view src/util.c @ 193:021d145e34e9 noffle

[svn] * src/fetch.c: Only leave articles in the requested list if the error fetching them was fatal. Otherwise article requests will accumulate indefinitely (e.g retrieving through NNTPcache when it can't find the body of an article, now or event. Yes, this happened to me; I had nearly 2000 requests backed up and never being cleared). * src/group.c: The weekend's change introduced code that causes a bus error on Sparc ( *(time_t *)p = xxx ). Replace with a safe memcpy, and also use memcpy when reading the Entry and time items to remove warnings on Sparc compilation.
author bears
date Mon, 22 Oct 2001 14:41:43 +0100
parents 7d1f26e7c728
children 24d4cd032da5
line wrap: on
line source


  $Id: util.c 301 2001-08-05 08:27:17Z bears $

#include <config.h>

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>

#include "util.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "configfile.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "wildmat.h"
#include "portable.h"

#if defined(UTIL_TEST)
#define	Log_err	printf

static const char *
nextWhiteSpace( const char *p )
    while ( *p && ! isspace( *p ) )
    return p;

static const char *
nextNonWhiteSpace( const char *p )
    while ( *p && isspace( *p ) )
    return p;

const char *
Utl_restOfLn( const char *line, unsigned int token )
    unsigned int i;
    const char *p;

    p = line;
    for ( i = 0; i < token; ++i )
        p = nextNonWhiteSpace( p );
        p = nextWhiteSpace( p );
    p = nextNonWhiteSpace( p );
    return p;

const char *
Utl_getLn( Str result, const char *pos )
    int len = 0;
    const char *p = pos;

    if ( ! p )
        return NULL;
    while ( *p != '\n' )
        if ( *p == '\0' )
            if ( len > 0 )
                Log_err( "Line not terminated by newline: '%s'", pos );
            return NULL;
        *(result++) = *(p++);
        if ( len >= MAXCHAR - 1 )
            *result = '\0';
            Log_err( "Utl_getLn: line too long: %s", result );
            return ++p;
    *result = '\0';
    return ++p;


const char *
Utl_ungetLn( const char *str, const char *p )
    if ( str == p )
        return FALSE;
    if ( *p != '\n' )
        Log_err( "Utl_ungetLn: not at beginning of line" );
        return NULL;
    while ( TRUE )
        if ( p == str )
            return p;
        if ( *p == '\n' )
            return p + 1;

const char *
Utl_getHeaderLn( Str result, const char *p )
    const char * res = Utl_getLn( result, p );

    /* Look for followon line if this isn't a blank line. */
    if ( res != NULL && result[ 0 ] != '\0' && ! isspace( result[ 0 ] ) )
	    Str nextLine;
	    const char *here;

	    here = res;
	    nextLine[ 0 ] = '\0';
	    res = Utl_getLn( nextLine, res );
	    if ( res == NULL || nextLine[ 0 ] == '\0'
		 || ! isspace( nextLine[ 0 ] ) )
		res = here;
		Utl_catStr( result, "\n" );
		Utl_catStr( result, nextLine );

    return res;

Utl_toLower( Str line )
    char *p;

    p = line;
    while ( *p )
        *p = tolower( *p );

char *
Utl_stripWhiteSpace( char *line )
    char *p;

    while ( isspace( *line ) )
    p = line + strlen( line ) - 1;
    while ( isspace( *p ) )
        *p = '\0';
    return line;

Utl_stripComment( char *line )
    for ( ; *line != '\0'; line++ )
	if ( *line =='#' )
	    *line = '\0';

Utl_cpyStr( Str dst, const char *src )
    dst[ 0 ] = '\0';
    strncat( dst, src, MAXCHAR );

Utl_cpyStrN( Str dst, const char *src, int n )
    if ( n > MAXCHAR )
    	n = MAXCHAR;
    dst[ 0 ] = '\0';
    strncat( dst, src, (size_t)n );

Utl_catStr( Str dst, const char *src )
    strncat( dst, src, MAXCHAR - strlen( dst ) );

Utl_catStrN( Str dst, const char *src, int n )
    size_t un;

    ASSERT( n >= 0 );
    un = (size_t)n;
    if ( un > MAXCHAR - strlen( dst ) )
    	 un = MAXCHAR - strlen( dst );
    strncat( dst, src, un );

Utl_stamp( Str file )
    FILE *f;
    time_t t;

    time( &t );
    if ( ! ( f = fopen( file, "w" ) ) )
        Log_err( "Could not open %s for writing (%s)",
                 file, strerror( errno ) );
    fprintf( f, "%lu\n", t );
    fclose( f );

Utl_getStamp( time_t *result, Str file )
    FILE *f;

    if ( ! ( f = fopen( file, "r" ) ) )
        return FALSE;
    if ( fscanf( f, "%lu", result ) != 1 )
        Log_err( "File %s corrupted", file );
        fclose( f );
        return FALSE;
    fclose( f );
    return TRUE;

static const char *DOTW[] = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri",
			      "Sat", NULL };
static const char *MON[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul",
			     "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", NULL };

 * Calculate the difference between local time and GMT. This is INN's
 * 'always-works' method. It assumes the time differences is < 24hrs.
 * Sounds reasonable to me. It also assumes it can ignore seconds.
 * Returns GMT - localtime minutes. It will also trash the localtime/
 * gmtime/etc. static buffer.
static int
tzDiff( void )
    time_t now;
    struct tm local, gmt, *tm;
    static time_t nextCalc = 0;
    static int res = 0;

    now = time( NULL );
    if ( now < nextCalc )
	return res;
    tm = localtime( &now );
    if ( tm == NULL )
	return 0;
    local = *tm;
    tm = gmtime( &now );
    if ( tm == NULL )
	return 0;
    gmt = *tm;

    res = gmt.tm_yday - local.tm_yday;
    if ( res < -1 )
	res = -1;		/* Year rollover? */
    else if ( res > 1 )
	res = 1;

    res *= 24;
    res += gmt.tm_hour - local.tm_hour;
    res *= 60;
    res += gmt.tm_min - local.tm_min;

    /* Need to recalc at start of next hour */
    nextCalc = now + ( 60 - local.tm_sec ) + 60 * ( 59 - local.tm_min );
    return res;

Utl_newsDate( time_t t, Str res )
    struct tm *local;
    long tzdiff, hoffset, moffset;

    tzdiff = - tzDiff();

    local = localtime( &t );
    if ( local == NULL )
	Utl_cpyStr( res, "** localtime failure **" );
    hoffset = tzdiff / 60;
    moffset = tzdiff % 60;
    if ( moffset < 0 )
	moffset = - moffset;

    sprintf( res, "%s, %d %s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d %+03ld%02ld",
	     DOTW[local->tm_wday], local->tm_mday,
	     MON[local->tm_mon], local->tm_year + 1900,
	     local->tm_hour, local->tm_min, local->tm_sec,
	     hoffset, moffset );

Utl_parseNewsDate( const char *s )
    struct tm tm;
    int wday, offset, tzoffset;
    char *p;
    time_t res;

    memset( &tm, 0, sizeof( tm ) );
    wday = -1;
    tm.tm_isdst = -1;
    s = nextNonWhiteSpace( s );

    /* Is this the day number, or a weekday? */
    if ( ! isdigit( *s ) )
	if ( strlen( s ) < 4 )
	    return (time_t) -1;
	for ( wday = 0; DOTW[ wday ] != NULL; wday++ )
	    if ( strncasecmp( DOTW[ wday ], s, 3 ) == 0 )

	if( DOTW[ wday ] == NULL || s[3] != ',' )
	    return (time_t) -1;

	s += 4;
    /* Get the day number */
    tm.tm_mday = (int) strtol( s, &p, 10 );
    if ( p == s )
	return (time_t) -1;
    s = p;

    /* Look for month name */
    s = nextNonWhiteSpace( s );
    if ( strlen( s ) < 4 )
	return (time_t) -1;
    for ( tm.tm_mon = 0; MON[ tm.tm_mon ] != NULL; tm.tm_mon++ )
	if ( strncasecmp( MON[ tm.tm_mon ], s, 3 ) == 0 )

    if ( MON[ tm.tm_mon ] == NULL )
	return (time_t) -1;
    s += 3;

    /* Year next */
    tm.tm_year = (int) strtol( s, &p, 10 );
    if ( p == s || ( tm.tm_year >= 100 && tm.tm_year < 1900  ) )
	return (time_t) -1;
    if ( tm.tm_year >= 1900 )
	tm.tm_year -= 1900;
    s = p;  

    /* Hours */
    tm.tm_hour = (int) strtol( s, &p, 10 );
    if ( p == s || *p != ':' )
	return (time_t) -1;
    s = ++p;

    /* Minutes */
    tm.tm_min = (int) strtol( s, &p, 10 );
    if ( p == s || ( *p != ':' && *p != ' ' ) )
	return (time_t) -1;
    s = p;

    /* Seconds */
    if ( *s == ':' )
	tm.tm_sec = (int) strtol( s, &p, 10 );
	if ( p == s )
	    return (time_t) -1;
	s = p;

    /* GMT/UT or timezone offset */
    tzoffset = 0;
    while ( isspace( *s ) )
    if ( strncasecmp( s, "GMT", 3) == 0 )
	s += 3;
    else if ( strncasecmp( s, "UT", 2 ) == 0 )
	s += 2;
	offset = (int) strtol( s, &p, 10 );
	s = p;
	tzoffset = ( offset / 100 ) * 60 + ( offset % 100 );

    /* Check for following junk */
    if ( *s != '\0' && ! isspace( *s ) )
	return (time_t) -1;

    res = mktime( &tm );
    if ( res == (time_t) -1 )
	return res;
    if ( wday >= 0 && wday != tm.tm_wday )
	return (time_t) -1;

    /* Remove local time diff from res to give time as if GMT */
    res -= tzDiff() * 60;

    /* And now adjust for tzoffset */
    res -= tzoffset * 60;
    return res;

Utl_allocAndCpy( char **dst, const char *src )
    int len = strlen( src );
    if ( ! ( *dst = malloc( (size_t)len + 1 ) ) )
        Log_err( "Cannot allocate string with length %lu", strlen( src ) );
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
    memcpy( *dst, src, (size_t)len + 1 );

Utl_installSignalHandler( int sig, sig_t handler )
    struct sigaction act, oldAct;

    act.sa_handler = handler;
    sigemptyset( &act.sa_mask );
    act.sa_flags = 0;
    if ( sig != SIGALRM )
        act.sa_flags |= SA_RESTART;
    if ( sigaction( sig, &act, &oldAct ) < 0 )
        return SIG_ERR;
    return oldAct.sa_handler;

#if defined(UTIL_TEST)

/* Test code borrowed from wildmat.c. Yep, still uses gets(). */
extern char	*gets();

    Str line;
    time_t t;

    printf( "Util date tester.  Enter date to test.\n" );    
    printf( "A blank line exits the program.\n" );

    for ( ; ; )
	t = time( NULL );
	Utl_newsDate( t, line );
	printf( "\n(%s) Enter date:  ", line );
	(void) fflush( stdout );
	if ( gets( line ) == NULL || line[0] == '\0' )

	t = Utl_parseNewsDate( line );
	if ( t == (time_t) -1 )
	    printf( "Date parse failed\n" );
	    Utl_newsDate( t, line );
	    printf( "Utl_newsDate -> '%s'\n", line );

    /* NOTREACHED */