view src/fetch.c @ 193:021d145e34e9 noffle

[svn] * src/fetch.c: Only leave articles in the requested list if the error fetching them was fatal. Otherwise article requests will accumulate indefinitely (e.g retrieving through NNTPcache when it can't find the body of an article, now or event. Yes, this happened to me; I had nearly 2000 requests backed up and never being cleared). * src/group.c: The weekend's change introduced code that causes a bus error on Sparc ( *(time_t *)p = xxx ). Replace with a safe memcpy, and also use memcpy when reading the Entry and time items to remove warnings on Sparc compilation.
author bears
date Mon, 22 Oct 2001 14:41:43 +0100
parents f1bacee93ca6
children 24d4cd032da5
line wrap: on
line source


  $Id: fetch.c 312 2001-10-22 13:41:43Z bears $

#include <config.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include "fetch.h"
#include <errno.h>

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>

#include <signal.h>
#include "client.h"
#include "configfile.h"
#include "content.h"
#include "dynamicstring.h"
#include "fetchlist.h"
#include "request.h"
#include "group.h"
#include "lock.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "outgoing.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "pseudo.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "portable.h"


struct Fetch
    Bool ready;
    Str serv;
} fetch = { FALSE, "" };

static Bool
connectToServ( const char *name )
    Log_inf( "Fetch from '%s'", name );
    if ( ! Client_connect( name ) )
        Log_err( "Could not connect to %s", name );
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

Fetch_getNewGrps( void )
    time_t t;
    Str file;

    ASSERT( fetch.ready );
    snprintf( file, MAXCHAR, "%s/lastupdate.%s",
	      Cfg_spoolDir(), fetch.serv );
    if ( ! Utl_getStamp( &t, file ) )
        Log_err( "Cannot read %s. Please run noffle --query groups", file );
        return FALSE;
    Log_inf( "Updating groupinfo" );

     * If NEWGROUPS fails, it isn't necessarily fatal. You can do
     * a periodic noffle --query groups to refresh your group list.
     * So only return failure here if the status indicates the link
     * itself failed.
     * In particular, older versions of NNTPcache have a Y2K bug that
     * stops NEWGROUPS working.
    return ( ! IS_FATAL( Client_getNewgrps( &t ) ) );

/* Databases open on entry, closed on exit. */
static int
fetchNewArts( const char *name, FetchMode mode )
    int next, first, last, refetch, stat;

    stat = Client_changeToGrp( name );
    if ( stat != STAT_OK )
        Log_err( "Could not change to group %s", name );
	if ( Lock_gotLock() )
        return stat;
    Client_rmtFirstLast( &first, &last );
    Cont_read( name );
    next = Grp_rmtNext( name );
    if ( next == GRP_RMT_NEXT_NOT_SUBSCRIBED )
	next = first;
    if ( next == last + 1 )
        Log_inf( "No new articles in %s", name );
        Grp_setFirstLast( name, Cont_first(), Cont_last() );
        return STAT_OK;
    if ( first == 0 && last == 0 )
        Log_inf( "No articles in %s", name );
        Grp_setFirstLast( name, Cont_first(), Cont_last() );
        return STAT_OK;
    if ( next > last + 1 )
    	refetch = last - Cfg_maxFetch() + 1;
    	if ( refetch < 0 ) refetch = 1;
        Log_err( "Article number inconsistent (%s rmt=%lu-%lu, next=%lu). "
		 "Refetching from %lu",
                 name, first, last, next, refetch );
        Pseudo_cntInconsistent( name, first, last, next, refetch );
        first = refetch;
    else if ( next < first )
        Log_inf( "Missing articles (%s first=%lu next=%lu)",
                 name, first, next );
        Pseudo_missArts( name, first, next );

	 * If we are missing articles but there are none to fetch,
	 * we must ensure we don't repeatedly generate missing
	 * article warning on every fetch until there is something
	 * to fetch. To guard against this, update the group remote
	 * next now.
	Grp_setRmtNext( name, first );
	next = first;
        first = next;
    if ( last - first > Cfg_maxFetch() )
        Log_ntc( "Cutting number of overviews to %lu", Cfg_maxFetch() );
        first = last - Cfg_maxFetch() + 1;
    Log_inf( "Getting remote overviews %lu-%lu for group %s",
             first, last, name );
    return Client_getOver( name, first, last, mode );

Fetch_getNewArts( const char *name, FetchMode mode )
    if ( ! Lock_openDatabases() )
        Log_err( "Could not open message base" );
        return FALSE;
    return fetchNewArts( name, mode );

Fetch_updateGrps( void )
    FetchMode mode;
    int i, size;
    const char *name;

    ASSERT( fetch.ready );
    if ( ! Lock_openDatabases() )
        Log_err( "Could not open message base" );
        return FALSE;
    size = Fetchlist_size();
    for ( i = 0; i < size; ++i )
        Fetchlist_element( &name, &mode, i );
        if ( strcmp( Grp_server( name ), fetch.serv ) == 0 )
            if ( IS_FATAL( fetchNewArts( name, mode ) ) )
		return FALSE;
	    if ( ! Lock_openDatabases() )
		Log_err( "Could not open message base" );
		return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

static int
fetchMessageList( const char *list, int *artcnt, int artmax )
    const char *p;
    Str msgId;
    int stat;

    ASSERT( Lock_gotLock() );
    stat = Client_retrieveArtList( list, artcnt, artmax );
    if ( IS_FATAL( stat ) )
	return stat;
    p = list;
    while ( ( p = Utl_getLn( msgId, p ) ) )
        Req_remove( fetch.serv, msgId );
    return STAT_OK;

Fetch_getReq_( void )
    Str msgId;
    DynStr *list;
    DynStr *fetchList;
    const char *p;
    int count = 0, artcnt = 0, artmax = 0;
    Bool res;
    int stat;

    ASSERT( fetch.ready );
    Log_dbg( LOG_DBG_FETCH, "Retrieving articles marked for download" );
    list = new_DynStr( 10000 );
    fetchList = new_DynStr( 1000 );
    if ( list == NULL || fetchList == NULL )
	if ( list != NULL )
	    del_DynStr( list );
        Log_err( "Out of memory in Fetch_get_Req_");
	return FALSE;

     * Get all waiting message IDs for this server. We copy into a master
     * list as the requests file will be closed and re-opened during the
     * fetch and the position therein will be lost.
    if ( ! Lock_openDatabases() )
        Log_err( "Could not open message base" );
        return FALSE;

    if ( Req_first( fetch.serv, msgId ) )
            DynStr_appLn( list, msgId );
        while ( Req_next( msgId ) );
	Log_inf( "%d TOTAL messages to download", artmax);

    /* Retrieve in groups of up to size MAX_ARTICLE_CMDS_QUEUED. */
    p = DynStr_str( list );
    res = TRUE;
    while ( res && ( p = Utl_getLn( msgId, p ) ) != NULL )
	DynStr_appLn( fetchList, msgId );
	if ( ++count % MAX_ARTICLE_CMDS_QUEUED == 0 )
	    stat = fetchMessageList( DynStr_str( fetchList ), &artcnt,
				     artmax );
	    res = ! IS_FATAL( stat );
	    DynStr_clear( fetchList );
    stat = fetchMessageList( DynStr_str( fetchList ), &artcnt, artmax );
    res = res && ! IS_FATAL( stat );

    del_DynStr( fetchList );
    del_DynStr( list );
    return res;

static void
returnArticleToSender( const char *sender, const char *reason,
                       const char *article )
    int ret;
    Str cmd;
    FILE *f;
    sig_t lastHandler;

    Log_err( "Return article to '%s' by mail", sender );
    snprintf( cmd, MAXCHAR, "%s -t -oi", SENDMAILPROG);
    lastHandler = signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN );
    f = popen( cmd, "w" );
    if ( f == NULL )
        Log_err( "Invocation of '%s' failed (%s)", cmd, strerror( errno ) );
        fprintf( f,
                 "To: %s\n"
                 "Subject: [ NOFFLE: Posting failed ]\n"
                 "\t[ NOFFLE: POSTING OF ARTICLE FAILED ]\n"
                 "\t[ The posting of your article failed. ]\n"
                 "\t[ Reason of failure at remote server: ]\n"
                 "\t[ %s ]\n"
                 "\t[ Full article text has been appended. ]\n"
                 reason, article );
        ret = pclose( f );
        if ( ret != EXIT_SUCCESS )
            Log_err( "'%s' exit value %d", cmd, ret );
        signal( SIGPIPE, lastHandler );

Fetch_postArts( void )
    DynStr *s;
    Str msgId, errStr, sender;
    const char *txt;
    Bool res;

    res = TRUE;
    s = new_DynStr( 10000 );
    if ( Out_first( fetch.serv, msgId, s ) )
        Log_inf( "Posting articles" );
            txt = DynStr_str( s );
	    if ( Client_postArt( msgId, txt, errStr ) != STAT_OK )
		res = FALSE;
	     * OK, no server communication SNAFU during post. Now, do we
	     * get an error response? If so, try to return article to sender.
	    Out_remove( fetch.serv, msgId );
	    if ( errStr[0] != '\0' )
		Utl_cpyStr( sender, Cfg_mailTo() );
		if ( strcmp( sender, "" ) == 0
		     && ! Prt_searchHeader( txt, "SENDER", sender )
		     && ! Prt_searchHeader( txt, "X-NOFFLE-X-SENDER",
					    sender ) /* see server.c */
		     && ! Prt_searchHeader( txt, "FROM", sender ) )
		    Log_err( "Article %s has no From/Sender/X-Sender field",
			     msgId );
		    returnArticleToSender( sender, errStr, txt );
        while ( Out_next( msgId, s ) );
    del_DynStr( s );
    return res;

Fetch_init( const char *serv )
    if ( ! connectToServ( serv ) )
        return FALSE;
    Utl_cpyStr( fetch.serv, serv );
    fetch.ready = TRUE;
    return TRUE;

    fetch.ready = FALSE;
    Log_inf( "Fetch from '%s' finished", fetch.serv );