view src/fetch.c @ 119:f50cc311e29a noffle

[svn] Leave online mode, if the connection to a remote server fails for avoiding a series of timeouts and holding the lock for a long time.
author enz
date Fri, 30 Jun 2000 08:10:45 +0100
parents 38b0a1532a37
children 05f50c1761d9
line wrap: on
line source


  $Id: fetch.c 135 2000-06-05 08:57:05Z bears $

#include <config.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include "fetch.h"
#include <errno.h>

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>

#include <signal.h>
#include "client.h"
#include "configfile.h"
#include "content.h"
#include "dynamicstring.h"
#include "fetchlist.h"
#include "request.h"
#include "group.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "outgoing.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "pseudo.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "portable.h"

struct Fetch
    Bool ready;
    Str serv;
} fetch = { FALSE, "" };

static Bool
connectToServ( const char *name )
    Log_inf( "Fetch from '%s'", name );
    if ( ! Client_connect( name ) )
        Log_err( "Could not connect to %s", name );
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

Fetch_getNewGrps( void )
    time_t t;
    Str file;

    ASSERT( fetch.ready );
    snprintf( file, MAXCHAR, "%s/groupinfo.lastupdate", Cfg_spoolDir() );
    if ( ! Utl_getStamp( &t, file ) )
        Log_err( "Cannot read %s. Please run noffle --query groups", file );
    Log_inf( "Updating groupinfo" );
    Client_getNewgrps( &t );
    Utl_stamp( file );

Fetch_getNewArts( const char *name, FetchMode mode )
    int next, first, last;

    if ( ! Client_changeToGrp( name ) )
        Log_err( "Could not change to group %s", name );
    Cont_read( name );
    Client_rmtFirstLast( &first, &last );
    next = Grp_rmtNext( name );
    if ( next == GRP_RMT_NEXT_NOT_SUBSCRIBED )
	next = first;
    if ( next == last + 1 )
        Log_inf( "No new articles in %s", name );
        Grp_setFirstLast( name, Cont_first(), Cont_last() );
    if ( first == 0 && last == 0 )
        Log_inf( "No articles in %s", name );
        Grp_setFirstLast( name, Cont_first(), Cont_last() );
    if ( next > last + 1 )
        Log_err( "Article number inconsistent (%s rmt=%lu-%lu, next=%lu)",
                 name, first, last, next );
        Pseudo_cntInconsistent( name, first, last, next );
    else if ( next < first )
        Log_inf( "Missing articles (%s first=%lu next=%lu)",
                 name, first, next );
        Pseudo_missArts( name, first, next );
        first = next;
    if ( last - first > Cfg_maxFetch() )
        Log_ntc( "Cutting number of overviews to %lu", Cfg_maxFetch() );
        first = last - Cfg_maxFetch() + 1;
    Log_inf( "Getting remote overviews %lu-%lu for group %s",
             first, last, name );
    Client_getOver( first, last, mode );
    Grp_setFirstLast( name, Cont_first(), Cont_last() );

Fetch_updateGrps( void )
    FetchMode mode;
    int i, size;
    const char* name;

    ASSERT( fetch.ready );
    size = Fetchlist_size();
    for ( i = 0; i < size; ++i )
        Fetchlist_element( &name, &mode, i );
        if ( strcmp( Grp_server( name ), fetch.serv ) == 0 )
            Fetch_getNewArts( name, mode );

Fetch_getReq_( void )
    Str msgId;
    DynStr *list;
    const char *p;
    int count = 0;

    ASSERT( fetch.ready );
    Log_dbg( "Retrieving articles marked for download" );
    list = new_DynStr( 10000 );
    if ( Req_first( fetch.serv, msgId ) )
            DynStr_appLn( list, msgId );
            if ( ++count % 20 == 0 ) /* Send max. 20 ARTICLE cmds at once */
                p = DynStr_str( list );
                Client_retrieveArtList( p );
                while ( ( p = Utl_getLn( msgId, p ) ) )
                    Req_remove( fetch.serv, msgId );
                DynStr_clear( list );
        while ( Req_next( msgId ) );
    p = DynStr_str( list );
    Client_retrieveArtList( p );
    while ( ( p = Utl_getLn( msgId, p ) ) )
        Req_remove( fetch.serv, msgId );
    del_DynStr( list );

static void
returnArticleToSender( const char *sender, const char *reason,
                       const char *article )
    int ret;
    Str cmd;
    FILE *f;
    sig_t lastHandler;

    Log_err( "Return article to '%s' by mail", sender );
    snprintf( cmd, MAXCHAR, "mail -s '[ NOFFLE: Posting failed ]' '%s'",
              sender );
    lastHandler = signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN );
    f = popen( cmd, "w" );
    if ( f == NULL )
        Log_err( "Invocation of '%s' failed (%s)", cmd, strerror( errno ) );
        fprintf( f,
                 "\t[ NOFFLE: POSTING OF ARTICLE FAILED ]\n"
                 "\t[ The posting of your article failed. ]\n"
                 "\t[ Reason of failure at remote server: ]\n"
                 "\t[ %s ]\n"
                 "\t[ Full article text has been appended. ]\n"
                 reason, article );
        ret = pclose( f );
        if ( ret != EXIT_SUCCESS )
            Log_err( "'%s' exit value %d", cmd, ret );
        signal( SIGPIPE, lastHandler );

Fetch_postArts( void )
    DynStr *s;
    Str msgId, errStr, sender;
    const char *txt;

    s = new_DynStr( 10000 );
    if ( Out_first( fetch.serv, msgId, s ) )
        Log_inf( "Posting articles" );
            txt = DynStr_str( s );
            Out_remove( fetch.serv, msgId );
            if ( ! Client_postArt( msgId, txt, errStr ) )
                Utl_cpyStr( sender, Cfg_mailTo() );
                if ( strcmp( sender, "" ) == 0
                     && ! Prt_searchHeader( txt, "SENDER", sender )
                     && ! Prt_searchHeader( txt, "X-NOFFLE-X-SENDER",
                                            sender ) /* see server.c */
                     && ! Prt_searchHeader( txt, "FROM", sender ) )
                    Log_err( "Article %s has no From/Sender/X-Sender field",
                             msgId );
                    returnArticleToSender( sender, errStr, txt );
        while ( Out_next( msgId, s ) );
    del_DynStr( s );

Fetch_init( const char *serv )
    if ( ! connectToServ( serv ) )
        return FALSE;
    Utl_cpyStr( fetch.serv, serv );
    fetch.ready = TRUE;
    return TRUE;

    fetch.ready = FALSE;
    Log_inf( "Fetch from '%s' finished", fetch.serv );