view src/protocol.c @ 185:fed1334d766b noffle

[svn] * src/client.c: Change variable only used on constant to 'const'. * src/filter.c: Add a couple of 'return's after ASSERT() to remove compiler warnings about functions needing returns. * NEWS,TODO,configure,,noffle.conf.example,docs/NOTES, docs/noffle.conf.5,src/client.c,src/configfile.c,src/content.c, src/control.c,src/database.c,src/fetch.c,src/fetchlist.c,src/filter.c, src/group.c,src/lock.c,src/log.c,src/log.h,src/noffle.c,src/outgoing.c, src/post.c,src/protocol.c,src/request.c,src/server.c,src/util.c: Debug logging is always compiled and selected via noffle.conf. All debug logs are classified as all, none, config, control, expire, fetch, filter, newsbase, noffle, post, protocol, requests and server.
author bears
date Sun, 05 Aug 2001 09:24:22 +0100
parents 94f2e5607772
children 76460d98b2fb
line wrap: on
line source


  $Id: protocol.c 300 2001-08-05 08:24:22Z bears $

#include <config.h>

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <ctype.h> 
#include <netdb.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "configfile.h"
#include "dynamicstring.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "over.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "portable.h"

static void
readAlarm( int sig )
    UNUSED( sig );

Prt_getLn( Str line, FILE *f, int timeoutSeconds )
    size_t len;
    char *ret;
    sig_t oldHandler = NULL;

    if ( timeoutSeconds >= 0 )
        oldHandler = Utl_installSignalHandler( SIGALRM, readAlarm );
        if ( oldHandler == SIG_ERR )
            Log_err( "Prt_getLn: signal failed." );
            return FALSE;
        if ( alarm( timeoutSeconds ) != 0 )
            Log_err( "Prt_getLn: Alarm was already set." );
      We also accept lines ending with "\n" instead of "\r\n", some
      clients wrongly send such lines.
    ret = fgets( line, MAXCHAR, f );
    if ( timeoutSeconds >= 0 )
        alarm( 0 );
        Utl_installSignalHandler( SIGALRM, oldHandler );
    if ( ret == NULL )
        return FALSE;
    len = strlen( line );
    if ( len > 0 && line[ len - 1 ] == '\n' )
        line[ len - 1 ] = '\0';
        if ( len > 1 && line[ len - 2 ] == '\r' )
            line[ len - 2 ] = '\0';
    Log_dbg( LOG_DBG_PROTOCOL, "[R] %s", line );
    return TRUE;

Prt_getTxtLn( Str line, Bool *err, FILE *f, int timeoutSeconds  )
    Str buf;

    if ( ! Prt_getLn( buf, f, timeoutSeconds ) )
        Log_err( "Cannot get text line" );
        *err = TRUE;
        return FALSE;
    *err = FALSE;
    if ( buf[ 0 ] == '.' )
        if ( buf[ 1 ] == 0 )
            return FALSE;
            strcpy( line, buf + 1 );
        strcpy( line, buf );
    return TRUE;

Prt_putTxtLn( const char* line, FILE *f )
    if ( line[ 0 ] == '.' )
        Log_dbg( LOG_DBG_PROTOCOL, "[S] .%s", line );
        return ( fprintf( f, ".%s\r\n", line ) == (int)strlen( line ) + 3 );
        Log_dbg( LOG_DBG_PROTOCOL, "[S] %s", line );
        return ( fprintf( f, "%s\r\n", line ) == (int)strlen( line ) + 2 );

Prt_putEndOfTxt( FILE *f )
    Log_dbg( LOG_DBG_PROTOCOL, "[S] ." );
    return ( fprintf( f, ".\r\n" ) == 3 );

  Write text buffer of lines each ending with '\n'.
  Replace '\n' by "\r\n".
Prt_putTxtBuf( const char *buf, FILE *f )
    Str line;
    const char *pBuf;
    char *pLn;

    pBuf = buf;
    pLn = line;
    while ( *pBuf != '\0' )
        if ( *pBuf == '\n' )
            *pLn = '\0';
            if ( ! Prt_putTxtLn( line, f ) )
                return FALSE;
            pLn = line;
        else if ( pLn - line >= MAXCHAR - 1 )
            /* Put it out raw to prevent String overflow */
            Log_err( "Writing VERY long line" );
            *pLn = '\0';
            if ( fprintf( f, "%s", line ) != (int)strlen( line ) )
                return FALSE;
            pLn = line;
            *(pLn++) = *(pBuf++);
    return TRUE;

Prt_getField( Str resultField, Str resultValue, const char* line )
    char *dst;
    const char *p;
    Str lineLower, t;
    Utl_cpyStr( lineLower, line );
    Utl_toLower( lineLower );
    p = Utl_stripWhiteSpace( lineLower );
    dst = resultField;
    while ( ! isspace( *p ) && *p != ':' && *p != '\0' )
        *(dst++) = *(p++);
    *dst = '\0';
    while ( isspace( *p ) )
    if ( *p == ':' )
        strcpy( t, line + ( p - lineLower ) );
        p = Utl_stripWhiteSpace( t );
        strcpy( resultValue, p );
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

Prt_searchHeader( const char *artTxt, const char *which, Str result )
    const char *src, *p;
    char *dst;
    Str line, whichLower, field;
    int len;
    Utl_cpyStr( whichLower, which );
    Utl_toLower( whichLower );
    src = artTxt;
    while ( TRUE )
        dst = line;
        len = 0;
        while ( *src != '\n' && len < MAXCHAR )
            if ( *src == '\0' )
                return FALSE;
            *(dst++) = *(src++);
        if ( *src == '\n' )
        *dst = '\0';
        p = Utl_stripWhiteSpace( line );
        if ( *p == '\0' )
        if ( Prt_getField( field, result, line )
             && strcmp( field, whichLower ) == 0 )
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

static Bool
getFQDN( Str result )
    struct hostent *myHostEnt;
    struct utsname myName;
    if ( uname( &myName ) >= 0
         && ( myHostEnt = gethostbyname( myName.nodename ) ) )
        Utl_cpyStr( result, myHostEnt->h_name );
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

static void
getDomain( Str domain, const char *from )
    const char *addTopLevel, *p1, *p2, *p, *domainStart;
    Str myDomain;

    if ( getFQDN( myDomain ) )
        p = strstr( myDomain, "." );
        if ( p != NULL )
            domainStart = p + 1;
            domainStart = myDomain;
    else /* Take domain of From field */
        myDomain[ 0 ] = '\0';
        p1 = strstr( from, "@" );
        if ( p1 != NULL )
            p2 = strstr( p1, ">" );
            if ( p2 != NULL )
                Utl_cpyStrN( myDomain, p1 + 1, p2 - p1 - 1 );
        if ( myDomain[ 0 ] == '\0' )
            Utl_cpyStr( myDomain, "unknown" );
        domainStart = myDomain;
      If domain contains no dot (and is probably invalid anyway),
      we add ".local", because some servers insist on domainnames with dot
      in message ID.
    addTopLevel = strstr( domainStart, "." ) == NULL ? ".local" : "";
    snprintf( domain, MAXCHAR, "%s%s", myDomain, addTopLevel );    

/* See RFC 850, section 2.1.7 */
Prt_isValidMsgId( const char *msgId )
    Str head, domain;
    int len, headLen;
    const char *p;

    len = strlen( msgId );
    p = strstr( msgId, "@" );
    if ( msgId[ 0 ] != '<' || msgId[ len - 1 ] != '>' || p == NULL )
        return FALSE;
    strcpy( domain, p + 1 );
    domain[ strlen( domain ) - 1 ] = '\0';
    headLen = p - msgId - 1;
    Utl_cpyStrN( head, msgId + 1, headLen );
    head[ headLen ] = '\0';
      To do: check for special characters in head and domain (non-printable
      or '@', '<', '>'). Maybe compare domain with a config option 
      and replace it by the config option, if not equal.
    if ( strstr( domain, "." ) == NULL )
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

Prt_genMsgId( Str msgId, const char *from, const char *suffix )
    Str domain, date;
    time_t t;
    static Bool randSeeded = FALSE;

    if ( ! randSeeded )
	struct timeval tv;
	struct timezone tz;

	if ( gettimeofday( &tv, &tz ) == 0 )
	    srand( (unsigned int) tv.tv_usec );
	randSeeded = TRUE;
    getDomain( domain, from );
    time( &t );
    strftime( date, MAXCHAR, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", gmtime( &t ) );
    snprintf( msgId, MAXCHAR, "<%s.%X.%s@%s>", date, rand(), suffix, domain );
    ASSERT( Prt_isValidMsgId( msgId ) );

Prt_genPathHdr( Str pathHdr, const char *from )
    getDomain( pathHdr, from );
    Utl_catStr( pathHdr, "!not-for-mail" );

Prt_genFromHdr( Str fromHdr )
    Str name, domain;
    const char *nameval;
    struct passwd *pwd;

    /* First get the domain to use. If config empty, use FQDN */
    Utl_cpyStr( domain, Cfg_fromDomain() );

    if ( strlen( domain ) == 0 )
	if ( ! getFQDN( domain ) )
	    Utl_catStr( domain, "unknown" );

    /* Now get pwd for the username */
    pwd = getpwuid( getuid() );
    if ( pwd == NULL )
	return FALSE;

    /* Now for their name - use env NAME if available */
    nameval = getenv( "NAME" );
    if ( nameval != NULL )
	Utl_cpyStr( name, nameval );
	char *p;
	  Extract from GECOS field. Following the lead of the INN inews,
	  ignore leading stuff like "23-" "stuff]-" or "stuff -" as well
	  as trailing whitespace, or anything that comes after
	  a comma or semicolon.
	nameval = pwd->pw_gecos;
	p = strchr( nameval, '-' );
	if ( p != NULL && p > nameval &&
	     ( p[-1] == ']' || p[-1] == ' ' || isdigit( p[ -1 ] ) ) )
	    nameval = p;
	p = strrchr( nameval, ',' );
	if ( p != NULL )
	    *p = '\0';
	p = strchr( nameval, ';' );
	if ( p != NULL )
	    *p = '\0';
	Utl_cpyStr( name, nameval );

    /* OK, build From: contents */
    Utl_cpyStr( fromHdr, pwd->pw_name );
    Utl_catStr( fromHdr, "@" );
    Utl_catStr( fromHdr, domain );
    Utl_catStr( fromHdr, " (" );
    Utl_catStr( fromHdr, name );
    Utl_catStr( fromHdr, ")" );

    return TRUE;