view src/content.c @ 299:94ac4c72baf7 noffle

[svn] * NEWS,configure,,packages/redhat/noffle.spec: Update for 1.1.4.
author bears
date Wed, 12 Feb 2003 10:10:45 +0000
parents 5eece4dfd945
children 9b79433f0976
line wrap: on
line source


  $Id: content.c 413 2002-12-27 21:48:25Z bears $

#include <config.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "configfile.h"
#include "content.h"
#include "group.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "over.h"
#include "pseudo.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "portable.h"

    DIR *dir;           /* Directory for browsing through all
                           groups */
    int vecFirst;	/* First article number in vector */
    int first;		/* First live article number */
    int last;		/* Last article number */
    int size;           /* Number of overviews. */
    int max;            /* Size of elem. */
    Over **elem;        /* Ptr to array with ptrs to overviews.
                           NULL entries for non-existing article numbers
                           in group. */
    Str name;
    Str file;
    Bool dirty;		/* Needs writing? */
} cont = { NULL, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, NULL, "", "", FALSE };

Cont_app( Over *ov )
    if ( cont.max < cont.size + 1 )
        if ( ! ( cont.elem = realloc( cont.elem,
                                      ( cont.max + 500 )
                                      * sizeof( cont.elem[ 0 ] ) ) ) )
            Log_fatal( "Could not realloc overview list" );
        cont.max += 500;
    ASSERT( cont.vecFirst > 0 );
    if ( ov )
        Ov_setNumb( ov, cont.vecFirst + cont.size );
    cont.elem[ cont.size++ ] = ov;
    cont.last = cont.vecFirst + cont.size - 1;
    cont.dirty = TRUE;

Cont_validNumb( int n )
    return ( n != 0 && n >= cont.first && n <= cont.last
             && cont.elem[ n - cont.vecFirst ] );

Cont_delete( int n )
    Over **ov;

    if ( ! Cont_validNumb( n ) )
    ov = &cont.elem[ n - cont.vecFirst ];
    free( *ov );
    *ov = NULL;
    cont.dirty = TRUE;

/* Remove all overviews from content. */
static void
clearCont( void )
    int i;

    for ( i = 0; i < cont.size; ++i )
        del_Over( cont.elem[ i ] );
    cont.size = 0;

static void
setupEmpty( const char *name )
    cont.last = Grp_last( name );
    cont.first = cont.vecFirst = cont.last + 1;
    ASSERT( cont.first > 0 );

/* Extend content list to size "cnt" and append NULL entries. */
static void
extendCont( int cnt )
    int i, n;
    if ( cont.size < cnt )
        n = cnt - cont.size;
        for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
            Cont_app( NULL );

/* Discard all cached overviews, and read in the overviews of a new group
   from its overviews file. */
Cont_read( const char *name )
    FILE *f;
    Over *ov;
    int numb;
    Str line;

    /* Delete old overviews and make room for new ones. */
    cont.vecFirst = 0;
    cont.first = 0;
    cont.last = 0;
    Utl_cpyStr(, name );

    /* read overviews from overview file and store them in the overviews
       list */
    snprintf( cont.file, MAXCHAR, "%s/overview/%s", Cfg_spoolDir(), name ); 
    f = fopen( cont.file, "r" );
    if ( ! f )
        Log_dbg( LOG_DBG_NEWSBASE, "No group overview file: %s", cont.file );
	setupEmpty( name );
    Log_dbg( LOG_DBG_NEWSBASE, "Reading %s", cont.file );
    while ( fgets( line, MAXCHAR, f ) )
        if ( ! ( ov = Ov_read( line ) ) )
            Log_err( "Overview corrupted in %s: %s", name, line );
        numb = Ov_numb( ov );
        if ( numb < cont.first )
            Log_err( "Wrong ordering in %s: %s", name, line );
        if ( cont.first == 0 )
            cont.first = cont.vecFirst = numb;
        cont.last = numb;
        extendCont( numb - cont.first + 1 );
        cont.elem[ numb - cont.first ] = ov;
    fclose( f );

    if ( cont.first == 0 )
	setupEmpty( name );		/* Corrupt overview file recovery */
	int grpLast;

	  Check for end article(s) being cancelled. Need to ensure we
	  don't re-use and article number.
	grpLast = Grp_last( name );
	if ( cont.last < grpLast )
	    extendCont( grpLast - cont.first + 1 );

Cont_write( void )
    Bool anythingWritten;
    int i;
    FILE *f;
    const Over *ov, *ov_next;
    Str tmpfname;
    Bool writeErr;
    int first;

    /* If nowt has changed, do nowt. */
    if ( ! cont.dirty )
	return TRUE;
    /* Save the overview to temporary file in same dir. */
    /* old tmpfnames will be expired at noffle.c:expireContents() */
    snprintf( tmpfname, MAXCHAR, "%s/overview/.#%d.%s",
	      Cfg_spoolDir(), (int) getpid(), ); 
    if ( ! ( f = fopen( tmpfname, "w" ) ) )
        Log_err( "Could not open %s for writing", tmpfname );
        return FALSE;
    Log_dbg( LOG_DBG_NEWSBASE, "Writing %s (%lu)", tmpfname, cont.size );
    anythingWritten = FALSE;
    first = -1;
    writeErr = FALSE;
    for ( i = 0; i < cont.size; ++i )
	ov = cont.elem[ i ];
        if ( ov )
	    if ( i + 1 < cont.size )
		ov_next = cont.elem[ i + 1 ];
		ov_next = NULL;
	      Preserve gen info if it is followed immediately by an
	      article with the next number. In practice, this means
	      that when in auto-subscribed mode, the gen info will
	      remain until the 'group now subscribed' message is
            if ( ! Pseudo_isGeneralInfo( Ov_msgId( ov ) )
		 || ( ov_next != NULL &&
		      Ov_numb( ov_next ) - Ov_numb( ov ) == 1 ) )
                anythingWritten = TRUE;
                if ( ! Ov_write( ov, f ) )
                    Log_err( "Writing of overview line to %s failed: %s",
			     tmpfname, strerror( errno ) );
		    writeErr = TRUE;
		    if  ( first < 0 )
			first = cont.vecFirst + i;
    if ( fclose( f ) != 0 )
	Log_err( "Close of content file %s failed: %s",
		 tmpfname, strerror( errno ) );
	writeErr = TRUE;

    if ( writeErr )
        /* Write error - leave everything as at present */
        return FALSE;
      If empty, remove the overview file and set first to one
      beyond last to flag said emptiness.
    if ( ! anythingWritten )
	if ( unlink( tmpfname ) < 0 )
	    Log_err( "Unlink of %s failed: %s", tmpfname, strerror( errno ) );
	if ( unlink( cont.file ) < 0 )
	    Log_err( "Unlink of %s failed: %s", cont.file, strerror( errno ) );
            return FALSE;
	    cont.dirty = FALSE;
	    cont.first = cont.last + 1;
	if ( rename( tmpfname, cont.file ) < 0 )
	    Log_err( "Rename of content file %s to %s failed: %s",
		     tmpfname, cont.file, strerror( errno ) );
            return FALSE;
            ASSERT( first != -1 );
	    cont.dirty = FALSE;
            cont.first = first;

    return TRUE;

const Over *
Cont_get( int numb )
    if ( ! Cont_validNumb( numb ) )
        return NULL;
    return cont.elem[ numb - cont.vecFirst ];

Cont_first( void ) { return cont.first; }

Cont_last( void ) { return cont.last; }

Cont_find( const char *msgId )
    int i;
    const Over *ov;
    for ( i = 0; i < cont.size; i++ )
        if ( ( ov = cont.elem[ i ] )
	     && strcmp( Ov_msgId( ov ), msgId ) ==  0 )
	    return i + cont.vecFirst;

    return -1;

const char *
Cont_grp( void ) { return; }

Cont_nextGrp( Str result )
    struct dirent *d;
    ASSERT( cont.dir );
    if ( ! ( d = readdir( cont.dir ) ) )
	closedir( cont.dir );
        cont.dir = NULL;
        return FALSE;
    if ( ! d->d_name )
        return FALSE;
    if ( d->d_name[0] == '.' )
        Str tmpfname;

	 * If it is '.' or '..', skip.
	 * If it starts '.#', treat as a temporary file that didn't
	 * get deleted for some reason and flag an error and delete it.
	switch( d->d_name[1] )
	case '\0':
	case '.':

	case '#':
            snprintf( tmpfname, MAXCHAR, "%s/overview/%s",
              Cfg_spoolDir(), d->d_name ); 
	    Log_err( "Bad temporary file %s - deleting.",
		      tmpfname );
	    if ( unlink( tmpfname ) < 0 )
		Log_err( "Unlink of %s failed: %s",
			 tmpfname, strerror(errno) );

	    Log_err( "Unknown file %s in %s/overview - please delete",
		     d->d_name, Cfg_spoolDir() );
	return Cont_nextGrp( result );
    Utl_cpyStr( result, d->d_name );
    result[ MAXCHAR - 1 ] = '\0';
    return TRUE;

Cont_firstGrp( Str result )
    Str name;

    snprintf( name, MAXCHAR, "%s/overview", Cfg_spoolDir() );
    if ( ! ( cont.dir = opendir( name ) ) )
        Log_err( "Cannot open %s", name );
        return FALSE;
    return Cont_nextGrp( result );

Cont_exists( const char *grp )
    Str fname;

    /* Do we have a content/overview file for this group? */
    snprintf( fname, MAXCHAR, "%s/overview/%s", Cfg_spoolDir(), grp );
    return ( access( fname, R_OK ) == 0 );    