# HG changeset patch
# User Jim Hague <jim.hague@acm.org>
# Date 1565132504 -3600
# Node ID c52d237f99d5d47acc58b60476826104e9147231
# Parent  2324285ba90b10d6f9c19fb10fcde5fa64dbd8c5
Encourage A4 to page break before a tune.

This enourages page breaks to happen before tune start, and not
between the tune image and any following wording.

Also move the vfill to the tune start. That way, if the break does not
happen, the vfill will, and the following tune will be spaced down
to the bottom of the page if it's the only other tune on the page.
Otherwise everything tends to clump at the top of the page.

diff -r 2324285ba90b -r c52d237f99d5 docsetup.A4.tex
--- a/docsetup.A4.tex	Tue Aug 06 23:29:51 2019 +0100
+++ b/docsetup.A4.tex	Wed Aug 07 00:01:44 2019 +0100
@@ -38,5 +38,5 @@
 % Page appearance.