1 <html>
3 <head>
4 <title>NOFFLE Installation</title>
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7 <body bgcolor=white>
8 <p>
10 <center>
11 <h1>NOFFLE Installation</h1>
12 </center>
14 <p>
15 <hr>
16 <p>
18 For compiling NOFFLE there are the following requirements:
19 <p>
21 <ul>
23 <li>
24 The gdbm library must be installed on your system (standard with
25 most distributions).
26 <p>
27 Please use the same compiler for compiling NOFFLE that was
28 used for compiling the gdbm library!
29 <p>
30 The reason for this warning is that there is an incompatibility between
31 egcs and gcc that causes programs to crash on some distributions,
32 depending on the optimisation level.
33 <p>
35 <li>
36 The program "mail" must be available, because failed postings are
37 returned to the sender by calling it (with option -s and by piping
38 message text into it).
39 <p>
41 <li>
42 The program "sort" must be available (standard with most distributions).
43 <p>
45 </ul>
47 <p>
48 For installing NOFFLE on your system, the following steps are necessary:
49 <p>
51 <ul>
53 <li>
54 Edit the Makefile. Change SPOOLDIR and PREFIX, if you do not
55 like the defaults.
56 <p>
58 <li>
59 Type 'make'.
60 <p>
62 <li>
63 Log in as root and type 'make install'.
64 <p>
66 <li>
67 Copy '<PREFIX>/doc/noffle/noffle.conf.example' to '/etc/noffle.conf' and
68 edit it. Write in the name of the remote news server.
69 <br>
70 Change the owner to 'news':
71 <pre>
72 chown news.news /etc/noffle.conf
73 </pre>
74 Make it unreadable by others, if it contains a username and a password:
75 <pre>
76 chmod o-r /etc/noffle.conf
77 </pre>
78 Now you can leave the root account.
79 <p>
81 <li>
82 Go online and run
83 <pre>
84 noffle --query groups # required
85 noffle --query desc # optional group descriptions
86 </pre>
87 <p>
88 to retrieve newsgroup information.
89 <br>
90 This may take a while depending on the number of active newsgroups
91 at the remote news server.
92 <p>
93 Subscribe to some groups by running
94 <pre>
95 noffle --subscribe-over <groupname>
96 </pre>
97 or
98 <pre>
99 noffle --subscribe-thread <groupname>
100 </pre>
101 or
102 <pre>
103 noffle --subscribe-full <groupname>
104 </pre>
105 Then run
106 <pre>
107 noffle --fetch
108 </pre>
109 for testing the retrieving of overviews/articles of the groups subscribed.
110 <p>
112 <li>
113 Add a line for 'noffle' to '/etc/inetd.conf':
114 <pre>
115 nntp stream tcp nowait news /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/local/bin/noffle -r
116 </pre>
117 (Change the path of noffle if necessary)
118 <p>
120 <li>
121 Add the following lines to your 'ip-up' script:
122 <pre>
123 /usr/local/bin/noffle --fetch
124 /usr/local/bin/noffle --online
125 </pre>
126 <p>
127 Add the following line to your 'ip-down' script:
128 <pre>
129 /usr/local/bin/noffle --offline
130 </pre>
131 Add a line for running noffle to the crontab of news (by running
132 'crontab -u news -e' as root):
133 <pre>
134 0 19 * * 1 /usr/local/bin/noffle --expire
135 </pre>
136 (if you want to run 'noffle' on Monday (1st day of week) at
137 19.00 and delete all articles not accessed recently. The default
138 expiry period is 14 days, but this can be changed in /etc/noffle.conf.
139 <p>
141 </ul>
143 Now you are ready, configure the client readers to use "localhost" port 119
144 as news server and/or set the environment variable NNTPSERVER to
145 "localhost" and/or create the file /etc/nntpserver containing "localhost".
146 <p>
147 If something goes wrong, have a look at '/var/log/news' for error and
148 logging messages.
149 <p>
150 It can be helpful to recompile NOFFLE with the
151 -DDEBUG option to increase the level of logged details. Additionally,
152 the -DDEBUG option will create a core file in the spool directory if NOFFLE
153 should crash. This will allow those of you familiar with a debugger to send
154 me a detailed bug report :-)
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