (mo):     # replace a multi-measure rest by single measure rests
        n = int ( (2))
        return (n * ( (1) + '|')) [:-1]
    def g (mo):     # squash spaces in barline expressions
        return (1).replace (' ','')
    x = mm_rest.sub (f, x)
    x = bar_space.sub (g, x)
    return slur_move.sub (r'\2\1', x)

def splitHeaderVoices (abctext):
    r1 = re.compile (r'%.*$')           # comments
    r2 = re.compile (r'^[A-Z]:.*$')     # information field
    r3 = re.compile (r'^%%(?=[^%])')    # directive: ^%% folowed by not a %
    xs, nx = [], 0
    for x in abctext.splitlines ():
        x = x.strip ()
        if not x and nx == 1: break     # end of tune
        x = r3.sub ('I:', x)            # replace %% -> I:
        x2 = r1.sub ('', x)             # remove comment
        while x2.endswith ('*'): x2 = x2[:-1]   # remove old syntax for right adjusting
        if not x2: continue             # empty line
        if x2[:2] == 'W:': continue     # skip W: lyrics
        if x2[:2] == 'w:' and xs[-1][-1] ==  '\\':
            xs[-1] = xs[-1][:-1]        # ignore line continuation before lyrics line
        ro = r2.match (x2)
        if ro:                          # field -> inline_field, escape all ']'
            if x2[-1] == '\\': x2 = x2[:-1] # ignore continuation after field line
            x2 = '[' + x2.replace (']',r'\]') + ']'
        if x2[:2] == '+:':              # new style continuation
            xs[-1] += x2[2:]
        elif xs and xs[-1][-1] ==  '\\':  # old style continuation
            xs[-1] = xs[-1][:-1] + x2
        else:                           # skip lines (except I:) until first X:
            if x.startswith ('X:'):
                if nx == 1: break       # second tune starts without an empty line !!
                nx = 1                  # start of first tune
            if nx == 1 or x.startswith ('I:'):
                xs.append (x2)
    if xs and xs[-1][-1] == '\\':       # nothing left to continue with, remove last continuation
        xs[-1] = xs[-1][:-1]

    r1 = re.compile (r'\[[A-Z]:(\\.|[^]\\])*\]') # inline field with escaped ']'
    r2 = re.compile (r'\[K:')           # start of K: field
    r3 = re.compile (r'\[V:|\[I:MIDI')  # start of V: field or midi field
    fields, voices, b = [], [], 0
    for i, x in enumerate (xs):
        n = len (r1.sub ('', x))        # remove all inline fields
        if n > 0: b = 1; break          # real abc present -> end of header
        if (x):               # start of K: field
            fields.append (x)
            i += 1; b = 1
            break                       # first K: field -> end of header
        if (x):               # start of V: field
            voices.append (x)
            fields.append (x)
    if b: voices += xs[i:]
    else: voices += []                  # tune has only header fields
    header =  '\n'.join (fields)
    abctext = '\n'.join (voices)

    xs = abctext.split ('[V:')
    if len (xs) == 1: abctext = '[V:1]' + abctext # abc has no voice defs at all
    elif r1.sub ('', xs[0]).strip ():   # remove inline fields from starting text, if any
        abctext = '[V:1]' + abctext     # abc with voices has no V: at start

    r1 = re.compile (r'\[V:\s*(\S*)[ \]]') # get voice id from V: field (skip spaces betwee V: and ID)
    vmap = {}                           # {voice id -> [voice abc string]}
    vorder = {}                         # mark document order of voices
    xs = re.split (r'(\[V:[^]]*\])', abctext)   # split on every V-field (V-fields included in split result list)
    if len (xs) == 1: raise (Exception ('bugs ...'))
        header += xs[0]     # xs[0] = text between K: and first V:, normally empty, but we put it in the header
        i = 1
        while i < len (xs):             # xs = ['', V-field, voice abc, V-field, voice abc, ...]
            vce, abc = xs[i:i+2]
            id = (vce).group (1)                  # get voice ID from V-field
            vmap[id] = vmap.get (id, []) + [vce, abc]       # collect abc-text for each voice id (include V-fields)
            if id not in vorder: vorder [id] = i            # store document order of first occurrence of voice id
            i += 2
    voices = []
    ixs = sorted ([(i, id) for id, i in vorder.items ()])   # restore document order of voices
    for i, id in ixs:
        voice = ''.join (vmap [id])                         # all abc of one voice
        xs = re.split (r'((?:\nw:[^\n]*)+)', voice)         # split voice into voice-lyrics blocks
        if len (xs) == 1:               # no lyrics
            voice = fixSlurs (xs[0])    # put slurs right after the notes
            vce_lyr = [[voice, '']]
            if xs[-1].strip () != '': xs.append ('w:')               # last block had no lyrics
            vce_lyr = []                # [[voice, lyrics],[],...] list of voice-lyrics blocks
            for k in range (0, len (xs) - 1, 2):
                voice, lyrics = xs [k:k+2]
                voice = fixSlurs (voice)    # put slurs right after the notes
                vce_lyr.append ((voice, lyrics))
        voices.append ((id, vce_lyr))
    return header, voices

def mergeMeasure (m1, m2, slur_offset, voice_offset, is_grand=0):
    slurs = m2.findall ('note/notations/slur')
    for slr in slurs:
        slrnum = int (slr.get ('number')) + slur_offset 
        slr.set ('number', str (slrnum))    # make unique slurnums in m2
    vs = m2.findall ('note/voice')          # set all voice number elements in m2
    for v in vs: v.text  = str (voice_offset + int (v.text))
    ls = m1.findall ('note/lyric')          # all lyric elements in m1
    lnum_max = max ([int (l.get ('number')) for l in ls] + [0]) # highest lyric number in m1
    ls = m2.findall ('note/lyric')          # update lyric elements in m2
    for el in ls:
        n = int (el.get ('number'))
        el.set ('number', str (n + lnum_max))
    ns = m1.findall ('note')    # determine the total duration of m1, subtract all backups
    dur1 = sum (int (n.find ('duration').text) for n in ns
                if n.find ('grace') == None and n.find ('chord') == None)
    dur1 -= sum (int (b.text) for b in m1.findall ('backup/duration'))
    nns, es = 0, []             # nns = number of real notes in m2
    for e in m2.getchildren (): # scan all elements of m2
        if e.tag == 'attributes':
            if not is_grand: continue # no attribute merging for normal voices
            else: nns += 1       # but we do merge (clef) attributes for a grand staff
        if e.tag == 'print': continue
        if e.tag == 'note' and (mxm.gmwr or e.find ('rest') == None): nns += 1
        es.append (e)           # buffer elements to be merged
    if nns > 0:                 # only merge if m2 contains any real notes
        if dur1 > 0:            # only insert backup if duration of m1 > 0
            b = E.Element ('backup')
            addElem (m1, b, level=3)
            addElemT (b, 'duration', str (dur1), level=4)
        for e in es: addElem (m1, e, level=3)   # merge buffered elements of m2

def mergePartList (parts, is_grand=0):  # merge parts, make grand staff when is_grand true

    def delAttrs (part):                # for the time being we only keep clef attributes
        xs = [(m, e) for m in part.findall ('measure') for e in m.findall ('attributes')]
        for m, e in xs:
            for c in e.getchildren ():
                if c.tag == 'clef': continue    # keep clef attribute
                e.remove (c)                    # delete all other attrinutes for higher staff numbers
            if len (e.getchildren ()) == 0: m.remove (e)    # remove empty attributes element

    p1 = parts[0]
    for p2 in parts[1:]:
        if is_grand: delAttrs (p2)                          # delete all attributes except clef
        for i in range (len (p1) + 1, len (p2) + 1):        # second part longer than first one
            maat = E.Element ('measure', number = str(i))   # append empty measures
            addElem (p1, maat, 2)
        slurs = p1.findall ('measure/note/notations/slur')  # find highest slur num in first part
        slur_max = max ([int (slr.get ('number')) for slr in slurs] + [0])
        vs = p1.findall ('measure/note/voice')              # all voice number elements in first part
        vnum_max = max ([int (v.text) for v in vs] + [0])   # highest voice number in first part
        for im, m2 in enumerate (p2.findall ('measure')):   # merge all measures of p2 into p1
            mergeMeasure (p1[im], m2, slur_max, vnum_max, is_grand) # may change slur numbers in p1
    return p1

def mergeParts (parts, vids, staves, is_grand=0):
    if not staves: return parts, vids   # no voice mapping
    partsnew, vidsnew = [], []
    for voice_ids in staves:
        pixs = []
        for vid in voice_ids:
            if vid in vids: pixs.append (vids.index (vid))
            else: info ('score partname %s does not exist' % vid)
        if pixs:
            xparts = [parts[pix] for pix in pixs]
            if len (xparts) > 1: mergedpart = mergePartList (xparts, is_grand)
            else:                mergedpart = xparts [0]
            partsnew.append (mergedpart)
            vidsnew.append (vids [pixs[0]])
    return partsnew, vidsnew

def mergePartMeasure (part, msre, ovrlaynum):               # merge msre into last measure of part, only for overlays
    slurs = part.findall ('measure/note/notations/slur')    # find highest slur num in part
    slur_max = max ([int (slr.get ('number')) for slr in slurs] + [0])
    last_msre = part.getchildren ()[-1] # last measure in part
    mergeMeasure (last_msre, msre, slur_max, ovrlaynum)     # voice offset = s.overlayVNum

def setFristVoiceNameFromGroup (vids, vdefs): # vids = [vid], vdef = {vid -> (name, subname, voicedef)}
    vids = [v for v in vids if v in vdefs]  # only consider defined voices
    if not vids: return vdefs
    vid0 = vids [0]                         # first vid of the group
    _, _, vdef0 = vdefs [vid0]              # keep de voice definition (vdef0) when renaming vid0
    for vid in vids:
        nm, snm, vdef = vdefs [vid]
        if nm:                              # first non empty name encountered will become
            vdefs [vid0] = nm, snm, vdef0   # name of merged group == name of first voice in group (vid0)
    return vdefs

def mkGrand (p, vdefs):             # transform parse subtree into list needed for s.grands
    xs = []
    for i, x in enumerate (p.objs): # changing p.objs [i] alters the tree. changing x has no effect on the tree.
        if type (x) == pObj:
            us = mkGrand (x, vdefs) # first get transformation results of current pObj
            if == 'grand':   # x.objs contains ordered list of nested parse results within x
                vids = [y.objs[0] for y in x.objs[1:]]  # the voice ids in the grand staff
                nms = [vdefs [u][0] for u in vids if u in vdefs] # the names of those voices
                accept = sum ([1 for nm in nms if nm]) == 1 # accept as grand staff when only one of the voices has a name
                if accept or us[0] == '{*':
                    xs.append (us[1:])      # append voice ids as a list (discard first item '{' or '{*')
                    vdefs = setFristVoiceNameFromGroup (vids, vdefs)
                    p.objs [i] = x.objs[1]  # replace voices by first one in the grand group (this modifies the parse tree)
                    xs.extend (us[1:])      # extend current result with all voice ids of rejected grand staff
            else: xs.extend (us)    # extend current result with transformed pObj
        else: xs.append (p.t[0])    # append the non pObj (== voice id string)
    return xs

def mkStaves (p, vdefs):            # transform parse tree into list needed for s.staves
    xs = []
    for i, x in enumerate (p.objs): # structure and comments identical to mkGrand
        if type (x) == pObj:
            us = mkStaves (x, vdefs)
            if == 'voicegr':
                xs.append (us)
                vids = [y.objs[0] for y in x.objs]
                vdefs = setFristVoiceNameFromGroup (vids, vdefs)
                p.objs [i] = x.objs[0]
                xs.extend (us)
            if p.t[0] not in '{*':  xs.append (p.t[0])
    return xs

def mkGroups (p):                   # transform parse tree into list needed for s.groups
    xs = []
    for x in p.objs:
        if type (x) == pObj:
            if == 'vid': xs.extend (mkGroups (x))
            elif == 'bracketgr': xs.extend (['['] + mkGroups (x) + [']'])
            elif == 'bracegr':   xs.extend (['{'] + mkGroups (x) + ['}'])
            else: xs.extend (mkGroups (x) + ['}'])  # == 'grand' == rejected grand staff
            xs.append (p.t[0])
    return xs

class MusicXml:
    typeMap = {1:'long', 2:'breve', 4:'whole', 8:'half', 16:'quarter', 32:'eighth', 64:'16th', 128:'32nd', 256:'64th'}
    dynaMap = {'p':1,'pp':1,'ppp':1,'f':1,'ff':1,'fff':1,'mp':1,'mf':1,'sfz':1}
    wedgeMap = {'>(':1, '>)':1, '<(':1,'<)':1,'crescendo(':1,'crescendo)':1,'diminuendo(':1,'diminuendo)':1}
    artMap = {'.':'staccato','>':'accent','accent':'accent','wedge':'staccatissimo','tenuto':'tenuto'}
    ornMap = {'trill':'trill-mark','T':'trill-mark','turn':'turn','uppermordent':'inverted-mordent','lowermordent':'mordent',
    tecMap = {'upbow':'up-bow', 'downbow':'down-bow'}
    capoMap = {'fine':('Fine','fine','yes'), 'D.S.':('D.S.','dalsegno','segno'), 'D.C.':('D.C.','dacapo','yes'),'dacapo':('D.C.','dacapo','yes'),
               'dacoda':('To Coda','tocoda','coda'), 'coda':('coda','coda','coda'), 'segno':('segno','segno','segno')}
    sharpness = ['Fb', 'Cb','Gb','Db','Ab','Eb','Bb','F','C','G','D','A', 'E', 'B', 'F#','C#','G#','D#','A#','E#','B#']
    offTab = {'maj':8, 'm':11, 'min':11, 'mix':9, 'dor':10, 'phr':12, 'lyd':7, 'loc':13}
    modTab = {'maj':'major', 'm':'minor', 'min':'minor', 'mix':'mixolydian', 'dor':'dorian', 'phr':'phrygian', 'lyd':'lydian', 'loc':'locrian'}
    clefMap = { 'alto1':('C','1'), 'alto2':('C','2'), 'alto':('C','3'), 'alto4':('C','4'), 'tenor':('C','4'),
                'bass3':('F','3'), 'bass':('F','4'), 'treble':('G','2'), 'perc':('percussion',''), 'none':('','')}
    clefLineMap = {'B':'treble', 'G':'alto1', 'E':'alto2', 'C':'alto', 'A':'tenor', 'F':'bass3', 'D':'bass'}
    alterTab = {'=':'0', '_':'-1', '__':'-2', '^':'1', '^^':'2'}
    accTab = {'=':'natural', '_':'flat', '__':'flat-flat', '^':'sharp', '^^':'sharp-sharp'}
    chordTab = compChordTab ()
    uSyms = {'~':'roll', 'H':'fermata','L':'>','M':'lowermordent','O':'coda',
    pageFmtDef = [1.764,297,210,10,10,10,10] # the MuseScore page formatting defaults for A4
    creditTab = {'O':'origin', 'A':'area', 'Z':'transcription', 'N':'notes', 'G':'group', 'H':'history', 'R':'rhythm',
                 'B':'book', 'D':'discography', 'F':'fileurl', 'S':'source'}

    def __init__ (s):
        s.pageFmtCmd = []   # set by command line option -p
        s.gmwr = 0          # set by command line option -r
        s.reset ()
    def reset (s):
        s.divisions = 120   # xml duration of 1/4 note
        s.ties = {}         # {abc pitch tuple -> alteration} for all open ties
        s.slurstack = []    # stack of open slur numbers
        s.slurbeg = 0       # number of slurs to start (when slurs are detected at element-level)
        s.tmnum = 0         # time modification, numerator
        s.tmden = 0         # time modification, denominator
        s.ntup = 0          # number of tuplet notes remaining
        s.tupnts = []       # all tuplet modifiers with corresp. durations: [(duration, modifier), ...]
        s.irrtup = 0        # 1 if an irregular tuplet
        s.ntype = ''        # the normal-type of a tuplet (== duration type of a normal tuplet note)
        s.unitL =  (1, 8)   # default unit length
        s.unitLcur = (1, 8) # unit length of current voice
        s.keyAlts = {}      # alterations implied by key
        s.msreAlts = {}     # temporarily alterations
        s.curVolta = ''     # open volta bracket
        s.slurstack = []    # stack of open slur numbers
        s.title = ''        # title of music
        s.creator = {}      # {creator-type -> creator string}
        s.credits = {}      # {credit-type -> string}
        s.lyrdash = {}      # {lyric number -> 1 if dash between syllables}
        s.usrSyms = s.uSyms # user defined symbols
        s.prevNote = None   # xml element of previous beamed note to correct beams (start, continue)
        s.grcbbrk = False   # remember any bbrk in a grace sequence
        s.linebrk = 0       # 1 if next measure should start with a line break
        s.bardecos = []     # barline decorations (coda, segno) that go into the next measure (MuseScore deficiency!)
        s.nextdecos = []    # decorations for the next note
        s.prevmsre = None   # the previous measure
        s.supports_tag = 0  # issue supports-tag in xml file when abc uses explicit linebreaks
        s.staveDefs = []    # collected %%staves or %%score instructions from score
        s.staves = []       # staves = [[voice names to be merged into one stave]]
        s.groups = []       # list of merged part names with interspersed {[ and }]
        s.grands = []       # [[vid1, vid2, ..], ...] voiceIds to be merged in a grand staff
        s.gStaffNums = {}   # map each voice id in a grand staff to a staff number
        s.gNstaves = {}     # map each voice id in a grand staff to total number of staves
        s.pageFmtAbc = []   # formatting from abc directives
        s.mdur = (4,4)      # duration of one measure
        s.gtrans = 0        # octave transposition (by clef)
        s.midprg = ['', ''] # MIDI channel nr, program nr for the current part
        s.vid = ''          # abc voice id for the current part
        s.gcue_on = 0       # insert <cue/> tag in each note

    def mkPitch (s, acc, note, oct, lev):
        nUp = note.upper ()
        octnum = (4 if nUp == note else 5) + int (oct) + s.gtrans
        pitch = E.Element ('pitch')
        addElemT (pitch, 'step', nUp, lev + 1)
        alter = ''
        if (note, oct) in s.ties:
            tied_alter, _, vnum = s.ties [(note,oct)]               # vnum = overlay voice number when tie started
            if vnum == s.overlayVnum: alter = tied_alter            # tied note in the same overlay -> same alteration
        elif acc:
            s.msreAlts [(nUp, octnum)] = s.alterTab [acc]
            alter = s.alterTab [acc]                                # explicit notated alteration
        elif (nUp, octnum) in s.msreAlts:   alter = s.msreAlts [(nUp, octnum)]  # temporary alteration
        elif nUp in s.keyAlts:              alter = s.keyAlts [nUp] # alteration implied by the key
        if alter: addElemT (pitch, 'alter', alter, lev + 1)
        addElemT (pitch, 'octave', str (octnum), lev + 1)
        return pitch, alter

    def mkNote (s, n, lev):
        nnum, nden = n.dur.t            # abc dutation of note
        if nden == 0: nden = 1          # occurs with illegal ABC like: "A2 1". Now interpreted as A2/1
        num, den = simplify (nnum * s.unitLcur[0], nden * s.unitLcur[1])  # normalised with unit length
        if den > 64:    # limit denominator to 64
            num = int (round (64 * float (num) / den))  # scale note to num/64
            num, den  = simplify (max ([num, 1]), 64)   # smallest num == 1
            info ('duration too small: rounded to %d/%d' % (num, den))
        if == 'rest' and ('Z' in n.t or 'X' in n.t):
              num, den = s.mdur         # duration of one measure
        dvs = (4 * s.divisions * num) / den     # divisions is xml-duration of 1/4
        rdvs = dvs                      # real duration (will be 0 for chord/grace)
        num, den = simplify (num, den * 4)      # scale by 1/4 for s.typeMap
        ndot = 0
        if num == 3: ndot = 1; den = den / 2    # look for dotted notes
        if num == 7: ndot = 2; den = den / 4
        nt = E.Element ('note')
        if getattr (n, 'grace', ''):    # a grace note (and possibly a chord note)
            grace = E.Element ('grace')
            if s.acciatura: grace.set ('slash', 'yes'); s.acciatura = 0
            addElem (nt, grace, lev + 1)
            dvs = rdvs = 0              # no (real) duration for a grace note
            if den <= 16: den = 32      # not longer than 1/8 for a grace note
        if s.gcue_on:                   # insert cue tag
            cue = E.Element ('cue')
            addElem (nt, cue, lev + 1)
        if getattr (n, 'chord', ''):    # a chord note
            chord = E.Element ('chord')
            addElem (nt, chord, lev + 1)
            rdvs = 0                    # chord notes no real duration
        if rdvs and s.ntup >= 0: s.ntup -= 1    # count tuplet notes only on non-chord, non grace notes (rdvs > 0)
        if den not in s.typeMap:        # take the nearest smaller legal duration
            info ('illegal duration %d/%d' % (nnum, nden))
            den = min (x for x in s.typeMap.keys () if x > den)
        xmltype = str (s.typeMap [den]) # xml needs the note type in addition to duration
        acc, step, oct = '', 'C', '0'   # abc-notated pitch elements (accidental, pitch step, octave)
        alter = ''                      # xml alteration
        if == 'rest':
            if 'x' in n.t or 'X' in n.t: nt.set ('print-object', 'no')
            rest = E.Element ('rest')
            addElem (nt, rest, lev + 1)
            p = n.pitch.t           # get pitch elements from parsed tokens
            if len (p) == 3:    acc, step, oct = p
            else:               step, oct = p
            pitch, alter = s.mkPitch (acc, step, oct, lev + 1)
            addElem (nt, pitch, lev + 1)
        if s.ntup >= 0:                 # modify duration for tuplet notes
            dvs = dvs * s.tmden / s.tmnum
        if dvs: addElemT (nt, 'duration', str (dvs), lev + 1)   # skip when dvs == 0, requirement of musicXML
        inst = E.Element ('instrument', id='I-'+s.vid)          # instrument id for midi
        if s.midprg != ['', '']: addElem (nt, inst, lev + 1)    # only add when %%midi was present
        addElemT (nt, 'voice', '1', lev + 1)    # default voice, for merging later
        addElemT (nt, 'type', xmltype, lev + 1) # add note type
        for i in range (ndot):          # add dots
            dot = E.Element ('dot')
            addElem (nt, dot, lev + 1)
        ptup = (step, oct)              # pitch tuple without alteration to check for ties
        tstop = ptup in s.ties and s.ties[ptup][2] == s.overlayVnum  # open tie on this pitch tuple in this overlay
        if acc and not tstop: addElemT (nt, 'accidental', s.accTab [acc], lev + 1) # only add accidental if note not tied
        tupnotation = ''                # start/stop notation element for tuplets
        if s.ntup >= 0:                 # add time modification element for tuplet notes
            tmod = mkTmod (s.tmnum, s.tmden, lev + 1)
            addElem (nt, tmod, lev + 1)
            if s.ntup > 0 and not s.tupnts: tupnotation = 'start'
            s.tupnts.append ((rdvs, tmod))      # remember all tuplet modifiers with corresp. durations
            if s.ntup == 0:             # last tuplet note (and possible chord notes there after)
                if rdvs: tupnotation = 'stop'   # only insert notation in the real note (rdvs > 0)
                s.cmpNormType (rdvs, lev + 1)   # compute and/or add normal-type elements (-> s.ntype)
        gstaff = s.gStaffNums.get (s.vid, 0)    # staff number of the current voice
        if gstaff: addElemT (nt, 'staff', str (gstaff), lev + 1)
        s.doBeams (n, nt, den, lev + 1)
        s.doNotations (n, ptup, alter, tupnotation, tstop, nt, lev + 1)
        if n.objs: s.doLyr (n, nt, lev + 1)
        return nt

    def cmpNormType (s, rdvs, lev): # compute the normal-type of a tuplet (only needed for Finale)
        if rdvs:    # the last real tuplet note (chord notes can still follow afterwards with rdvs == 0)
            durs = [dur for dur, tmod in s.tupnts if dur > 0]
            ndur = sum (durs) / s.tmnum # duration of the normal type
            s.irrtup = any ((dur != ndur) for dur in durs)  # irregular tuplet
            tix = 16 * s.divisions / ndur       # index in typeMap of normal-type duration
            if tix in s.typeMap:
                s.ntype = str (s.typeMap [tix]) # the normal-type
            else: s.irrtup = 0          # give up, no normal type possible
        if s.irrtup:                    # only add normal-type for irregular tuplets
            for dur, tmod in s.tupnts:  # add normal-type to all modifiers
                addElemT (tmod, 'normal-type', s.ntype, lev + 1)
        s.tupnts = []                   # reset the tuplet buffer

    def doNotations (s, n, ptup, alter, tupnotation, tstop, nt, lev):
        slurs = getattr (n, 'slurs', 0) # slur ends
        pts = getattr (n, 'pitches', [])            # all chord notes available in the first note
        if pts:                                     # make list of pitches in chord: [(pitch, octave), ..]
            if type (pts.pitch) == pObj: pts = [pts.pitch]      # chord with one note
            else: pts = [tuple (p.t[-2:]) for p in pts.pitch]   # normal chord
        for pt, (tie_alter, nts, vnum) in s.ties.items ():      # scan all open ties and delete illegal ones
            if vnum != s.overlayVnum: continue      # tie belongs to different overlay
            if pts and pt in pts: continue          # pitch tuple of tie exists in chord
            if getattr (n, 'chord', 0): continue    # skip chord notes
            if pt == ptup: continue                 # skip correct single note tie
            if getattr (n, 'grace', 0): continue    # skip grace notes
            info ('tie between different pitches: %s%s converted to slur' % pt)
            del s.ties [pt]                         # remove the note from pending ties
            e = [t for t in nts.findall ('tied') if t.get ('type') == 'start'][0]   # get the tie start element
            e.tag = 'slur'                          # convert tie into slur
            slurnum = len (s.slurstack) + 1
            s.slurstack.append (slurnum)
            e.set ('number', str (slurnum))
            if slurs: slurs.t.append (')')          # close slur on this note
            else: slurs = pObj ('slurs', [')'])
        tstart = getattr (n, 'tie', 0)  # start a new tie
        decos = s.nextdecos     # decorations encountered so far
        ndeco = getattr (n, 'deco', 0)  # possible decorations of notes of a chord
        if ndeco:               # add decorations, translate used defined symbols
            decos += [s.usrSyms.get (d, d).strip ('!+') for d in ndeco.t]
        s.nextdecos = []
        if not (tstop or tstart or decos or slurs or s.slurbeg or tupnotation): return nt
        nots = E.Element ('notations')  # notation element needed
        if tupnotation:         # add tuplet type
            tup = E.Element ('tuplet', type=tupnotation)
            if tupnotation == 'start': tup.set ('bracket', 'yes')
            addElem (nots, tup, lev + 1)
        if tstop:               # stop tie
            del s.ties[ptup]    # remove flag
            tie = E.Element ('tied', type='stop')
            addElem (nots, tie, lev + 1)
        if tstart:              # start a tie
            s.ties[ptup] = (alter, nots, s.overlayVnum) # remember pitch tuple to stop tie and apply same alteration
            tie = E.Element ('tied', type='start')
            addElem (nots, tie, lev + 1)
        if decos:               # look for slurs and decorations
            arts = []           # collect articulations
            for d in decos:     # do all slurs and decos
                if d == '(': s.slurbeg += 1; continue # slurs made in while loop at the end
                elif d == 'fermata' or d == 'H':
                    ntn = E.Element ('fermata', type='upright')
                elif d == 'arpeggio':
                    ntn = E.Element ('arpeggiate', number='1')
                else: arts.append (d); continue
                addElem (nots, ntn, lev + 1)
            if arts:        # do only note articulations and collect staff annotations in xmldecos
                rest = s.doArticulations (nots, arts, lev + 1)
                if rest: info ('unhandled note decorations: %s' % rest)
        while s.slurbeg > 0:
            s.slurbeg -= 1
            slurnum = len (s.slurstack) + 1
            s.slurstack.append (slurnum)
            ntn = E.Element ('slur', number='%d' % slurnum, type='start')
            addElem (nots, ntn, lev + 1)            
        if slurs:           # these are only slur endings
            for d in slurs.t:
                if not s.slurstack: break   # no more open slurs
                slurnum = s.slurstack.pop ()
                slur = E.Element ('slur', number='%d' % slurnum, type='stop')
                addElem (nots, slur, lev + 1)
        if nots.getchildren() != []:        # only add notations if not empty
            addElem (nt, nots, lev)

    def doArticulations (s, nots, arts, lev):
        decos = []
        for a in arts:
            if a in s.artMap:
                art = E.Element ('articulations')
                addElem (nots, art, lev)
                addElem (art, E.Element (s.artMap[a]), lev + 1)
            elif a in s.ornMap:
                orn = E.Element ('ornaments')
                addElem (nots, orn, lev)
                addElem (orn, E.Element (s.ornMap[a]), lev + 1)
            elif a in s.tecMap:
                tec = E.Element ('technical')
                addElem (nots, tec, lev)
                addElem (tec, E.Element (s.tecMap[a]), lev + 1)
            else: decos.append (a)  # return staff annotations
        return decos

    def doLyr (s, n, nt, lev):
        for i, lyrobj in enumerate (n.objs):
            if != 'syl': continue
            dash = len (lyrobj.t) == 2
            if dash:
                if i in s.lyrdash:  type = 'middle'
                else:               type = 'begin'; s.lyrdash [i] = 1
                if i in s.lyrdash:  type = 'end';   del s.lyrdash [i]
                else:               type = 'single'
            lyrel = E.Element ('lyric', number = str (i + 1))
            addElem (nt, lyrel, lev)
            addElemT (lyrel, 'syllabic', type, lev + 1)
            addElemT (lyrel, 'text', lyrobj.t[0].replace ('~',' '), lev + 1)

    def doBeams (s, n, nt, den, lev):
        if hasattr (n, 'chord') or hasattr (n, 'grace'):
            s.grcbbrk = s.grcbbrk or n.bbrk.t[0]    # remember if there was any bbrk in or before a grace sequence
        bbrk = s.grcbbrk or n.bbrk.t[0] or den < 32
        s.grcbbrk = False
        if not s.prevNote:  pbm = None
        else:               pbm = s.prevNote.find ('beam')
        bm = E.Element ('beam', number='1')
        bm.text = 'begin'
        if pbm != None:
            if bbrk:
                if pbm.text == 'begin':
                    s.prevNote.remove (pbm)
                elif pbm.text == 'continue':
                    pbm.text = 'end'
                s.prevNote = None
            else: bm.text = 'continue'
        if den >= 32 and != 'rest':
            addElem (nt, bm, lev)
            s.prevNote = nt

    def stopBeams (s):
        if not s.prevNote: return
        pbm = s.prevNote.find ('beam')
        if pbm != None:
            if pbm.text == 'begin':
                s.prevNote.remove (pbm)
            elif pbm.text == 'continue':
                pbm.text = 'end'
        s.prevNote = None

    def staffDecos (s, decos, maat, lev, bardecos=0):
        gstaff = s.gStaffNums.get (s.vid, 0)        # staff number of the current voice        
        for d in decos:
            d = s.usrSyms.get (d, d).strip ('!+')   # try to replace user defined symbol
            if d in s.dynaMap:
                dynel = E.Element ('dynamics')
                addDirection (maat, dynel, lev, gstaff, [E.Element (d)], 'below', s.gcue_on)
            elif d in s.wedgeMap:  # wedge
                if ')' in d: type = 'stop'
                else: type = 'crescendo' if '<' in d or 'crescendo' in d else 'diminuendo'
                addDirection (maat, E.Element ('wedge', type=type), lev, gstaff)
            elif d in ['coda', 'segno']:
                if bardecos: s.bardecos.append (d)  # postpone to begin next measure
                    text, attr, val = s.capoMap [d]
                    dir = addDirection (maat, E.Element (text), lev, gstaff, placement='above')
                    sound = E.Element ('sound'); sound.set (attr, val)
                    addElem (dir, sound, lev + 1)
            elif d in s.capoMap:
                text, attr, val = s.capoMap [d]
                words = E.Element ('words'); words.text = text
                dir = addDirection (maat, words, lev, gstaff, placement='above')
                sound = E.Element ('sound'); sound.set (attr, val)
                addElem (dir, sound, lev + 1)
            elif d == '(': s.slurbeg += 1   # start slur on next note
            else: s.nextdecos.append (d)    # keep annotation for the next note

    def doFields (s, maat, fieldmap, lev):
        def doClef ():
            clef, gtrans = 0, 0
            clefn = (r'alto1|alto2|alto4|alto|tenor|bass3|bass|treble|perc|none', field)
            clefm = (r"(?:^m=| m=|middle=)([A-Ga-g])([,']*)", field)
            trans_oct2 = (r'octave=([-+]\d)', field)
            trans = (r'(?:^t=| t=|transpose=)(-?[\d]+)', field)
            trans_oct = (r'([+-^_])(8|15)', field)
            cue_onoff = (r'cue=(on|off)', field)
            if clefn:
                clef = ()
            if clefm:
                note, octstr = clefm.groups ()
                nUp = note.upper ()
                octnum = (4 if nUp == note else 5) + (len (octstr) if "'" in octstr else -len (octstr))
                gtrans = (3 if nUp in 'AFD' else 4) - octnum 
                if clef not in ['perc', 'none']: clef = s.clefLineMap [nUp]
            if clef:
                s.gtrans = gtrans   # only change global tranposition when a clef is really defined
                sign, line = s.clefMap [clef]
                if not sign: return
                c = E.Element ('clef')
                gstaff = s.gStaffNums.get (s.vid, 0)        # the current staff number
                if gstaff: c.set ('number', str (gstaff))   # only add staff number when defined
                addElemT (c, 'sign', sign, lev + 2)
                if line: addElemT (c, 'line', line, lev + 2)
                if trans_oct:
                    n = (1) in '-_' and -1 or 1
                    if (2) == '15': n *= 2  # 8 => 1 octave, 15 => 2 octaves
                    addElemT (c, 'clef-octave-change', str (n), lev + 2) # transpose print out
                    if (1) in '+-': s.gtrans += n   # also transpose all pitches with one octave
                if trans_oct2:
                    n = int ( (1))
                    s.gtrans += n
                atts.append ((7, c))
            if trans != None:   # add transposition in semitones
                e = E.Element ('transpose')
                addElemT (e, 'chromatic', str ( (1)), lev + 3)
                atts.append ((9, e))
            if cue_onoff: s.gcue_on = (1) == 'on'
        atts = []               # collect xml attribute elements [(order-number, xml-element), ..]
        for ftype, field in fieldmap.items ():
            if not field:       # skip empty fields
            if ftype == 'Div':  # not an abc field, but handled as if
                d = E.Element ('divisions')
                d.text = field
                atts.append ((1, d))
            elif ftype == 'gstaff':  # make grand staff
                e = E.Element ('staves')
                e.text = str (field)
                atts.append ((4, e))
            elif ftype == 'M':
                if field == 'none': continue
                if field == 'C': field = '4/4'
                elif field == 'C|': field = '2/2'
                t = E.Element ('time')
                if '/' not in field:
                    info ('M:%s not recognized, 4/4 assumed' % field)
                    field = '4/4'
                beats, btype = field.split ('/')[:2]
                try: s.mdur = simplify (eval (beats), int (btype))  # measure duration for Z and X rests (eval allows M:2+3/4)
                    info ('error in M:%s, 4/4 assumed' % field)
                    s.mdur = (4,4)
                    beats, btype = '4','4'
                addElemT (t, 'beats', beats, lev + 2)
                addElemT (t, 'beat-type', btype, lev + 2)
                atts.append ((3, t))
            elif ftype == 'K':
                accs = ['F','C','G','D','A','E','B']    # == s.sharpness [7:14]
                mode = ''
                key = re.match (r'\s*([A-G][#b]?)\s*([a-zA-Z]*)', field)
                alts = (r'\s((\s?[=^_][A-Ga-g])+)', ' ' + field)  # avoid matching middle=G and m=G
                if key:
                    key, mode = key.groups ()
                    mode = mode.lower ()[:3] # only first three chars, no case
                    if mode not in s.offTab: mode = 'maj'
                    fifths = s.sharpness.index (key) - s.offTab [mode]
                    if fifths >= 0: s.keyAlts = dict (zip (accs[:fifths], fifths * ['1']))
                    else:           s.keyAlts = dict (zip (accs[fifths:], -fifths * ['-1']))
                elif field.startswith ('none') or field == '':  # the default key
                    fifths = 0
                    mode = 'maj'
                if alts:
                    alts = re.findall (r'[=^_][A-Ga-g]', # list of explicit alterations
                    alts = [(x[1], s.alterTab [x[0]]) for x in alts]    # [step, alter]
                    for step, alter in alts:                # correct permanent alterations for this key
                        s.keyAlts [step.upper ()] = alter
                    k = E.Element ('key')
                    koctave = []
                    lowerCaseSteps = [step.upper () for step, alter in alts if step.islower ()]
                    for step, alter in s.keyAlts.items ():
                        if alter == '0':                    # skip neutrals
                            del s.keyAlts [step.upper ()]   # otherwise you get neutral signs on normal notes
                        addElemT (k, 'key-step', step.upper (), lev + 2)
                        addElemT (k, 'key-alter', alter, lev + 2)
                        koctave.append ('5' if step in lowerCaseSteps else '4')
                    if koctave:                     # only key signature if not empty
                        for oct in koctave:
                            e = E.Element ('key-octave', number=oct)
                            addElem (k, e, lev + 2)
                        atts.append ((2, k))
                elif mode:
                    k = E.Element ('key')
                    addElemT (k, 'fifths', str (fifths), lev + 2)
                    addElemT (k, 'mode', s.modTab [mode], lev + 2)
                    atts.append ((2, k))
                doClef ()
            elif ftype == 'L':
                s.unitLcur = map (int, field.split ('/'))
                if len (s.unitLcur) == 1 or s.unitLcur[1] not in s.typeMap:
                    info ('L:%s is not allowed, 1/8 assumed' % field)
                    s.unitLcur = 1,8
            elif ftype == 'V':
                doClef ()
            elif ftype == 'I':
                xs = s.doField_I (ftype, field)
                if xs and len (xs) == 1:    # when "%%MIDI transpose" matched insert 'attribute/transpose/chromatic'
                    e = E.Element ('transpose')
                    addElemT (e, 'chromatic', xs[0], lev + 2)  # xs[0] == signed number string given after transpose
                    atts.append ((9, e))
                if xs and len (xs) == 2:    # repeated occurrence of [I:MIDI] -> instrument change
                    midchan, midprog = xs
                    snd = E.Element ('sound')
                    mi = E.Element ('midi-instrument', id='I-' + s.vid)
                    addElem (maat, snd, lev)
                    addElem (snd, mi, lev + 1)
                    if midchan: addElemT (mi, 'midi-channel', midchan, lev + 2)
                    if midprog: addElemT (mi, 'midi-program', str (int (midprog) + 1), lev + 2) # compatible with abc2midi

            elif ftype == 'Q':
                s.doTempo (maat, field, lev)
            elif ftype in 'TCOAZNGHRBDFSU':
                info ('**illegal header field in body: %s, content: %s' % (ftype, field))
                info ('unhandled field: %s, content: %s' % (ftype, field))

        if atts:
            att = E.Element ('attributes')      # insert sub elements in the order required by musicXML
            addElem (maat, att, lev)
            for _, att_elem in sorted (atts):   # ordering !
                addElem (att, att_elem, lev + 1)

    def doTempo (s, maat, field, lev):
        gstaff = s.gStaffNums.get (s.vid, 0)    # staff number of the current voice
        t = (r'(\d)/(\d\d?)\s*=\s*([.\d]+)|([.\d]+)', field)
        if not t: return
            if (4):
                num, den, upm = 1, s.unitLcur[1] , float ( (4))
                num, den, upm = int ( (1)), int ( (2)), float ( (3))
        except: return  # float or int conversion failure
        if num != 1: info ('in Q: numerator > 1 in %d/%d not supported' % (num, den))
        qpm = 4. * num * upm / den
        metro = E.Element ('metronome')
        u = E.Element ('beat-unit'); u.text = s.typeMap [4 * den]
        pm = E.Element ('per-minute'); pm.text = '%.2f' % upm
        dir = addDirection (maat, metro, lev, gstaff, [u, pm], placement='above')
        sound = E.Element ('sound'); sound.set ('tempo', '%.2f' % qpm)
        addElem (dir, sound, lev + 1)

    def mkBarline (s, maat, loc, lev, style='', dir='', ending=''):
        b = E.Element ('barline', location=loc)
        if style:
            addElemT (b, 'bar-style', style, lev + 1)
        if s.curVolta:    # first stop a current volta
            end = E.Element ('ending', number=s.curVolta, type='stop')
            s.curVolta = ''
            if loc == 'left':   # stop should always go to a right barline
                bp = E.Element ('barline', location='right')
                addElem (bp, end, lev + 1)
                addElem (s.prevmsre, bp, lev)   # prevmsre has no right barline! (ending would have stopped there)
                addElem (b, end, lev + 1)
        if ending:
            ending = ending.replace ('-',',')   # MusicXML only accepts comma's
            endtxt = ''
            if ending.startswith ('"'):     # ending is a quoted string
                endtxt = ending.strip ('"')
                ending = '33'               # any number that is not likely to occur elsewhere
            end = E.Element ('ending', number=ending, type='start')
            if endtxt: end.text = endtxt    # text appears in score in stead of number attribute
            addElem (b, end, lev + 1)
            s.curVolta = ending
        if dir:
            r = E.Element ('repeat', direction=dir)
            addElem (b, r, lev + 1)
        addElem (maat, b, lev)

    def doChordSym (s, maat, sym, lev):
        alterMap = {'#':'1','=':'0','b':'-1'}
        rnt = sym.root.t
        chord = E.Element ('harmony')
        addElem (maat, chord, lev)
        root = E.Element ('root')
        addElem (chord, root, lev + 1)
        addElemT (root, 'root-step', rnt[0], lev + 2)
        if len (rnt) == 2: addElemT (root, 'root-alter', alterMap [rnt[1]], lev + 2)
        kind = s.chordTab.get (sym.kind.t[0], 'major')
        addElemT (chord, 'kind', kind, lev + 1)
        degs = getattr (sym, 'degree', '')
        if degs:
            if type (degs) != types.ListType: degs = [degs]
            for deg in degs:
                deg = deg.t[0]
                if deg[0] == '#':   alter = '1';  deg = deg[1:]
                elif deg[0] == 'b': alter = '-1'; deg = deg[1:]
                else:               alter = '0';  deg = deg
                degree = E.Element ('degree')
                addElem (chord, degree, lev + 1)
                addElemT (degree, 'degree-value', deg, lev + 2)
                addElemT (degree, 'degree-alter', alter, lev + 2)
                addElemT (degree, 'degree-type', 'add', lev + 2)

    def mkMeasure (s, i, t, lev, fieldmap={}):
        s.msreAlts = {}
        s.ntup = -1
        s.acciatura = 0 # next grace element gets acciatura attribute
        overlay = 0
        maat = E.Element ('measure', number = str(i))
        if fieldmap: s.doFields (maat, fieldmap, lev + 1)
        if s.linebrk:   # there was a line break in the previous measure
            e = E.Element ('print')
            e.set ('new-system', 'yes')
            addElem (maat, e, lev + 1)
            s.linebrk = 0
        if s.bardecos:  # output coda and segno attached to the previous right barline
            s.staffDecos (s.bardecos, maat, lev + 1)
            s.bardecos = []
        for it, x in enumerate (t):
            if == 'note' or == 'rest':
                note = s.mkNote (x, lev + 1)
                addElem (maat, note, lev + 1)
            elif == 'lbar':
                bar = x.t[0]
                if bar == '|': pass # skip redundant bar
                elif ':' in bar:    # forward repeat
                    volta = x.t[1] if len (x.t) == 2  else ''
                    s.mkBarline (maat, 'left', lev + 1, style='heavy-light', dir='forward', ending=volta)
                else:               # bar must be a volta number
                    s.mkBarline (maat, 'left', lev + 1, ending=bar)
            elif == 'rbar':
                if hasattr (x, 'deco'): # MuseScore does not support this -> emergency solution
                    s.staffDecos (x.deco.t, maat, lev + 1, bardecos=1)  # coda, segno -> next measure
                bar = x.t[0]
                if bar == '.|':
                    s.mkBarline (maat, 'right', lev + 1, style='dotted')
                elif ':' in bar:  # backward repeat
                    s.mkBarline (maat, 'right', lev + 1, style='light-heavy', dir='backward')
                elif bar == '||':
                    s.mkBarline (maat, 'right', lev + 1, style='light-light')
                elif bar == '[|]' or bar == '[]':
                    s.mkBarline (maat, 'right', lev + 1, style='none')
                elif '[' in bar or ']' in bar:
                    s.mkBarline (maat, 'right', lev + 1, style='light-heavy')
                elif bar[0] == '&': overlay = 1
            elif == 'tup':
                if len (x.t) == 3:  n, into, nts = x.t
                else:               n, into, nts = x.t[0], 0, 0
                if into == 0: into = 3 if n in [2,4,8] else 2
                if nts == 0: nts = n
                s.tmnum, s.tmden, s.ntup = n, into, nts
            elif == 'deco':
                s.staffDecos (x.t, maat, lev + 1)   # output staff decos, postpone note decos to next note
            elif == 'text':
                pos, text = x.t[:2]
                place = 'above' if pos == '^' else 'below'
                words = E.Element ('words')
                words.text = text
                gstaff = s.gStaffNums.get (s.vid, 0)    # staff number of the current voice
                addDirection (maat, words, lev + 1, gstaff, placement=place)
            elif == 'inline':
                fieldtype, fieldval = x.t[:2]
                s.doFields (maat, {fieldtype:fieldval}, lev + 1)
            elif == 'accia': s.acciatura = 1
            elif == 'linebrk':
                s.supports_tag = 1
                if it > 0 and t[it -1].name == 'lbar':  # we are at start of measure
                    e = E.Element ('print')             # output linebreak now
                    e.set ('new-system', 'yes')
                    addElem (maat, e, lev + 1)
                    s.linebrk = 1   # output linebreak at start of next measure
            elif == 'chordsym':
                s.doChordSym (maat, x, lev + 1)
        s.stopBeams ()
        s.prevmsre = maat
        return maat, overlay

    def mkPart (s, maten, id, lev, attrs, nstaves):
        s.slurstack = []
        s.unitLcur = s.unitL    # set the default unit length at begin of each voice
        s.curVolta = ''
        s.lyrdash = {}
        s.linebrk = 0
        s.midprg = ['', '']     # MIDI channel nr, program nr for the current part
        s.gcue_on = 0           # reset cue note marker for each new voice
        s.gtrans = 0            # reset octave transposition (by clef)
        part = E.Element ('part', id=id)
        s.overlayVnum = 0       # overlay voice number to relate ties that extend from one overlayed measure to the next
        gstaff = s.gStaffNums.get (s.vid, 0)    # staff number of the current voice
        attrs_cpy = attrs.copy ()   # don't change attrs itself in next line
        if gstaff == 1: attrs_cpy ['gstaff'] = nstaves  # make a grand staff
        msre, overlay = s.mkMeasure (1, maten[0], lev + 1, attrs_cpy)
        addElem (part, msre, lev + 1)
        for i, maat in enumerate (maten[1:]):
            s.overlayVnum = s.overlayVnum + 1 if overlay else 0
            msre, next_overlay = s.mkMeasure (i+2, maat, lev + 1)
            if overlay: mergePartMeasure (part, msre, s.overlayVnum)
            else:       addElem (part, msre, lev + 1)
            overlay = next_overlay
        return part

    def mkScorePart (s, id, vids_p, partAttr, lev):
        naam, subnm, midprg = partAttr [id]
        sp = E.Element ('score-part', id='P'+id)
        nm = E.Element ('part-name')
        nm.text = naam
        addElem (sp, nm, lev + 1)
        snm = E.Element ('part-abbreviation')
        snm.text = subnm
        if subnm: addElem (sp, snm, lev + 1)    # only add if subname was given
        if s.staves: instr_vids = [vids for vids in s.staves if vids[0] == id][0]
        else:        instr_vids = [id]
        inst = []
        for id in instr_vids:
            if id not in partAttr: continue     # error in %%score -> instr_vids may have non existing id's
            naam, subnm, midprg = partAttr [id]
            midchan, midprog = midprg
            if not midchan and not midprog: continue    # only add if program nr or channel was given
            si = E.Element ('score-instrument', id='I-'+id)
            addElemT (si, 'instrument-name', naam, lev + 2)
            mi = E.Element ('midi-instrument', id='I-'+id)
            if midchan: addElemT (mi, 'midi-channel', midchan, lev + 2)
            if midprog: addElemT (mi, 'midi-program', str (int (midprog) + 1), lev + 2) # compatible with abc2midi
            inst.append ((si, mi))
        for si, mi in inst: addElem (sp, si, lev + 1)
        for si, mi in inst: addElem (sp, mi, lev + 1)
        return sp, len (inst)

    def mkPartlist (s, vids, partAttr, lev):
        def addPartGroup (sym, num):
            pg = E.Element ('part-group', number=str (num), type='start')
            addElem (partlist, pg, lev + 1)
            addElemT (pg, 'group-symbol', sym, lev + 2)
            addElemT (pg, 'group-barline', 'yes', lev + 2)
        partlist = E.Element ('part-list')
        g_num = 0       # xml group number
        nInstrs = []    # number of instruments in each part
        for g in (s.groups or vids):    # brace/bracket or abc_voice_id
            if   g == '[': g_num += 1; addPartGroup ('bracket', g_num)
            elif g == '{': g_num += 1; addPartGroup ('brace', g_num)
            elif g in '}]':
                pg = E.Element ('part-group', number=str (g_num), type='stop')
                addElem (partlist, pg, lev + 1)
                g_num -= 1
            else:   # g = abc_voice_id
                if g not in vids: continue  # error in %%score
                sp, nInst = s.mkScorePart (g, vids, partAttr, lev + 1)
                addElem (partlist, sp, lev + 1)
                nInstrs.append (nInst)
        return partlist, nInstrs

    def doField_I (s, type, x):
        def readPfmt (x, n): # read ABC page formatting constant
            if not s.pageFmtAbc: s.pageFmtAbc = s.pageFmtDef    # set the default values on first change
            ro = (r'[^.\d]*([\d.]+)\s*(cm|in|pt)?', x)    # float followed by unit
            if ro:
                x, unit = ro.groups ()  # unit == None when not present
                u = {'cm':10., 'in':25.4, 'pt':25.4/72} [unit] if unit else 1.
                s.pageFmtAbc [n] = float (x) * u   # convert ABC values to millimeters
            else: info ('error in page format: %s' % x)

        if x.startswith ('score') or x.startswith ('staves'):
            s.staveDefs += [x]          # collect all voice mappings
        elif x.startswith ('staffwidth'): info ('skipped I-field: %s' % x)
        elif x.startswith ('staff'):    # set new staff number of the current voice
            r1 = (r'staff *([+-]?)(\d)', x)
            if r1:
                sign = (1)
                num = int ( (2))
                gstaff = s.gStaffNums.get (s.vid, 0)    # staff number of the current voice
                if sign:                                # relative staff number
                    num = (sign == '-') and gstaff - num or gstaff + num
                else:                                   # absolute abc staff number
                    try: vabc = s.staves [num - 1][0]   # vid of (first voice of) abc-staff num
                    except: vabc = 0; info ('abc staff %s does not exist' % num)
                    num = s.gStaffNumsOrg.get (vabc, 0) # xml staff number of abc-staff num
                if gstaff and num > 0 and num <= s.gNstaves [s.vid]:
                    s.gStaffNums [s.vid] = num
                else: info ('could not relocate to staff: %s' % ())
            else: info ('not a valid staff redirection: %s' % x)
        elif x.startswith ('scale'): readPfmt (x, 0)
        elif x.startswith ('pageheight'): readPfmt (x, 1)
        elif x.startswith ('pagewidth'): readPfmt (x, 2)
        elif x.startswith ('leftmargin'): readPfmt (x, 3)
        elif x.startswith ('rightmargin'): readPfmt (x, 4)
        elif x.startswith ('topmargin'): readPfmt (x, 5)
        elif x.startswith ('botmargin'): readPfmt (x, 6)
        elif x.startswith ('MIDI'):
            r1 = (r'program *(\d*) +(\d+)', x)
            r2 = (r'channel\D*(\d+)', x)
            if r1: ch, prg = r1.groups ()        # channel nr or '', program nr
            if r2: ch, prg = (1), ''    # channel nr only
            if r1 or r2:
                if s.midprg[1] == '': # no instrument defined yet
                    s.midprg[1] = prg
                    if ch: s.midprg[0] = ch
                elif ch and s.midprg[0] == '':  # no channel defined yet
                    s.midprg[0] = ch
                else:   # repeated midi def -> insert instument change
                    return [ch, prg]
            r = (r'transpose[^-\d]*(-?\d+)', x)
            if r: return [ (1)]
        else: info ('skipped I-field: %s' % x)

    def parseStaveDef (s, vdefs):
        if not s.staveDefs: return vdefs
        for x in s.staveDefs [1:]: info ('%%%%%s dropped, multiple stave mappings not supported' % x)
        x = s.staveDefs [0]                                 # only the first %%score is honoured
        score = abc_scoredef.parseString (x) [0]
        f = lambda x: type (x) == types.UnicodeType and [x] or x
        s.staves = map (f, mkStaves (score, vdefs))
        s.grands = map (f, mkGrand (score, vdefs))
        s.groups = mkGroups (score)
        vce_groups = [vids for vids in s.staves if len (vids) > 1]  # all voice groups
        d = {}                                              # for each voice group: map first voice id -> all merged voice ids
        for vgr in vce_groups: d [vgr[0]] = vgr
        for gstaff in s.grands:                             # for all grand staves
            if len (gstaff) == 1: continue                  # skip single parts
            for v, stf_num in zip (gstaff, range (1, len (gstaff) + 1)):
                for vx in d.get (v, [v]):                   # allocate staff numbers
                    s.gStaffNums [vx] = stf_num             # to all constituant voices
                    s.gNstaves [vx] = len (gstaff)          # also remember total number of staves
        s.gStaffNumsOrg = s.gStaffNums.copy ()              # keep original allocation for abc -> xml staff map
        return vdefs

    def voiceNamesAndMaps (s, ps):  # get voice names and mappings
        vdefs = {}
        for vid, vcedef, vce in ps: # vcedef == emtpy of first pObj == voice definition
            pname, psubnm = '', ''  # part name and abbreviation
            if not vcedef:          # simple abc without voice definitions
                vdefs [vid] =  pname, psubnm, ''
            else:                   # abc with voice definitions
                if vid != vcedef.t[1]: info ('voice ids unequal: %s (reg-ex) != %s (grammar)' % (vid, vcedef.t[1]))
                rn = (r'(?:name|nm)="([^"]*)"', vcedef.t[2])
                if rn: pname = (1)
                rn = (r'(?:subname|snm|sname)="([^"]*)"', vcedef.t[2])
                if rn: psubnm = (1)
                vdefs [vid] =  pname, psubnm, vcedef.t[2]
            xs = [pObj.t[1] for maat in vce for pObj in maat if == 'inline']  # all inline statements in vce
            s.staveDefs += [x for x in xs if x.startswith ('score') or x.startswith ('staves')] # filter %%score and %%staves
        return vdefs

    def doHeaderField (s, fld, attrmap):
        type, value = fld.t[:2]
        if not value:    # skip empty field
        if type == 'M':
            attrmap [type] = value
        elif type == 'L':
            try: s.unitL = map (int, fld.t[1].split ('/'))
                info ('illegal unit length:%s, 1/8 assumed' % fld.t[1])
                s.unitL = 1,8
            if len (s.unitL) == 1 or s.unitL[1] not in s.typeMap:
                info ('L:%s is not allowed, 1/8 assumed' % fld.t[1])
                s.unitL = 1,8
        elif type == 'K':
            attrmap[type] = value
        elif type == 'T':
            if s.title: s.title = s.title + '\n' + value
            else:       s.title = value
        elif type == 'C':
            s.creator ['composer'] = s.creator.get ('composer', '') + value
        elif type == 'Z':
            s.creator ['lyricist'] = s.creator.get ('lyricist', '') + value
        elif type == 'U':
            sym = fld.t[2].strip ('!+')
            s.usrSyms [value] = sym
        elif type == 'I':
            s.doField_I (type, value)
        elif type == 'Q':
            attrmap[type] = value
        elif type in s.creditTab: s.credits [s.creditTab [type]] = value
            info ('skipped header: %s' % fld)

    def mkIdentification (s, score, lev):
        if s.title:
            addElemT (score, 'movement-title', s.title, lev + 1)
        ident = E.Element ('identification')
        addElem (score, ident, lev + 1)
        if s.creator:
            for ctype, cname in s.creator.items ():
                c = E.Element ('creator', type=ctype)
                c.text = cname
                addElem (ident, c, lev + 2)
        encoding = E.Element ('encoding')
        addElem (ident, encoding, lev + 2)
        encoder = E.Element ('encoder')
        encoder.text = 'abc2xml version %d' % VERSION
        addElem (encoding, encoder, lev + 3)
        if s.supports_tag:  # avoids interference of auto-flowing and explicit linebreaks
            suports = E.Element ('supports', attribute="new-system", element="print", type="yes", value="yes")
            addElem (encoding, suports, lev + 3)
        encodingDate = E.Element ('encoding-date')
        encodingDate.text = str ( ())
        addElem (encoding, encodingDate, lev + 3)

    def mkDefaults (s, score, lev):
        if s.pageFmtCmd: s.pageFmtAbc = s.pageFmtCmd
        if not s.pageFmtAbc: return # do not output the defaults if none is desired
        space, h, w, l, r, t, b = s.pageFmtAbc
        mils = 4 * space    # staff height in millimeters
        scale = 40. / mils  # tenth's per millimeter
        dflts = E.Element ('defaults')
        addElem (score, dflts, lev)
        scaling = E.Element ('scaling')
        addElem (dflts, scaling, lev + 1)
        addElemT (scaling, 'millimeters', '%g' % mils, lev + 2)
        addElemT (scaling, 'tenths', '40', lev + 2)
        layout = E.Element ('page-layout')
        addElem (dflts, layout, lev + 1)
        addElemT (layout, 'page-height', '%g' % (h * scale), lev + 2)
        addElemT (layout, 'page-width', '%g' % (w * scale), lev + 2)
        margins = E.Element ('page-margins', type='both')
        addElem (layout, margins, lev + 2)
        addElemT (margins, 'left-margin', '%g' % (l * scale), lev + 3)
        addElemT (margins, 'right-margin', '%g' % (r * scale), lev + 3)
        addElemT (margins, 'top-margin', '%g' % (t * scale), lev + 3)
        addElemT (margins, 'bottom-margin', '%g' % (b * scale), lev + 3)

    def mkCredits (s, score, lev):
        if not s.credits: return
        for ctype, ctext in s.credits.items ():
            credit = E.Element ('credit', page='1')
            addElemT (credit, 'credit-type', ctype, lev + 2)
            addElemT (credit, 'credit-words', ctext, lev + 2)
            addElem (score, credit, lev)

    def parse (s, abc_string):
        abctext = abc_string if type (abc_string) == types.UnicodeType else decodeInput (abc_string)
        abctext = abctext.replace ('[I:staff ','[I:staff')  # avoid false beam breaks
        s.reset ()
        header, voices = splitHeaderVoices (abctext)
        ps = []
            hs = abc_header.parseString (header) if header else ''
            for id, vce_lyr in voices:  # vce_lyr = [voice-block] where voice-block = (measures, corresponding lyric lines)
                vcelyr = []             # list of measures where measure = list of elements (see syntax)
                prevLeftBar = None      # previous voice ended with a left-bar symbol (double repeat)
                for voice, lyr in vce_lyr:
                    vce = abc_voice.parseString (voice).asList ()
                    if not vce:         # empty voice, insert an inline field that will be rejected
                        vce = [[pObj ('inline', ['I', 'empty voice'])]]
                    if prevLeftBar:
                        vce[0].insert (0, prevLeftBar)  # insert at begin of first measure
                        prevLeftBar = None
                    if vce[-1] and vce[-1][-1].name == 'lbar':  # last measure ends with an lbar
                        prevLeftBar = vce[-1][-1]
                        if len (vce) > 1:   # vce should not become empty (-> exception when taking vcelyr [0][0])
                            del vce[-1]     # lbar was the only element in measure vce[-1]
                    lyr = lyr.strip ()  # strip leading \n (because we split on '\nw:...')
                    if lyr:             # no lyrics for this measures-lyrics block
                        lyr = lyr_block.parseString (lyr).asList ()
                        xs = alignLyr (vce, lyr)    # put all syllables into corresponding notes
                    else: xs = vce
                    vcelyr += xs
                elem1 = vcelyr [0][0]   # the first element of the first measure
                if == 'inline'and elem1.t[0] == 'V':    # is a voice definition
                    voicedef = elem1 
                    del vcelyr [0][0]   # do not read voicedef twice
                    voicedef = ''
                ps.append ((id, voicedef, vcelyr))
        except ParseException, err:
            if err.loc > 40:    # limit length of error message, compatible with markInputline
                err.pstr = err.pstr [err.loc - 40: err.loc + 40]
                err.loc = 40
            xs = err.line[err.col-1:]
            try:    info (err.line.encode ('utf-8'), warn=0)    # err.line is a unicode string!!
            except: info (err.line.encode ('latin-1'), warn=0)
            info ((err.col-1) * '-' + '^', warn=0)
            if (r'\[U:[XYZxyz]', xs):
                info ('Error: illegal user defined symbol: %s' % xs[1:], warn=0)
            elif (r'\[[OAPZNGHRBDFSXTCIU]:', xs):
                info ('Error: header-only field %s appears after K:' % xs[1:], warn=0)
                info ('Syntax error at column %d' % err.col, warn=0)
            raise err

        s.unitL = (1, 8)
        s.title = ''
        s.creator = {}  # {creator type -> name string}
        s.credits = {}  # {credit type -> string}
        score = E.Element ('score-partwise')
        attrmap = {'Div': str (s.divisions), 'K':'C treble', 'M':'4/4'}
        for res in hs:
            if == 'field':
                s.doHeaderField (res, attrmap)
                info ('unexpected header item: %s' % res)

        vdefs = s.voiceNamesAndMaps (ps)
        vdefs = s.parseStaveDef (vdefs)

        lev = 0
        vids, parts, partAttr = [], [], {}
        for vid, _, vce in ps:          # voice id, voice parse tree
            pname, psubnm, voicedef = vdefs [vid]   # part name
            attrmap ['V'] = voicedef    # abc text of first voice definition (after V:vid) or empty
            pid = 'P%s' % vid           # let part id start with an alpha
            s.vid = vid                 # avoid parameter passing, needed in mkNote for instrument id
            part = s.mkPart (vce, pid, lev + 1, attrmap, s.gNstaves.get (vid, 0))
            if 'Q' in attrmap: del attrmap ['Q']    # header tempo only in first part
            parts.append (part)
            vids.append (vid)
            partAttr [vid] = (pname, psubnm, s.midprg)
        parts, vidsnew = mergeParts (parts, vids, s.staves) # merge parts into staves as indicated by %%score
        parts, _ = mergeParts (parts, vidsnew, s.grands, 1) # merge grand staves

        s.mkIdentification (score, lev)
        s.mkDefaults (score, lev + 1)
        s.mkCredits (score, lev)

        partlist, nInstrs = s.mkPartlist (vids, partAttr, lev + 1)
        addElem (score, partlist, lev + 1)
        for ip, part in enumerate (parts):
            if nInstrs [ip] < 2:    # no instrument tag needed for one- or no-instrument parts
                removeElems (part, 'measure/note', 'instrument')
            addElem (score, part, lev + 1)

        return score

def decodeInput (data_string):
    try:        enc = 'utf-8';   unicode_string = data_string.decode (enc)
        try:    enc = 'latin-1'; unicode_string = data_string.decode (enc)
        except: raise Exception ('data not encoded in utf-8 nor in latin-1')
    info ('decoded from %s' % enc)
    return unicode_string

xmlVersion = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>"    
def fixDoctype (elem, enc):
    xs = E.tostring (elem, encoding=enc)
    ys = xs.split ('\n')
    if enc == 'utf-8': ys.insert (0, xmlVersion)  # crooked logic of ElementTree lib
    ys.insert (1, '<!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC "-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 3.0 Partwise//EN" "">')
    return '\n'.join (ys)

def xml2mxl (pad, fnm, data):   # write xml data to compressed .mxl file
    from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED
    fnmext = fnm + '.xml'       # file name with extension, relative to the root within the archive
    outfile = os.path.join (pad, fnm + '.mxl')
    meta  = '%s\n<container><rootfiles>\n' % xmlVersion
    meta += '<rootfile full-path="%s" media-type="application/vnd.recordare.musicxml+xml"/>\n' % fnmext
    meta += '</rootfiles></container>'
    f = ZipFile (outfile, 'w', ZIP_DEFLATED)
    f.writestr ('META-INF/container.xml', meta)
    f.writestr (fnmext, data)
    f.close ()
    info ('%s written' % outfile, warn=0)

def convert (pad, fnm, abc_string, mxl):
    # these globals should be initialised (as in the __main__ secion) before calling convert
    global mxm                                              # optimisation 1: keep instance of MusicXml
    global abc_header, abc_voice, lyr_block, abc_scoredef   # optimisation 2: keep computed grammars
    score = mxm.parse (abc_string)
    if pad:
        data = fixDoctype (score, 'utf-8')
        if not mxl or mxl in ['a', 'add']:
            outfnm = os.path.join (pad, fnm + '.xml')
            outfile = file (outfnm, 'wb')
            outfile.write (data)
            outfile.close ()
            info ('%s written' % outfnm, warn=0)
        if mxl: xml2mxl (pad, fnm, data)     # also write a compressed version
        outfile = sys.stdout
        outfile.write (fixDoctype (score, 'utf-8'))
        outfile.write ('\n')
# Main Program
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from optparse import OptionParser
    from glob import glob
    import time
    global mxm      # keep instance of MusicXml
    global abc_header, abc_voice, lyr_block, abc_scoredef # keep computed grammars
    mxm = MusicXml ()

    parser = OptionParser (usage='%prog [-h] [-r] [-m SKIP NUM] [-o DIR] [-p PFMT] [-z MODE] <file1> [<file2> ...]', version='version %d' % VERSION)
    parser.add_option ("-o", action="store", help="store xml files in DIR", default='', metavar='DIR')
    parser.add_option ("-m", action="store", help="skip SKIP tunes, then read at most NUM tunes", nargs=2, type='int', default=(0,1), metavar='SKIP NUM')
    parser.add_option ("-p", action="store", help="page formatting in PFMT", default='', metavar='PFMT')
    parser.add_option ("-z", "--mxl", dest="mxl", help="store as compressed mxl, MODE = a(dd) or r(eplace)", default='', metavar='MODE')
    parser.add_option ("-r", action="store_true", help="show whole measure rests in merged staffs", default=False)
    options, args = parser.parse_args ()
    if len (args) == 0: parser.error ('no input file given')
    pad = options.o
    if options.mxl and options.mxl not in ['a','add', 'r', 'replace']:
        parser.error ('MODE should be a(dd) or r(eplace), not: %s' % options.mxl)
    if pad:
        if not os.path.exists (pad): os.mkdir (pad)
        if not os.path.isdir (pad): parser.error ('%s is not a directory' % pad)
    if options.p:   # set page formatting values
        try:        # space, page-height, -width, margin-left, -right, -top, -bottom
            mxm.pageFmtCmd = map (float, options.p.split (','))
            if len (mxm.pageFmtCmd) != 7: raise Exception ('-p needs 7 values')
        except Exception, err: parser.error (err)
    mxm.gmwr = options.r    # ugly: needs to be globally accessable

    abc_header, abc_voice, lyr_block, abc_scoredef = abc_grammar ()  # compute grammar only once per file set
    fnmext_list = []
    for i in args: fnmext_list += glob (i)
    if not fnmext_list: parser.error ('none of the input files exist')
    t_start = time.time ()
    for X, fnmext in enumerate (fnmext_list):
        fnm, ext = os.path.splitext (fnmext)
        if ext.lower () not in ('.abc'):
            info ('skipped input file %s, it should have extension .abc' % fnmext)
        if os.path.isdir (fnmext):
            info ('skipped directory %s. Only files are accepted' % fnmext)

        fobj = open (fnmext, 'rb')
        encoded_data = ()
        fobj.close ()
        fragments =  encoded_data.split ('X:')
        preamble = fragments [0]    # tunes can be preceeded by formatting instructions
        tunes = fragments[1:]
        if not tunes and preamble: tunes, preamble = ['1\n' + preamble], ''  # tune without X:
        skip, num = options.m       # skip tunes, then read at most num tunes
        numtunes = min ([len (tunes), num])     # number of tunes to be converted
        for itune, tune in enumerate (tunes):
            if itune < skip: continue
            if itune >= skip + num: break
            tune = preamble + 'X:' + tune       # restore preamble before each tune
            fnmNum = '%s%02d' % (fnm, itune + 1) if numtunes > 1 else fnm
            try:                                # convert string abctext -> file pad/fnmNum.xml
                convert (pad, fnmNum, tune, options.mxl)
            except ParseException, err: pass    # output already printed
            except Exception, err: info ('an exception occurred.\n%s' % err)
    info ('done in %.2f secs' % (time.time () - t_start))