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4 <title>NOFFLE Compatibility Notes</title>
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10 <h1>NOFFLE Compatibility Notes</h1>
11 </center>
13 <p>
14 <hr>
15 <p>
17 Subscribing to groups in "full" mode should work with any news reader.
18 Caching of articles is unnecessary, since NOFFLE already caches them
19 and should be switched off.
20 <p>
21 Subscribing to groups in "overview" or "thread" mode requires more
22 from the news reader program:
23 <p>
24 <ul>
25 <li>
26 It must not cache articles at all (or allow to switch the cache off),
27 because the article bodies change from the pseudo article
28 "marked for download" to the real body.
29 <li>
30 The reader should rarely open article bodies automatically,
31 because it will mark them unwantedly for download.
32 </ul>
34 Please send me reports on your experiences. If a reader does not work at
35 all, compile NOFFLE with the -DDEBUG option in CFLAGS. Then you will
36 see every NNTP command and status line in /var/log/news. Most interesting
37 is the last line, before the reader (or NOFFLE) hangs :-)
38 <p>
39 Here comes a list with news readers that have been tested with NOFFLE,
40 especially with regards to subscribing to groups in "overview" or "thread"
41 mode.
42 <p>
44 <h2>kexpress 0.2.0</h2>
46 I found no way to disable caching, apart from writing a
47 wrapper script, which removes all files from the cache after
48 terminating kexpress:
49 <p>
50 <pre>
51 #!/bin/bash
52 # kexpress wrapper, save as /usr/local/bin/kexpress
54 /opt/kde/bin/kexpress $@
55 rm $HOME/.kde/share/apps/kexpress/data/*
56 </pre>
57 <p>
59 <h2>krn 0.4.0</h2>
61 Set "Options/NNTP Options/Connect on Startup,Connect without asking"
62 and "Options/Expire options/Article bodies/Read=0,UnRead=0"
63 Sometimes the article bodies remain in the cache, the following
64 wrapper script helps:
65 <p>
66 <pre>
67 #!/bin/bash
68 # krn wrapper, save as /usr/local/bin/krn
70 /opt/kde/bin/krn $@
71 rm $HOME/.kde/share/apps/krn/cache/*
72 </pre>
73 <p>
74 Articles can be marked as read/unread without opening with the
75 middle mouse button.
76 This version of krn is still unstable.
78 <h2>netscape 3.04</h2>
80 No cache problems, netscape caches the article overviews, but not
81 the bodies.
82 It is best to use "Options/Show only Unread Messages" and to keep
83 requested articles in unread state until their bodies
84 are downloaded.
85 For avoiding unwanted opening of articles one should first
86 "Message/Mark Newsgroup read", then open the wanted articles
87 one by one and mark them as unread again ("Message/Mark as Unread")
88 immediately after opening.
90 <h2>netscape communicator 4.0.5</h2>
92 Same as with netscape 3.04, but automatically opens
93 the first article of a listed group and
94 marks it for download thereby. If this bothers you,
95 choose "View/Hide message".
96 This version of netscape still seems to be unstable for reading
97 news.
99 <h2>netscape communicator 4.5</h2>
101 As with 4.0.5 "View/Show/Message" can be used to switch off
102 automatic message display (and marking for download).
104 <h2>pine 3.96, 4.05</h2>
106 Ok.
108 <h2>slrn</h2>
110 Ok. You can change some keybindings, by saving the following
111 script to ~/.slrn.sl and adding "interpret .slrn.sl" at the end
112 of your ~/.slrnrc
113 <p>
114 <pre>
115 % SLRN script for better interplay with NOFFLE news server.
116 % Redefines some keys for opening articles without modifying flags.
117 define my_article_linedn()
118 {
119 variable flags = get_header_flags();
120 call ( "article_linedn" );
121 set_header_flags( flags );
122 }
123 define my_scroll_dn()
124 {
125 variable flags = get_header_flags();
126 call ( "scroll_dn" );
127 set_header_flags( flags );
128 }
129 define my_hide_article()
130 {
131 variable flags = get_header_flags();
132 call ( "hide_article" );
133 set_header_flags( flags );
134 }
135 definekey( "my_article_linedn", "\r", "article" );
136 definekey( "my_scroll_dn", " ", "article" );
137 definekey( "my_hide_article", "h", "article" );
138 </pre>
139 <p>
141 <h2>tin pre</h2>
143 Call with "tin -r" or "rtin". 'K' marks articles/thread as
144 read without opening them. '-' marks them as unread.
146 <h2>Emacs Gnus</h2>
148 Some versions of Gnus freeze up when retrieving active
149 groups. Since NOFFLE's log files in DEBUG mode show nothing unusual,
150 I believe that this is a bug in Gnus. Sometimes it helps to remove
151 all ".newsrc" and similar files on ones home directory and restarting
152 Gnus.
154 <p>
155 Here is a proposal for changing some key-bindings.
156 <p>
157 <pre>
158 ;; Customising Gnus for use with the NOFFLE news server
159 ;;
160 ;; <return> tick and open article
161 ;; for reading/marking for download
162 ;; <space> scroll article text circular
163 ;; for avoiding automatic opening of next article
164 ;; <d> mark article as read and go to next line
165 (defun my-gnus-summary-tick-and-open(n)
166 "Tick and open article, so that NOFFLE marks it for download"
167 (interactive "p")
168 (gnus-summary-scroll-up n)
169 (gnus-summary-mark-article nil gnus-ticked-mark t)
170 )
171 (defun my-gnus-summary-next-page(n)
172 "Next page of article, but do not open next article automatically"
173 (interactive "p")
174 (gnus-summary-next-page 10 t) ;; Call with argument `circular'.
175 )
176 (defun my-gnus-summary-mark-read-next-line(n)
177 "Mark article as read and go to next line"
178 (interactive "p")
179 (gnus-summary-mark-article-as-read gnus-read-mark)
180 (next-line n)
181 )
182 (defun my-gnus-summary-mode-hook ()
183 (define-key gnus-summary-mode-map "\r"
184 'my-gnus-summary-tick-and-open)
185 (define-key gnus-summary-mode-map " "
186 'my-gnus-summary-next-page)
187 (define-key gnus-summary-mode-map "d"
188 'my-gnus-summary-mark-read-next-line)
189 )
190 (add-hook 'gnus-summary-mode-hook 'my-gnus-summary-mode-hook)
191 </pre>
193 <h2>pan 0.8.0beta5</h2>
195 Ok.
197 <p>
198 <hr>
199 <small><i>
200 Last modified 4/99,
201 <a href="mailto:markus.enzenberger@t-online.de">Markus Enzenberger</a>
202 </i></small>
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