view src/server.c @ 44:bb6a1bf61279 noffle

[svn] Oops. Forgot three files in my last commit: * Removed Makefile. * Added docs/ and docs/
author uh1763
date Fri, 05 May 2000 22:50:13 +0100
parents 2842f50feb55
children 32ba1198c6fa
line wrap: on
line source


  $Id: server.c 49 2000-05-05 21:45:56Z uh1763 $

#include <config.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include "server.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "client.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "configfile.h"
#include "content.h"
#include "control.h"
#include "database.h"
#include "dynamicstring.h"
#include "fetch.h"
#include "fetchlist.h"
#include "group.h"
#include "itemlist.h"
#include "lock.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "online.h"
#include "outgoing.h"
#include "post.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "pseudo.h"
#include "request.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "wildmat.h"

    Bool running;
    int artPtr;
    Str grp; /* selected group, "" if none */
} serv = { FALSE, 0, "" };

typedef struct Cmd
    const char *name;
    const char *syntax;
    /* Returns false, if quit cmd */
    Bool (*cmdProc)( char *arg, const struct Cmd *cmd );

static Bool doArt( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd );
static Bool doBody( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd );
static Bool doGrp( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd );
static Bool doHead( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd );
static Bool doHelp( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd );
static Bool doIhave( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd );
static Bool doLast( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd );
static Bool doList( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd );
static Bool doListgrp( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd );
static Bool doMode( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd );
static Bool doNewgrps( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd );
static Bool doNext( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd );
static Bool doPost( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd );
static Bool doSlave( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd );
static Bool doStat( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd );
static Bool doQuit( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd );
static Bool doXhdr( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd );
static Bool doXpat( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd );
static Bool doXOver( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd );
static Bool notImplemented( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd );
static void putStat( unsigned int stat, const char *fmt, ... );

Cmd commands[] =
    { "article", "ARTICLE [msg-id|n]", &doArt },
    { "body", "BODY [msg-id|n]", &doBody },
    { "head", "HEAD [msg-id|n]", &doHead },
    { "group", "GROUP grp", &doGrp },
    { "help", "HELP", &doHelp },
    { "ihave", "IHAVE (ignored)", &doIhave },
    { "last", "LAST", &doLast },
    { "list", "LIST [ACTIVE [pat]]|ACTIVE.TIMES [pat]|"
    { "listgroup", "LISTGROUP grp", &doListgrp },
    { "mode", "MODE (ignored)", &doMode },
    { "newgroups", "NEWGROUPS [xx]yymmdd hhmmss [GMT]", &doNewgrps },
    { "newnews", "NEWNEWS (not implemented)", &notImplemented },
    { "next", "NEXT", &doNext },
    { "post", "POST", &doPost },
    { "quit", "QUIT", &doQuit },
    { "slave", "SLAVE (ignored)", &doSlave },
    { "stat", "STAT [msg-id|n]", &doStat },
    { "xhdr", "XHDR over-field [m[-[n]]]", &doXhdr },
    { "xpat", "XPAT over-field m[-[n]] pat", &doXpat },
    { "xover", "XOVER [m[-[n]]]", &doXOver }

  Notice interest in reading this group.
  Automatically subscribe if option set in config file.
static void
noteInterest( void )
    FetchMode mode;

    Grp_setLastAccess( serv.grp, time( NULL ) );
    if ( ! Grp_local ( serv.grp ) && Cfg_autoSubscribe() && ! Online_true() )
        if ( ! Fetchlist_contains( serv.grp ) )
            if ( strcmp( Cfg_autoSubscribeMode(), "full" ) == 0 )
                mode = FULL;
            else if ( strcmp( Cfg_autoSubscribeMode(), "thread" ) == 0 )
                mode = THREAD;
                mode = OVER;
            Fetchlist_add( serv.grp, mode );

static void
putStat( unsigned int stat, const char *fmt, ... )
    Str s, line;
    va_list ap;

    ASSERT( stat <= 999 );
    va_start( ap, fmt );
    vsnprintf( s, MAXCHAR, fmt, ap );
    va_end( ap );
    snprintf( line, MAXCHAR, "%u %s", stat, s );
    Log_dbg( "[S] %s", line );
    printf( "%s\r\n", line );

static void
putTxtLn( const char *fmt, ... )
    Str line;
    va_list ap;

    va_start( ap, fmt );
    vsnprintf( line, MAXCHAR, fmt, ap );
    va_end( ap );
    Prt_putTxtLn( line, stdout );

static void
putTxtBuf( const char *buf )
    if ( buf )
        Prt_putTxtBuf( buf, stdout );

static void
putEndOfTxt( void )
    Prt_putEndOfTxt( stdout );

static void
putSyntax( const Cmd *cmd )
    putStat( STAT_SYNTAX_ERR, "Syntax error. Usage: %s", cmd->syntax );

static Bool
getLn( Str line )
    return Prt_getLn( line, stdin );

static Bool
getTxtLn( Str line, Bool *err )
    return Prt_getTxtLn( line, err, stdin );

static Bool
notImplemented( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd )
    putStat( STAT_NO_PERMISSION, "Command not implemented" );
    return TRUE;

static void
checkNewArts( const char *grp )
    if ( ! Online_true()
         || strcmp( grp, serv.grp ) == 0
         || Grp_local( grp )
         || time( NULL ) - Grp_lastAccess( serv.grp ) < 1800 )
    if ( Fetch_init( Grp_serv( grp ) ) )
        Fetch_getNewArts( grp, OVER );

static void
    Str serv;

    while ( Cfg_nextServ( serv ) )
        if ( Fetch_init( serv ) )

static void
readCont( const char *name )
    Cont_read( name );
    if ( ! Grp_local ( name )
	 && ! Fetchlist_contains( name )
	 && ! Online_true() )
        Grp_setFirstLast( name, Cont_first(), Cont_last() );

static void
changeToGrp( const char *grp )
    checkNewArts( grp );
    Utl_cpyStr( serv.grp, grp );
    readCont( grp );
    serv.artPtr = Cont_first();

static Bool
doGrp( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd )
    int first, last, numb;

    if ( arg[ 0 ] == '\0' )
        putSyntax( cmd );
    else if ( ! Grp_exists( arg ) )
        putStat( STAT_NO_SUCH_GRP, "No such group" );
        changeToGrp( arg );
        first = Cont_first();
        last = Cont_last();
	if ( ( first == 0 && last == 0 )
	     || first > last )
            first = last = numb = 0;
	    numb = last - first + 1;
        putStat( STAT_GRP_SELECTED, "%lu %lu %lu %s selected",
                 numb, first, last, arg );
    return TRUE;

static Bool
testGrpSelected( void )
    if ( *serv.grp == '\0' )
        putStat( STAT_NO_GRP_SELECTED, "No group selected" );
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

static void
findServ( const char *msgId, Str result )
    const char *p, *pColon, *serv;
    Str s, grp;

    Utl_cpyStr( result, "(unknown)" );
    if ( Db_contains( msgId ) )
        Utl_cpyStr( s, Db_xref( msgId ) );
        p = strtok( s, " \t" );
        if ( p )
                pColon = strstr( p, ":" );
                if ( pColon )
                    Utl_cpyStrN( grp, p, pColon - p );
                    serv = Grp_serv( grp );
                    if ( Cfg_servIsPreferential( serv, result ) )
                        Utl_cpyStr( result, serv );
            while ( ( p = strtok( NULL, " \t" ) ) );

static Bool
retrieveArt( const char *msgId )
    Str serv;

    findServ( msgId, serv );    
    if ( strcmp( serv, "(unknown)" ) == 0 
         || strcmp( serv, GRP_LOCAL_SERVER_NAME ) == 0 )
        return FALSE;        
    if ( ! Client_connect( serv ) )
        return FALSE;
    Client_retrieveArt( msgId );
    return TRUE;

static Bool
checkNumb( int numb )
    if ( ! testGrpSelected() )
        return FALSE;
    if ( ! Cont_validNumb( numb ) )
        putStat( STAT_NO_SUCH_NUMB, "No such article" );
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

  Parse arguments for ARTICLE, BODY, HEAD, STAT commands.
  Return message-ID and article number (0 if unknown).
static Bool
whichId( const char **msgId, int *numb, char *arg )
    const Over *ov;
    int n;

    if ( sscanf( arg, "%d", &n ) == 1 )
        if ( ! checkNumb( n ) )
            return FALSE;
        serv.artPtr = n;
        ov = Cont_get( n );
        *msgId = Ov_msgId( ov );
        *numb = n;
    else if ( strcmp( arg, "" ) == 0 )
        if ( ! checkNumb( serv.artPtr ) )
            return FALSE;
        ov = Cont_get( serv.artPtr );
        *msgId = Ov_msgId( ov );
        *numb =  serv.artPtr;
        *msgId = arg;
        *numb = 0;
    if ( ! Pseudo_isGeneralInfo( *msgId ) && ! Db_contains( *msgId ) )
        putStat( STAT_NO_SUCH_NUMB, "No such article" );
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

touchArticle( const char *msgId )
    int stat = Db_stat( msgId );
    stat |= DB_INTERESTING;
    Db_setStat( msgId, stat );
    Db_updateLastAccess( msgId );

static void
touchReferences( const char *msgId )
    Str s;
    int len;
    char *p;
    const char *ref = Db_ref( msgId );

    while ( TRUE )
        p = s;
        while ( *ref != '<' )
            if ( *(ref++) == '\0' )
        len = 0;
        while ( *ref != '>' )
            if ( *ref == '\0' || ++len >= MAXCHAR - 1 )
            *(p++) = *(ref++);
        *(p++) = '>';
        *p = '\0';
        if ( Db_contains( s ) )
            touchArticle( s );

static void
doBodyInDb( const char *msgId )
    int stat;
    Str serv;

    touchArticle( msgId );
    touchReferences( msgId );
    stat = Db_stat( msgId );
    if ( Online_true() && ( stat & DB_NOT_DOWNLOADED ) )
        retrieveArt( msgId );
        stat = Db_stat( msgId );
    if ( stat & DB_RETRIEVING_FAILED )
        Db_setStat( msgId, stat & ~DB_RETRIEVING_FAILED );
        putTxtBuf( Db_body( msgId ) );
    else if ( stat & DB_NOT_DOWNLOADED )
        findServ( msgId, serv );
        if ( Req_contains( serv, msgId ) )
            putTxtBuf( Pseudo_alreadyMarkedBody() );
        else if ( strcmp( serv, "(unknown)" ) != 0 && 
		  strcmp( serv, GRP_LOCAL_SERVER_NAME ) != 0 && 
		  Req_add( serv, msgId ) )
            putTxtBuf( Pseudo_markedBody() );
            putTxtBuf( Pseudo_markingFailedBody() );
        putTxtBuf( Db_body( msgId ) );

static Bool
doBody( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd )
    const char *msgId;
    int numb;
    if ( ! whichId( &msgId, &numb, arg ) )
        return TRUE;
    putStat( STAT_BODY_FOLLOWS, "%ld %s Body", numb, msgId );
    if ( Pseudo_isGeneralInfo( msgId ) )
        putTxtBuf( Pseudo_generalInfoBody() );
        doBodyInDb( msgId );
    return TRUE;

static void
doHeadInDb( const char *msgId )
    putTxtBuf( Db_header( msgId ) );

static Bool
doHead( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd )
    const char *msgId;
    int numb;
    if ( ! whichId( &msgId, &numb, arg ) )
        return TRUE;
    putStat( STAT_HEAD_FOLLOWS, "%ld %s Head", numb, msgId );
    if ( Pseudo_isGeneralInfo( msgId ) )
        putTxtBuf( Pseudo_generalInfoHead() );
        doHeadInDb( msgId );
    return TRUE;

static void
doArtInDb( const char *msgId )
    doHeadInDb( msgId );
    putTxtLn( "" );
    doBodyInDb( msgId );

static Bool
doArt( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd )
    const char *msgId;
    int numb;
    if ( ! whichId( &msgId, &numb, arg ) )
        return TRUE;
    putStat( STAT_ART_FOLLOWS, "%ld %s Article", numb, msgId );
    if ( Pseudo_isGeneralInfo( msgId ) )
        putTxtBuf( Pseudo_generalInfoHead() );
        putTxtLn( "" );
        putTxtBuf( Pseudo_generalInfoBody() );
        doArtInDb( msgId );
    return TRUE;

static Bool
doHelp( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd )
    unsigned int i;

    putStat( STAT_HELP_FOLLOWS, "Help" );
    putTxtBuf( "\nCommands:\n\n" );
    for ( i = 0; i < sizeof( commands ) / sizeof( commands[ 0 ] ); ++i )
        putTxtLn( "%s", commands[ i ].syntax );
    return TRUE;

static Bool
doIhave( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd )
    putStat( STAT_ART_REJECTED, "Command not used" );
    return TRUE;

static Bool
doLast( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd )
    int n;

    if ( testGrpSelected() )
        n = serv.artPtr;
        if ( ! Cont_validNumb( n ) )
            putStat( STAT_NO_ART_SELECTED, "No article selected" );
            while ( ! Cont_validNumb( --n ) && n >= Cont_first() );
            if ( ! Cont_validNumb( n ) )
                putStat( STAT_NO_PREV_ART, "No previous article" );
                putStat( STAT_ART_RETRIEVED, "%ld %s selected",
                         n, Ov_msgId( Cont_get( n ) ) );
                serv.artPtr = n;
    return TRUE;

static void
printGroups( const char *pat, void (*printProc)( Str, const char* ) )
    Str line;
    const char *g;
    FILE *f;
    sig_t lastHandler;
    int ret;

    putStat( STAT_GRPS_FOLLOW, "Groups" );
    fflush( stdout );
    Log_dbg( "[S FLUSH]" );
    if ( Grp_exists( pat ) )
        (*printProc)( line, pat );
        if ( ! Prt_putTxtLn( line, stdout ) )
            Log_err( "Writing to stdout failed." );
        lastHandler = signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN );
        f = popen( "sort", "w" );
        if ( f == NULL )
            Log_err( "Cannot open pipe to 'sort'" );
            if ( Grp_firstGrp( &g ) )
                    if ( Wld_match( g, pat ) )
                        (*printProc)( line, g );
                        if ( ! Prt_putTxtLn( line, stdout ) )
                            Log_err( "Writing to stdout failed." );
                while ( Grp_nextGrp( &g ) );
            if ( Grp_firstGrp( &g ) )
                    if ( Wld_match( g, pat ) )
                        (*printProc)( line, g );
                        if ( ! Prt_putTxtLn( line, f ) )
                            Log_err( "Writing to 'sort' pipe failed." );
                while ( Grp_nextGrp( &g ) );
            ret = pclose( f );
            if ( ret != EXIT_SUCCESS )
                Log_err( "sort command returned %d", ret );
            fflush( stdout );
            Log_dbg( "[S FLUSH]" );
            signal( SIGPIPE, lastHandler );

static void
printActiveTimes( Str result, const char *grp )
    snprintf( result, MAXCHAR, "%s %ld", grp, Grp_created( grp ) );

static void
doListActiveTimes( const char *pat )
    printGroups( pat, &printActiveTimes );

static void
printActive( Str result, const char *grp )
    snprintf( result, MAXCHAR, "%s %d %d %c",
              grp, Grp_last( grp ), Grp_first( grp ), Grp_postAllow( grp ) );

static void
doListActive( const char *pat )
    printGroups( pat, &printActive );

static void
printNewsgrp( Str result, const char *grp )
    snprintf( result, MAXCHAR, "%s %s", grp, Grp_dsc( grp ) );

static void
doListNewsgrps( const char *pat )
    printGroups( pat, &printNewsgrp );

static void
putGrp( const char *name )
    putTxtLn( "%s %lu %lu y", name, Grp_last( name ), Grp_first( name ) );

static void
doListOverFmt( void )
    putStat( STAT_GRPS_FOLLOW, "Overview format" );
    putTxtBuf( "Subject:\n"
               "Lines:\n" );

static void
doListExtensions( void )
    putStat( STAT_CMD_OK, "Extensions" );
    putTxtBuf( " LISTGROUP\n"
               " XOVER\n" );

static Bool
doList( char *line, const Cmd *cmd )
    Str s, arg;
    const char *pat;

    if ( sscanf( line, "%s", s ) != 1 )
        doListActive( "*" );
        Utl_toLower( s );
        strcpy( arg, Utl_restOfLn( line, 1 ) );
        pat = Utl_stripWhiteSpace( arg );
        if ( pat[ 0 ] == '\0' )
            pat = "*";
        if ( strcmp( "active", s ) == 0 )
            doListActive( pat );
        else if ( strcmp( "overview.fmt", s ) == 0 )
        else if ( strcmp( "newsgroups", s ) == 0 )
            doListNewsgrps( pat );
        else if ( strcmp( "active.times", s ) == 0 )
            doListActiveTimes( pat );
        else if ( strcmp( "extensions", s ) == 0 )
            putSyntax( cmd );
    return TRUE;

static Bool
doListgrp( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd )
    const Over *ov;
    int first, last, i;

    if ( ! Grp_exists( arg ) )
        putStat( STAT_NO_SUCH_GRP, "No such group" );
        changeToGrp( arg );
        first = Cont_first();
        last = Cont_last();
        putStat( STAT_GRP_SELECTED, "Article list" );
        for ( i = first; i <= last; ++i )
            if ( ( ov = Cont_get( i ) ) )
                putTxtLn( "%lu", i );
    return TRUE;

static Bool
doMode( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd )
    putStat( STAT_READY_POST_ALLOW, "Ok" );
    return TRUE;

static unsigned long
getTimeInSeconds( unsigned int year, unsigned int mon, unsigned int day,
                  unsigned int hour, unsigned int min, unsigned int sec )
    struct tm t = { 0 };

    t.tm_year = year - 1900;
    t.tm_mon = mon - 1;
    t.tm_mday = day;
    t.tm_hour = hour;
    t.tm_min = min;
    t.tm_sec = sec;
    return mktime( &t );

static Bool
doNewgrps( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd )
    time_t t, now, lastUpdate;
    unsigned int year, mon, day, hour, min, sec, cent, len;
    const char *g;
    Str date, timeofday, file;

    if ( sscanf( arg, "%s %s", date, timeofday ) != 2 ) 
        putSyntax( cmd );
        return TRUE;
    len = strlen( date );
    switch ( len )
    case 6:
        if ( sscanf( date, "%2u%2u%2u", &year, &mon, &day ) != 3 )
            putSyntax( cmd );
            return TRUE;
        now = time( NULL );
        cent = 1900;
        while ( now > getTimeInSeconds( cent + 100, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ) )
            cent += 100;
        year += cent;
    case 8:
        if ( sscanf( date, "%4u%2u%2u", &year, &mon, &day ) != 3 )
            putSyntax( cmd );
            return TRUE;
        putSyntax( cmd );
        return TRUE;
    if ( sscanf( timeofday, "%2u%2u%2u", &hour, &min, &sec ) != 3 )
        putSyntax( cmd );
        return TRUE;
    if ( year < 1970 || mon == 0 || mon > 12 || day == 0 || day > 31
         || hour > 23 || min > 59 || sec > 60 )
        putSyntax( cmd );
        return TRUE;
    snprintf( file, MAXCHAR, "%s/groupinfo.lastupdate", Cfg_spoolDir() );
    t = getTimeInSeconds( year, mon, day, hour, min, sec );
    putStat( STAT_NEW_GRP_FOLLOW, "New groups since %s", arg );

    if ( ! Utl_getStamp( &lastUpdate, file ) || t <= lastUpdate )
        if ( Grp_firstGrp( &g ) )
                if ( Grp_created( g ) > t )
                    putGrp( g );
            while ( Grp_nextGrp( &g ) );
    return TRUE;

static Bool
doNext( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd )
    int n;

    if ( testGrpSelected() )
        n = serv.artPtr;
        if ( ! Cont_validNumb( n ) )
            putStat( STAT_NO_ART_SELECTED, "No article selected" );
            while ( ! Cont_validNumb( ++n ) && n <= Cont_last() );
            if ( ! Cont_validNumb( n ) )
                putStat( STAT_NO_NEXT_ART, "No next article" );
                putStat( STAT_ART_RETRIEVED, "%ld %s selected",
                         n, Ov_msgId( Cont_get( n ) ) );
                serv.artPtr = n;
    return TRUE;

/* Cancel and return TRUE if need to send cancel message on to server. */
static Bool
controlCancel( const char *cancelId )
    return ( Ctrl_cancel( cancelId ) == CANCEL_NEEDS_MSG );

  It's a control message. Currently we only know about 'cancel'
  messages; others are passed on for outside groups, and logged
  as ignored for local groups.
static Bool
handleControl( ItemList *control, ItemList *newsgroups,
	       const char *msgId, const DynStr *art )
    const char *grp;
    const char *op;
    Bool err = FALSE;
    Bool localDone = FALSE;

    op = Itl_first( control );
    if ( op == NULL )
	Log_err( "Malformed control line." );
	return TRUE;
    else if ( strcasecmp( op, "cancel" ) == 0 )
	if ( controlCancel( Itl_next( control ) ) )
	    localDone = TRUE;
	    return err;

    /* Pass on for outside groups. */
    for( grp = Itl_first( newsgroups );
	 grp != NULL;
	 grp = Itl_next( newsgroups ) )
	if ( Grp_exists( grp ) && ! Grp_local( grp ) )
	    if ( ! Out_add( Grp_serv( grp ), msgId, art ) )
		Log_err( "Cannot add posted article to outgoing directory" );
		err = TRUE;

    if ( localDone )
	return err;

    /* Log 'can't do' for internal groups. */
    for( grp = Itl_first( newsgroups );
	 grp != NULL;
	 grp = Itl_next( newsgroups ) )
	if ( Grp_exists( grp ) && Grp_local( grp ) )
	    Log_inf( "Ignoring control '%s' for '%s'.", op, grp );

    return err;

static Bool
postArticle( ItemList *newsgroups, const char *msgId, const DynStr *art )
    const char *grp;
    Bool err;
    Bool oneLocal;

    err = oneLocal = FALSE;

    /* Run round first doing all local groups. */ 
    for( grp = Itl_first( newsgroups );
	 grp != NULL;
	 grp = Itl_next( newsgroups ) )
	if ( Grp_local( grp ) )
	    if ( ! oneLocal )
		if ( ! Post_open( DynStr_str( art ) ) )
		    err = TRUE;
		    oneLocal = TRUE;

	    if ( ! Post_add( grp ) )
		err = TRUE;
    if ( oneLocal )

    /* Now look for a valid external group. */
    for( grp = Itl_first( newsgroups );
	 grp != NULL;
	 grp = Itl_next( newsgroups ) )
	if ( Grp_exists( grp ) && ! Grp_local( grp ) )
	    if ( ! Out_add( Grp_serv( grp ), msgId, art ) )
		Log_err( "Cannot add posted article to outgoing directory" );
		err = TRUE;

    return err;

static Bool
doPost( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd )
    Bool err, replyToFound, dateFound, inHeader;
    DynStr *s;
    Str line, field, val, msgId, from;
    const char* p;
    ItemList * newsgroups, *control;

      Get article and make following changes to the header:
      - add/replace/cut Message-ID depending on config options
      - add Reply-To with content of From, if missing
      (some providers overwrite From field)
      - rename X-Sender header to X-NOFFLE-X-Sender
      (some providers want to insert their own X-Sender)

      For doing this, it is not necessary to parse multiple-line
    putStat( STAT_SEND_ART, "Continue (end with period)" );
    fflush( stdout );
    Log_dbg( "[S FLUSH]" );
    s = new_DynStr( 10000 );
    msgId[ 0 ] = '\0';
    from[ 0 ] = '\0';
    newsgroups = control = NULL;
    replyToFound = dateFound = FALSE;
    inHeader = TRUE;
    while ( getTxtLn( line, &err ) )
        if ( inHeader )
            p = Utl_stripWhiteSpace( line );
            if ( *p == '\0' )
                inHeader = FALSE;
                if ( from[ 0 ] == '\0' )
                    Log_err( "Posted message has no From field" );
                if ( ! Cfg_removeMsgId() )
                    if ( Cfg_replaceMsgId() )
                        Prt_genMsgId( msgId, from, "NOFFLE" );
                        Log_dbg( "Replacing Message-ID with '%s'", msgId );
                    else if ( msgId[ 0 ] == '\0' )
                        Prt_genMsgId( msgId, from, "NOFFLE" );

                        Log_inf( "Adding missing Message-ID '%s'", msgId );
                    else if ( ! Prt_isValidMsgId( msgId ) )
                        Log_ntc( "Replacing invalid Message-ID with '%s'",
                                 msgId );
                        Prt_genMsgId( msgId, from, "NOFFLE" );
                    DynStr_app( s, "Message-ID: " );
                    DynStr_appLn( s, msgId );
                if ( ! replyToFound && from[ 0 ] != '\0' )
                    Log_dbg( "Adding Reply-To field to posted message." );
                    DynStr_app( s, "Reply-To: " );
                    DynStr_appLn( s, from );
		if ( ! dateFound )
		    time_t t;

		    time( &t );
		    Utl_rfc822Date( t, val );
		    DynStr_app( s, "Date: " );
		    DynStr_appLn( s, val );
                DynStr_appLn( s, p );
            else if ( Prt_getField( field, val, p ) )
                if ( strcmp( field, "message-id" ) == 0 )
                    strcpy( msgId, val );
                else if ( strcmp( field, "from" ) == 0 )
                    strcpy( from, val );
                    DynStr_appLn( s, p );
                else if ( strcmp( field, "newsgroups" ) == 0 )
		    Utl_toLower( val );
		    newsgroups = new_Itl ( val, " ," );
                    DynStr_appLn( s, p );
                else if ( strcmp( field, "control" ) == 0 )
		    control = new_Itl ( val, " " );
                    DynStr_appLn( s, p );
                else if ( strcmp( field, "reply-to" ) == 0 )
                    replyToFound = TRUE;
                    DynStr_appLn( s, p );
                else if ( strcmp( field, "date" ) == 0 )
                    dateFound = TRUE;
                    DynStr_appLn( s, p );
                else if ( strcmp( field, "x-sender" ) == 0 )
                    DynStr_app( s, "X-NOFFLE-X-Sender: " );
                    DynStr_appLn( s, val );
                    DynStr_appLn( s, p );
                DynStr_appLn( s, line );
            DynStr_appLn( s, line );
    if ( inHeader )
        Log_err( "Posted message has no body" );
    if ( ! err )
        if ( newsgroups == NULL || Itl_count( newsgroups ) == 0 )
            Log_err( "Posted message has no valid Newsgroups header field" );
            err = TRUE;
	    const char *grp;
	    Bool knownGrp = FALSE;
	    Bool postAllowedGrp = FALSE;

	    /* Check at least one group is known. */
	    for( grp = Itl_first( newsgroups );
		 grp != NULL;
		 grp = Itl_next( newsgroups ) )
		if ( Grp_exists( grp ) )
		    knownGrp = TRUE;
		    switch( Grp_postAllow( grp ) )
		    case 'n':
		    case 'm':
			/* Can't post to moderated local groups. */
			postAllowedGrp = ! Grp_local( grp );
			postAllowedGrp = TRUE;
		    if ( postAllowedGrp )
	    if ( ! knownGrp )

		Log_err( "No known group in Newsgroups header field" );
		err = TRUE;
	    else if ( ! postAllowedGrp )

		Log_err( "No group permits posting" );
		err = TRUE;
		err = ( control == NULL )
		    ? postArticle( newsgroups, msgId, s )
		    : handleControl( control, newsgroups, msgId, s );
    if ( err )
        putStat( STAT_POST_FAILED, "Posting failed" );
        putStat( STAT_POST_OK, "Message posted" );
        if ( Online_true() )
    del_Itl( newsgroups );
    del_Itl( control );
    del_DynStr( s );
    return TRUE;

static void
parseRange( const char *s, int *first, int *last, int *numb )
    int r, i;
    char* p;
    Str t;

    Utl_cpyStr( t, s );
    p = Utl_stripWhiteSpace( t );
    r = sscanf( p, "%d-%d", first, last );
    if ( r < 1 )
        *first = serv.artPtr;
        *last = serv.artPtr;
    else if ( r == 1 )
        if ( p[ strlen( p ) - 1 ] == '-' )
            *last = Cont_last();
            *last = *first;
    if ( *first < Cont_first() )
        *first = Cont_first();
    if ( *last > Cont_last() )
        *last = Cont_last();
    if ( *first > Cont_last() ||  *last < Cont_first() )
        *last = *first - 1;
    *numb = 0;
    for ( i = *first; i <= *last; ++i )
        if ( Cont_validNumb( i ) )

static Bool
doXhdr( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd )
    int first, last, i, n, numb;
    enum { SUBJ, FROM, DATE, MSG_ID, REF, BYTES, LINES } what;
    const char *p;
    const Over *ov;
    Str whatStr;

    if ( ! testGrpSelected() )
        return TRUE;
    if ( sscanf( arg, "%s", whatStr ) != 1 )
        putSyntax( cmd );
        return TRUE;
    Utl_toLower( whatStr );
    if ( strcmp( whatStr, "subject" ) == 0 )
        what = SUBJ;
    else if ( strcmp( whatStr, "from" ) == 0 )
        what = FROM;
    else if ( strcmp( whatStr, "date" ) == 0 )
        what = DATE;
    else if ( strcmp( whatStr, "message-id" ) == 0 )
        what = MSG_ID;
    else if ( strcmp( whatStr, "references" ) == 0 )
        what = REF;
    else if ( strcmp( whatStr, "bytes" ) == 0 )
        what = BYTES;
    else if ( strcmp( whatStr, "lines" ) == 0 )
        what = LINES;
        putStat( STAT_HEAD_FOLLOWS, "Unknown header (empty list follows)" );
        return TRUE;
    p = Utl_restOfLn( arg, 1 );
    parseRange( p, &first, &last, &numb );
    if ( numb == 0 )
        putStat( STAT_NO_ART_SELECTED, "No articles selected" );
        putStat( STAT_HEAD_FOLLOWS, "%s header %lu-%lu",
                 whatStr, first, last ) ;
        for ( i = first; i <= last; ++i )
            if ( ( ov = Cont_get( i ) ) )
                n = Ov_numb( ov );
                switch ( what )
                case SUBJ:
                    putTxtLn( "%lu %s", n, Ov_subj( ov ) );
                case FROM:
                    putTxtLn( "%lu %s", n, Ov_from( ov ) );
                case DATE:
                    putTxtLn( "%lu %s", n, Ov_date( ov ) );
                case MSG_ID:
                    putTxtLn( "%lu %s", n, Ov_msgId( ov ) );
                case REF:
                    putTxtLn( "%lu %s", n, Ov_ref( ov ) );
                case BYTES:
                    putTxtLn( "%lu %d", n, Ov_bytes( ov ) );
                case LINES:
                    putTxtLn( "%lu %d", n, Ov_lines( ov ) );
                    ASSERT( FALSE );
    return TRUE;

static Bool
doXpat( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd )
    int first, last, i, n;
    enum { SUBJ, FROM, DATE, MSG_ID, REF } what;
    const Over *ov;
    Str whatStr, pat;

    if ( ! testGrpSelected() )
        return TRUE;
    if ( sscanf( arg, "%s %d-%d %s", whatStr, &first, &last, pat ) != 4 )
        if ( sscanf( arg, "%s %d- %s", whatStr, &first, pat ) == 3 )
            last = Cont_last();
        else if ( sscanf( arg, "%s %d %s", whatStr, &first, pat ) == 3 )
            last = first;
            putSyntax( cmd );
            return TRUE;
    Utl_toLower( whatStr );
    if ( strcmp( whatStr, "subject" ) == 0 )
        what = SUBJ;
    else if ( strcmp( whatStr, "from" ) == 0 )
        what = FROM;
    else if ( strcmp( whatStr, "date" ) == 0 )
        what = DATE;
    else if ( strcmp( whatStr, "message-id" ) == 0 )
        what = MSG_ID;
    else if ( strcmp( whatStr, "references" ) == 0 )
        what = REF;
        putStat( STAT_HEAD_FOLLOWS, "invalid header (empty list follows)" );
        return TRUE;
    putStat( STAT_HEAD_FOLLOWS, "header" ) ;
    for ( i = first; i <= last; ++i )
        if ( ( ov = Cont_get( i ) ) )
            n = Ov_numb( ov );
            switch ( what )
            case SUBJ:
                if ( Wld_match( Ov_subj( ov ), pat ) )
                     putTxtLn( "%lu %s", n, Ov_subj( ov ) );
            case FROM:
                if ( Wld_match( Ov_from( ov ), pat ) )
                    putTxtLn( "%lu %s", n, Ov_from( ov ) );
            case DATE:
                if ( Wld_match( Ov_date( ov ), pat ) )
                    putTxtLn( "%lu %s", n, Ov_date( ov ) );
            case MSG_ID:
                if ( Wld_match( Ov_msgId( ov ), pat ) )
                    putTxtLn( "%lu %s", n, Ov_msgId( ov ) );
            case REF:
                if ( Wld_match( Ov_ref( ov ), pat ) )
                    putTxtLn( "%lu %s", n, Ov_ref( ov ) );
                ASSERT( FALSE );
    return TRUE;

static Bool
doSlave( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd )
    putStat( STAT_CMD_OK, "Ok" );
    return TRUE;

static Bool
doStat( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd )
    const char *msgId;
    int numb;
    if ( ! whichId( &msgId, &numb, arg ) )
        return TRUE;
    if ( numb > 0 )
        putStat( STAT_ART_RETRIEVED, "%ld %s selected",
                 numb, msgId );
        putStat( STAT_ART_RETRIEVED, "0 %s selected", msgId );
    return TRUE;

static Bool
doQuit( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd )
    putStat( STAT_GOODBYE, "Goodbye" );
    return FALSE;

static Bool
doXOver( char *arg, const Cmd *cmd )
    int first, last, i, n;
    const Over *ov;

    if ( ! testGrpSelected() )
        return TRUE;
    parseRange( arg, &first, &last, &n );
    if ( n == 0 )
        putStat( STAT_NO_ART_SELECTED, "No articles selected" );
        putStat( STAT_OVERS_FOLLOW, "Overview %ld-%ld", first, last );
        for ( i = first; i <= last; ++i )
            if ( ( ov = Cont_get( i ) ) )
                putTxtLn( "%lu\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t",
                          Ov_numb( ov ), Ov_subj( ov ), Ov_from( ov ),
                          Ov_date( ov ), Ov_msgId( ov ), Ov_ref( ov ),
                          Ov_bytes( ov ), Ov_lines( ov ) );
    return TRUE;

static void
putFatal( const char *fmt, ... )
    va_list ap;
    Str s;

    va_start( ap, fmt );
    vsnprintf( s, MAXCHAR, fmt, ap );
    va_end( ap );
    Log_err( s );
    putStat( STAT_PROGRAM_FAULT, "%s", s );
    fflush( stdout );
    Log_dbg( "[S FLUSH]" );

/* Parse line, execute command and return FALSE, if it was the quit command. */
static Bool
parseAndExecute( Str line )
    unsigned int i, n;
    Cmd *c;
    Str s, arg;
    Bool ret;

    if ( sscanf( line, "%s", s ) == 1 )
        Utl_toLower( s );
        strcpy( arg, Utl_restOfLn( line, 1 ) );
        n = sizeof( commands ) / sizeof( commands[ 0 ] );
        for ( i = 0, c = commands; i < n; ++i, ++c )
            if ( strcmp( c->name, s ) == 0 )
                ret = c->cmdProc( Utl_stripWhiteSpace( arg ), c );
                fflush( stdout );
                Log_dbg( "[S FLUSH]" );
                return ret;
    putStat( STAT_NO_SUCH_CMD, "Command not recognized" );
    fflush( stdout );
    Log_dbg( "[S FLUSH]" );
    return TRUE;

static void
putWelcome( void )
    putStat( STAT_READY_POST_ALLOW, "NNTP server NOFFLE %s",
             Cfg_version() );
    fflush( stdout );
    Log_dbg( "[S FLUSH]" );

static Bool
initServ( void )
    ASSERT( ! serv.running );
    if ( ! Lock_openDatabases() )
      return FALSE;
    serv.running = TRUE;
    return TRUE;

static void
closeServ( void )
    ASSERT( serv.running );
    serv.running = FALSE;

Serv_run( void )
    Bool done;
    int r;
    Str line;
    struct timeval timeOut;
    fd_set readSet;

    done = FALSE;
    while ( ! done )
        FD_ZERO( &readSet );
        FD_SET( STDIN_FILENO, &readSet );
        /* Never hold lock more than 5 seconds (empirically good value,
           avoids to close/open databases, if clients sends several
           commands, but releases the lock often enough, for allowing
           multiple persons to read news at the same time) */
        timeOut.tv_sec = 5;
        timeOut.tv_usec = 0;
        r = select( STDIN_FILENO + 1, &readSet, NULL, NULL, &timeOut );
        if ( r < 0 )
            done = TRUE;
        else if ( r == 0 )
            if ( serv.running )
        else /* ( r > 0 ) */
            if ( ! serv.running )
                if ( ! initServ() )
                    putFatal( "Cannot init server" );
                    done = TRUE;
            if ( ! getLn( line ) )
                Log_inf( "Client disconnected. Terminating." );
                done = TRUE;
            else if ( ! parseAndExecute( line ) )
                done = TRUE;
    if ( serv.running )